1303 - Mastering MS Visual Basic 6 Fundamentals

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1303 - Mastering MS Visual Basic 6 Fundamentals

  • Objectives This course teaches the fundamental skills necessary to create Microsoft® Visual Basic® programming system desktop applications.
  • Entry requirements It would be an advantage but is not necessary to have: * A working knowledge of programming concepts. * Experience with other structured programming languages such as: - Pascal - C+ - Basic
  • Academic title 1303 - Mastering MS Visual Basic 6 Fundamentals
  • Course description Skills Gained:   
    * Build custom, multiple-form applications.
    * Incorporate dynamic menus, pop-up menus, status bars, and custom toolbars into applications.
    * Implement form-level and field-level input validation.
    * Debug applications using debugging tools provided in Visual Basic 6.
    * Use standard controls, control arrays, and create controls dynamically.
    * Execute centralized error-handling in applications.
    * Use the data control for database access.
    * Implement drag and drop in Visual Basic-based applications.
    * Use Microsoft ActiveX® controls in Visual Basic-based applications.
    * Create setup programs to distribute applications.

    Key Topics:    Module 1: Introduction to Application Development Using Visual Basic

    Features of Visual Basic
    Editions of Visual Basic
    Visual Basic terminology
    Working in the development environment
    Event-driven programming
    Creating a program in Visual Basic
    Project and executable files
    Visual Basic reference materials
    Self-check questions

    Creating a simple application

    Students will be able to:
    • Identify the elements in the Visual Basic development environment.
    • Explain the difference between design time and run time.
    • Explain the concept of event-driven programming.
    • Describe the purpose of a project file.
    • List the file types that can be included in a project.

    Module 2: Visual Basic Fundamentals

    Introduction to objects
    Controlling objects
    Properties, methods, and events
    Working with forms
    Introduction to controls
    Basic controls
    Self-check questions

    Creating a Visual Basic-based application

    Students will be able to:
    • Create a simple application using Visual Basic.
    • Define and provide examples of each of the following: object, property, method, and event.
    • Describe some of the properties and events associated with a form.
    • Set properties for command buttons, text boxes, and labels.
    • Use the With…End With statement to set multiple property values for a single object.
    • Assign code to a control to respond to the Click event.

    Module 3: Working with Code and Forms

    Understanding modules
    Using the code editor window
    Other code navigation features
    Code documentation and formatting
    Setting environment options
    Setting code formatting options
    Automatic code completion features
    Interacting with the user
    Using the MsgBox function
    Using the InputBox function
    Working with code statements
    Managing forms
    Self-check questions

    Working with forms

    Students will be able to:
    • Use the editing tools in the Visual Basic Code Editor window to write organized and well-documented code.
    • Control the Visual Basic environment and customize it to their needs.
    • Display message boxes.
    • Use Visual Basic constants and named arguments.
    • Differentiate between the Load/Unload statements and use the Show/Hide methods.
    • Set the startup form for an application.
    • Control a program's closing routine.

    Module 4: Variables and Procedures

    Overview of variables
    Declaring variables
    Variable scope
    Using arrays
    User-defined data types
    Converting data types
    Using constants
    Working with procedures
    Working with dates and times
    Using the Format function
    Manipulating text strings
    Self-check questions

    Writing procedures

    Students will be able to:

    • Explain the various data types used when declaring variables.
    • Declare private and public variables.
    • Use public variables to use data in multiple forms.
    • Describe the difference between a variable and a constant.
    • Differentiate between a Sub procedure and a Function procedure.
    • Create a Function procedure that accepts arguments and returns a value.
    • Describe how a Standard module differs from a Form module.
    • Add a Standard module to a project to store general procedures and variables.
    • Use Visual Basic functions to manipulate text strings and return the current date and time.

    Module 5: Controlling Program Execution


    Comparison and logical operators
    Using If…Then statements
    Using Select Case statements
    Overview of looping structures
    Using Do…Loop structures
    For…Next statement
    Exiting a loop
    Self-check questions

    Controlling program flow

    Students will be able to:
    • List techniques for comparing variables and object properties using Visual Basic code.
    • Explain the difference between If…Then and Select Case statements and describe the circumstances in which you use each statement.
    • Explain the difference between the For…Next and Do…Loop statements.
    • Choose the appropriate conditional or looping structure to control program flow.

    Module 6: Debugging

    Types of errors
    Break mode
    Using the Debug toolbar
    Using the Watch window
    Using the Immediate window
    Using the Locals window
    Tracing program flow with the Call Stack
    Self-check questions

    Using the Visual Basic debugging tools

    Students will be able to:
    • Stop program execution using breakpoints and watch expressions.
    • Monitor variable values in the Watch window.
    • Test data and a procedure's results in the Immediate window.
    • Evaluate variable values in the Locals window. Distinguish among Run, Design, and Debug modes in Visual Basic.
    • Trace the program execution sequence using the Call Stack.

    Module 7: Working with Controls

    Types of controls
    Overview of standard controls
    Using ComboBox and ListBox controls
    Using OptionButton and Frame controls
    Working with selected text
    Advanced standard controls
    ActiveX controls
    Insertable objects
    Self-check questions

    Working with controls

    Students will be able to:
    • Identify and use the standard controls in Visual Basic.
    • Define how an ActiveX control differs from a standard control.
    • Add ActiveX controls to a project and use these controls in a program.

    Module 8: Data Access Using the ADO Data Control

    Overview of ActiveX data objects
    Visual Basic data access features
    Relational database concepts
    Using the ADO Data control to access data
    Structured query language (SQL)
    Manipulating data
    Using Data Form Wizard
    Self-check questions

    Accessing databases

    Students will be able to:
    • Define the following terms: database, table, field, record, and key.
    • Use the ADO Data control to view records in a database.
    • Use the ADO Data control to find, modify, delete, and add records.
    • List the standard bound controls.
    • Define Structured Query Language (SQL).
    • Describe the purpose of the SELECT statement in SQL.
    • Use Data Form Wizard to design a simple data-entry form.

    Module 9: Input Validation

    Field-level validation
    Using text box properties to restrict data entry
    Using the Masked Edit control
    Form-level validation
    Form events used when validating data
    Self-check questions

    Input validation

    Students will be able to:
    • Create an application that validates user data at the field level and at the form level.
    • Create an application that uses the Masked Edit control.
    • Create an application that enables or disables controls based on field values.

    Module 10: Error Trapping

    Overview of run-time errors
    Overview of the error handling process
    The Err object
    Errors and the calling chain
    Errors in an error-handling routine
    Inline error handling
    Error-handling styles
    General error-trapping options in Visual Basic
    Self-check questions

    Error trapping

    Students will be able to:
    • Trap run-time errors.
    • Create error handlers.
    • See how errors are handled in the calling chain.
    • Handle errors in an error-handling routine.
    • Handle inline errors.
    • Describe some common error-handling styles.
    • Describe error-trapping options in the Visual Basic development environment.

    Module 11: Enhancing the User Interface

    Status bars

    Adding menus

    Students will be able to:
    • Create and edit custom menu bars, menus, submenus, and menu items using the Menu Editor.
    • Identify the menu properties that can be set in the Menu Editor dialog box.
    • Create a pop-up menu using the Menu Editor.
    • Assign code to menu items that respond to the Click event.
    • Create a status bar on a form that provides users with feedback.
    • Create a toolbar using the Toolbar control.

    Module 12: Drag and Drop

    Overview of drag and drop
    Mouse events
    Drag-and-drop basics
    Self-check questions

    Adding drag and drop

    Students will be able to:
    • Describe the role of mouse events in implementing drag-and-drop features.
    • Perform the steps required to add drag-and-drop features to an application.
    • Identify the source control and target form or control in a drag-and-drop operation.
    • Implement OLE drag-and-drop features.

    Day 5

    Module 13: More About Controls

    Using control arrays
    Self-check questions

    Using control arrays

    Students will be able to:
    • Define and describe the use of control arrays.
    • Create an array of controls.
    • Build an application for Visual Basic that dynamically adds and deletes controls.
    • Use the Visual Basic Controls collection.
    • Create and use object variables.

    Module 14: Finishing Touches

    User interface design principles
    Distributing an application
    Creating a default project
    Review: Steps to creating a Visual Basic program
    Development resources
    Self-check questions

    Using the Package and Deployment Wizard

    Students will be able to:
    • Create applications that incorporate basic principles of user interface design.
    • Create a setup program for an application by using Package and Deployment Wizard.
    • Create custom projects.

    Target Audience:    Students who want to develop the skills to become Visual Basic Programmers
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