2124 - Programming with C#

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2124 - Programming with C#

  • Objectives The goal of this course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to develop C# applications for the Microsoft .NET Platform. The course focuses on C# program structure, language syntax, and implementation details. C# was created to be the programming language best suited for writing enterprise applications for .NET. C# combines the high productivity of Microsoft Visual Basic® with the raw power of C++. It is a simple, object-oriented, and type-safe programming language that is based on the C and C++ family of languages.
  • Entry requirements Before attending this course, students must have: Experience with programming in C, C++, Visual Basic, Java, or another programming language. Familiarity with the Microsoft .NET strategy as described on the Microsoft .NET Web site: http://www.microsoft.com/net/. Familiarity with the .NET Framework.
  • Academic title 2124 - Programming with C#
  • Course description Skills Gained:   
    At the end of the course, students will be able to:

    . List the major elements of the .NET Framework and explain how C# fits into the .NET Platform.
    . Analyze the basic structure of a C# application and be able to document, debug, compile, and run a simple application.
    . Create, name, and assign values to variables.
    . Use common statements to implement flow control, looping, and exception handling.
    . Create methods (functions and subroutines) that can return values and take parameters.
    . Create, initialize, and use arrays.
    . Explain the basic concepts and terminology of object-oriented programming.
    . Use common objects and reference types.
    . Create, initialize, and destroy objects in a C# application.
    . Build new C# classes from existing classes.
    . Create self-contained classes and frameworks in a C# application.
    . Define operators, use delegates, and add event specifications.
    . Implement properties and indexers.
    . Use predefined and custom attributes.

    Key Topics:   
    Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft .NET Platform

    The following topics are covered in this module:
    • Introduction to the .NET Platform
    • Overview of the .NET Framework
    • Benefits of the .NET Framework
    • The .NET Framework Components
    • Languages in the .NET Framework

    After completing this module, you will be able to list the major elements of the .NET Framework and explain how the C# language fits into the .NET Platform. This includes:

    • Describing the .NET Platform.
    • Listing the main elements of the .NET Platform.
    • Explaining the language support in the .NET Framework.
    • Describing the .NET Framework and its components.

    Module 2:
    Overview of C#

    The following topics are covered in this module:
    • Structure of a C# Program
    • Basic Input/Output Operations
    • Recommended Practices
    • Compiling, Running, and Debugging

    After completing this module, you will be able to analyze the basic structure of a C# application and be able to document, debug, compile, and run a simple application. This includes:

    • Explaining the structure of a simple C# program.
    • Using the Console class of the System namespace to perform basic input/output operations.
    • Handling exceptions in a C# program.
    • Generating Extensible Markup Language (XML) documentation for a C# application.
    • Compiling and executing a C# program.
    • Using the Microsoft Visual Studio Debugger to trace program execution.

    Module 3: Using Value-Type Variables

    The following topics are covered in this module:
    • Common Type System
    • Naming Variables
    • Using Built-In Data Types
    • Creating User-Defined Data Types
    • Converting Data Types

    After completing this module, you will be able to create, name, and assign values to variables. This includes:

    • Describing the types of variables that you can use in C# applications.
    • Naming your variables according to standard C# naming conventions.
    • Declaring variables by using built-in data types.
    • Assigning values to variables.
    • Converting existing variables from one data type to another.
    • Creating and using your own data types

    Module 4: Statements and Exceptions

    The following topics are covered in this module:
    • Introduction to Statements
    • Using Selection Statements
    • Using Iteration Statements
    • Using Jump Statements
    • Handling Basic Exceptions
    • Raising Exceptions

    After completing this module, you will be able to use common statements to implement flow control, looping, and exception handling. This includes:

    • Describing the different types of control statements.
    • Using jump statements.
    • Using selection statements.
    • Using iteration statements.
    • Handling and raising exceptions.

    Module 5: Methods and Parameters

    The following topics are covered in this module:
    • Using Methods
    • Using Parameters
    • Using Overloaded Methods

    After completing this module, you will be able to create methods (functions and subroutines) that can return values and take parameters. This includes:

    • Creating static methods that accept parameters and return values.
    • Passing parameters to methods in different ways.
    • Declaring and using overloaded methods.

    Module 6: Arrays

    The following topics are covered in this module:

    • Overview of Arrays
    • Creating Arrays
    • Using Arrays

    After completing this module, you will be able to create, initialize, and use arrays. This includes:

    • Creating, initializing, and using arrays of varying rank.
    • Using command-line arguments in a C# program.
    • Describing the relationship between an array variable and an array instance.
    • Using arrays as parameters for methods.
    • Returning arrays from methods.

    Module 7: Essentials of Object-Oriented Programming

    The following topics are covered in this module:

    • Classes and Objects
    • Using Encapsulation
    C# and Object Orientation
    • Defining Object-Oriented Systems

    After completing this module, you will be able to explain the basic concepts and terminology of object-oriented programming. This includes:

    • Defining the terms object and class in the context of object-oriented programming.
    • Describing the three core aspects of an object: identity, state, and behavior.
    • Describing abstraction and how it helps you to create reusable classes that are easy to maintain.
    • Using encapsulation to combine methods and data in a single class and enforce abstraction.
    • Explaining the concepts of inheritance and polymorphism.
    • Creating and using classes in C#.

    Module 8: Using Reference-Type Variables

    The following topics are covered in this module:

    • Using Reference-Type Variables
    • Using Common Reference Types
    • The Object Hierarchy
    • Namespaces in the .NET Framework
    • Data Conversions

    After completing this module, you will be able to use common objects and reference types. This includes:

    • Describing the key differences between reference types and value types.
    • Using common reference types such as string.
    • Explaining how the object type works and becoming familiar with the methods it supplies.
    • Describing common namespaces in the .NET Framework.
    • Determining whether different types and objects are compatible.
    • Explicitly and implicitly converting data types between reference types.
    • Performing boxing and unboxing conversions between reference and value data.

    Module 9: Creating and Destroying Objects

    The following topics are covered in this module:

    • Using Constructors
    • Initializing Data
    • Objects and Memory
    • Resource Managements

    After completing this module, you will be able to create, initialize, and destroy objects in a C# application. This includes:

    • Using constructors to initialize objects.
    • Creating overloaded constructors that can accept varying parameters.
    • Describing the lifetime of an object and what happens when it is destroyed.
    • Creating destructors and using Finalizemethods.

    Module 10: Inheritance in C#

    The following topics are covered in this module:

    • Deriving Classes
    • Implementing Methods
    • Using Sealed Classes
    • Using Interfaces
    • Using Abstract Classes

    After completing this module, you will be able to build new C# classes from existing classes. This includes:

    • Deriving a new class from a base class and calling members and constructors of the base class from the derived class.
    • Declaring methods as virtual and override or hiding them as required.
    • Sealing a class so that it cannot be derived from.
    • Implementing interfaces by using both the implicit and explicit methods.
    • Describing the use of abstract classes and their implementation of interfaces

    Module 11: Aggregation, Namespaces, and Advanced Scope

    The following topics are covered in this module:

    • Using Internal Classes, Methods, and Data
    • Using Aggregation
    • Using Namespaces
    • Using Modules and Assemblie

    After completing this module, you will be able to create self-contained classes and frameworks in a C# application. This includes:

    • Using internal access to allow classes to have privileged access to each other.
    • Using aggregation to implement powerful patterns such as Factories.
    • Using namespaces to organize classes.
    • Creating simple modules and assemblies.

    Module 12: Operators and Events

    The following topics are covered in this module:

    • Introduction to Operators
    • Operator Overloading
    • Creating and Using Delegates
    • Defining and Using Events

    After completing this module, you will be able to define operators, use delegates, and add event specifications. This includes:

    • Defining operators to make a class or struct easier to use.
    • Using delegates to decouple a method call from a method implementation.
    • Adding event specifications to a class to allow subscribing classes to be notified of changes in object state.

    Module 13: Properties and Indexers

    The following topics are covered in this module:

    • Using Properties
    • Using Indexers

    After completing this module, you will be able to implement properties and indexers. This includes:

    • Creating properties to encapsulate data within a class.
    • Defining indexers to gain access to classes by using array-like notation.

    Module 14: Attributes

    The following topics are covered in this module:

    • Overview of Attributes
    • Defining Custom Attributes
    • Retrieving Attribute Values

    After completing this module, you will be able to use predefined and custom attributes. This includes:

    • Using common predefined attributes.
    • Creating simple custom attributes.
    • Querying attribute information at run time.

    Target Audience:    This course is intended for experienced developers who already have programming experience in C, C++, Visual Basic, or Java. These developers will be likely to develop enterprise business solutions.
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