Bachelor of Applied Geographical Information Systems

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Bachelor of Applied Geographical Information Systems

  • Objectives The Bachelor of Applied Geographical Information Systems requires three years of full-time study (or the equivalent part-time) and the honours program an additional year (or the equivalent part-time).The course is offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences.Enrolment in the honours program may be offered to a student who meets certain academic criteria and subject to appropriate resources and staff being available to supervise the program of study.COURSE AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMESThe course is designed to prepare students for careers involving the capture, synthesis, analysis and communication of spatially-referenced information. Career paths involving the application of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are developing in a growing range of fields, for example urban and regional planning, infrastructure management, transportation, the environment, biological sciences, biodiversity management and archaeology.Learning outcomesStudents who successfully complete the Bachelor of Applied Geographical Information Systems will be able to: * practice extensive skills in Geographical Information Systems; * practice extensive skills in remote sensing, statistics and computing; * demonstrate an in-depth understanding of spatial modelling for risk assessment and decision-making; * demonstrate the synergy between GIS and their chosen major sequence, for example Biological Sciences, Geography, Earth Sciences, Environmental Studies, Criminal Justice or Archaeology, in an applied area relevant to their intended career path. Note: The industry placement and applied project topics will build links between GIS, statistics, information technology, spatial modelling and the applied major sequence, while developing applied skills.Further opportunities to reinforce those links and skills, and to build up a portfolio demonstrating abilities to prospective employers, will be provided by the choice of assignments in other core topics in the second and third years of the degree.
  • Entry requirements The minimum requirements for consideration for entry to all undergraduate courses are specified in detail in the University Entry Requirements
  • Academic title Bachelor of Applied Geographical Information Systems
  • Course description What are Geographical Information Systems (GIS)?

    GIS is a computer-based system capable of integrating, editing, sharing, modelling and displaying geographically referenced information. It allows users to create interactive queries, analyse the information, edit data, create maps and present the results of these operations.

    It is used extensively across a range of areas, including biodiversity management, urban planning, mining and exploration, archaeology, transportation, and infrastructure management. Its applications are broad - from scientific investigations to criminology, history, sales, marketing, route planning and logistics.

    Why study Geographical Information Systems (GIS) at Flinders?

        * There is a natural synergy with many of our School of Geography, Population and Environmental Management's broader areas of interest, including housing studies, urban and regional development, demography, ecology, water and environmental management.

        * We are a partner in the Adelaide-based National Key Centre for Social and Economic Applications of GIS, and the Australian Research Council Research Network for Spatially Integrated Social Sciences.

        * Our research activities include: spatial and population modelling of habitat and landscape reconstruction, ecological and environmental change of inland water systems, mapping urban sprawl dynamics using night-time satellite imagery, GeoHealth, and crime analysis.

        * Our staff are involved a range of initiatives including: the protection and recovery program for the Yellow-footed Rock Wallaby in South Australia, the development of a new GIS tool that helps conservation planners find optimal solutions when restoring native habitats, a $2.2 million CLLAMMecolog project, which is investigating the health of the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth, and many others.

        * We have a dedicated Spatial Information Systems Laboratory containing state-of-the-art workstations, which run ArcGIS, ArcINFO and ERDAS IMAGINE, the School's primary GIS and remote sensing software packages.

    Professional recognition

    Graduates are eligible for professional membership of the Spatial Sciences Institute of Australia and New Zealand.

    Study a language

    Flinders also offers all students the opportunity to major in a language in conjunction with any undergraduate course. The Diploma in Language is designed to provide students with competence in a chosen language that adds greater portability to their qualifications. You will complete a total of 1 extra year of study and graduate with both your chosen degree and the Diploma in Language. You can apply for this at time of enrolment.

    PROGRAM OF STUDY [November, 2008]

    To qualify for the Bachelor of Applied Geographical Information Systems a student must complete 108 units, with a grade of P or NGP or better in each topic, according to the program of study below.

    Students must complete the compulsory topics listed and the requirements for one applied subject major sequence (33 units). To complete the 108 units, other topics may be selected from any offered by the University provided entry and course requirements are met and that at least 27 units of First Year topics are included.

    Not all topics are necessarily available in a given year.

    Except with permission of the Faculty Board:

        * the course must be completed within 10 consecutive years or, where credit has been granted for previous work, a period determined by the Board.

    The award of a grade of Fail (F) in the same topic on more than one occasion may constitute prima facie evidence of unsatisfactory progress for the purposes of the University's Policy on Student Progress.

    First Year
    Computer Programming 1

    Introduction to Geographical Information Systems

    GIS Field Camp

    Data Analysis Laboratory

    First level requirements of applied subject major

    Approved elective topics

    Second Year
    Introduction to Remote Sensing

    Image Analysis in Remote Sensing

    Advanced GIS

    Statistics Computing Laboratory

    Second level requirements of applied subject major

    Third Year

    Industry Placement (BAGIS)

    Advanced Digital Image Analysis

    GIS Applied Project

    GIS Modelling

    and Third Level requirements of applied subject major

    Applied Subject Major Sequences (33 units)

    Any program of study listed as a major sequence under the course rule for the Bachelor of Arts, excepting Computer Studies.


    A student who has completed all the requirements of the Bachelor of Applied Geographical Information Systems, or another qualification which the Faculty Board agrees is equivalent, may be accepted as a candidate for the honours degree providing a sufficiently high standard has been achieved in fulfilling the requirements for the bachelors degree and subject to the school/department being able to provide appropriate resources and staff to supervise the program of study.

    To qualify for the honours degree, a student must complete satisfactorily 36 units of study as specified.

    Bachelor of Applied GIS Honours Thesis

    Research Project Design, Conduct and Management

    Advanced GIS Modelling

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