Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing)

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Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing)

  • Objectives The objectives of the Bachelor of Arts are to provide students with an outstanding education in the humanities, social sciences and languages as well as a broadunderstanding of selected fields of study outside these areas. The degree is designed so that a Bachelor of Arts graduate should be able to: * Demonstrate a detailed knowledge and understanding of selected fields of study in core disciplines in the humanities, social sciences and languages. * Reflect a general understanding of the concepts and principles of selected areas of study outside core disciplines of the humanities, social sciences and languages. * Access and appreciate national and international debates in their specialised areas of study. * Demonstrate an independent approach to knowledge that uses rigorous methods of inquiry and appropriate theories and methodologies that are applied with intellectual honesty and a * respect for ethical values. * Apply critical and analytical skills and methods to the identification and resolution of problems within complex changing social contexts. * Act as informed and critically discriminating participants within the community of scholars, as citizens and in the work force. * Communicate effectively and, in the case of those students undertaking a language major, to read, write and speak another language with fluency and appreciate its cultural context. * Qualify for employment in a wide range of occupations. * Commit to continuous learning. * Be proficient in the use of appropriate modern technologies, such as the computer and otherinformation technology systems, for the acquisition, processing and interpretation of data.
  • Academic title Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing)
  • Course description Creative writing is available as a major or a minor.


    Level 1

        * Arts Foundational Interdisciplinary Subject
        * 106-105 Creative Writing: Ideas and Practice

    Level 2

        * 37.5 points from the Creative Writing level two subject list

    Level 3
        * The compulsory capstone subject,
        * and 25 points from the Creative Writing level three subject list.

    75-point minor studies can be undertaken in specific genres (poetry, fiction, non-fiction, screenwriting, scriptwriting for theatre or performance).

    Level 1

        * An Arts Foundational Interdiciplinary Subject
        * 106-105 Creative Writing: Ideas and Practice

    Level 2

        * 25-points from the level two Creative Writing subjects listed.

    Level 3
        * 25-points from the level three Creative Writing subjects listed.

    Only students completing a major may enrol in the capstone subject.

    Creative Writing: Level 1 Subject

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    106-105  Creative Writing: Ideas and Practice
    This subject focuses on the creative process of shorter literary work, from the first idea through the development, editing and presentation, including the identification of sources, and choice of style and form. Students will be encouraged to attemp...     Semester 1     12.50

    Creative Writing: Level 2 Subjects

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    106-202  Short Fiction
    In this subject students will explore principles of the craft and theory of writing short narrative fiction. Students will read a variety of fiction texts from the beginning of the modernist era to contemporary fiction, ranging from Gogol to Chekhov,...     Semester 2     12.50

    106-235  Creative Non Fiction
    This subject asks students to develop their own non-fiction writing, short or longer, through the study of course materials, through class discussions, workshop sessions and submission of draft material. The topics dealt with in this subject will inc...     Semester 1     12.50

    106-236  Script for Performance
    This subject is designed to give writing students the chance to reflect upon, experiment with, and enhance the performative potential of their writing. Through seminars on performance studies, aspects of performance writing and practice, and in works...     Semester 1     12.50

    106-237  Poetry
    This subject is an introduction to a range of poetic forms. Students will read poetry from various periods and cultures, with an emphasis on 20th century contemporary poetry.     Semester 1     12.50

    106-244  Writing for Screen
    In this subject students will be introduced to the history of screenwriting and the principles of the craft of writing scripts for screen. Students will read and respond to a variety of scripts written for or adapted to screen. Students will also be ...     Semester 2     12.50

    106-249  Diaries/Journals and Autobiography
    This subject explores a variety of writers' diaries/journals and autobiographies from various periods and cultures including contemporary Australian examples. Students will read from texts about theoretical approaches, including autobiography as...     Semester 2     12.50

    Creative Writing: Level 3 Subjects

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    106-303  Reading Australian Writing
    This subject involves a study of recent Australian literary works selected from a range of genres. The approach will include discussion of ways of reading, and also creative responses to the selected texts. Students will read one significant work in ...     Semester 1     12.50

    106-310  Novels
    This subject is designed to help students conceive, research and begin the writing of a novel, and to articulate an understanding of contemporary novels. It will introduce students to theoretical and historical approaches to the understanding and pra...     Semester 1     12.50

    106-311  Travel, Landscape and Place
    This subject will introduce students to a range of genres that deal with creative writing and its historical and contemporary relationship to travel, landscape and place writing. The subject defines both 'travel' and 'place' withi...     Semester 2     12.50

    106-363  Writing For Theatre
    This subject comprises a detailed study of the principles and craft of theatre writing focussing on the production of an original play/script. A selection of theatre scripts, in various styles will be studied in conjunction with relevant critical and...     Semester 2     12.50

    106-364  Poetry and Poetics
    Students in this subject will inquire into a wide range of traditional and contemporary stylistic practices in poetry and poetics. Students will analyse and present discussions on a variety of poetic texts and recent works on poetics, before applying...     Semester 2     12.50

    106-366  Writing Through Character
    In this subject students will examine practices of character construction in a range of forms, including fiction and script. Analysis will focus on various theories of subjectivity and representation, and also how the dynamics of monologue, dialogue ...     Semester 1     12.50

    106-371  Radical Fiction
    This subject will examine radical practice in creative writing, using techniques such as fragmentation, pastiche, cut-up, sampling, parody etcetera, in order to recognise the ways radical narrative can critique and subvert dominant cultural regimes. ...     Semester 2     12.50

    Creative Writing: Capstone Subject

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    106-362  Encounters with Writing     
    This subject will not be available in 2009     12.50

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