Bachelor of Arts (Jewish Studies)

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Carly Brooke

Bachelor of Arts (Jewish Studies)

  • Study mode Jewish Studies is undertaken on campus
  • Program rating Jewish studies is one of the leading history programs in Australia, delving into the development of Jewish civilisation and the Jewish world today. There are opportunities to study overseas in the second or third year at schools such as the Rothberg School for Overseas Students or the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
  • Aimed at Those with an interest in Jewish history and culture
  • Employability The combined knowledge of a contemporary language and a unique one like Hebrew increases the chance of employment in any area that is linked with the global Jewish and Israeli community.
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Bachelor of Arts (Jewish Studies)

  • Objectives The objectives of the Bachelor of Arts are to provide students with an outstanding education in the humanities, social sciences and languages as well as a broad understanding of selected fields of study outside these areas. The degree is designed so that a Bachelor of Arts graduate should be able to: * Demonstrate a detailed knowledge and understanding of selected fields of study in core disciplines in the humanities, social sciences and languages. * Reflect a general understanding of the concepts and principles of selected areas of study outside core disciplines of the humanities, social sciences and languages. * Access and appreciate national and international debates in their specialised areas of study. * Demonstrate an independent approach to knowledge that uses rigorous methods of inquiry and appropriate theories and methodologies that are applied with intellectual honesty and a * respect for ethical values. * Apply critical and analytical skills and methods to the identification and resolution of problems within complex changing social contexts. * Act as informed and critically discriminating participants within the community of scholars, as citizens and in the work force. * Communicate effectively and, in the case of those students undertaking a language major, to read, write and speak another language with fluency and appreciate its cultural context. * Qualify for employment in a wide range of occupations. * Commit to continuous learning. * Be proficient in the use of appropriate modern technologies, such as the computer and otherinformation technology systems, for the acquisition, processing and interpretation of data.
  • Academic title Bachelor of Arts (Jewish Studies)
  • Course description Jewish Studies is available as both a major and a minor.

    The major comprises 100 points of study (25 points at level one, 37.5 points at level two, 37.5 points at level three) with a capstone subject in the final year. All subjects are 12.5 points.


    Level 1

        * Introduction to Israeli Culture Through Film
        * One Arts Foundational lnterdisciplinary Subject


        * 25 points of Hebrew language subjects (Please note that Hebrew language subjects cannot count towards both a Jewish Studies major as well as a Hebrew language major)

    Level 2

        * Two subjects
        * Elective

    Level 3

        * Elective
        * The History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
        * Special Study Research Project

    Minor (75-point sequence)

    Level 1

        * Intro to Israeli Culture Through Film
        * One Arts Foundational lnterdisciplinary Subject

    Level 2

        * Two subjects

    Level 3

        * Two electives

    Jewish Studies: Level 1

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    183-130  Intro to Israeli Culture Through Film
    This subject is an introduction to contemporary Israeli culture through the medium of film. The subject will present students with a wide spectrum of topics that examine Israel in social and cultural terms. The objective is that this approach will he...     Semester 1     12.50

    Jewish Studies: Level 2 Subjects

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    131-275  A History of Israel: Good Bad & Disputed
    This subject will examine and focus on modern Israeli history, beginning with the first decade of Israeli statehood and evaluating the nation-building process, the formation of state institutions and the evolution of a democratic regime. Also discus...     Semester 1     12.50

    131-052  The Holocaust & Genocide
    In this study of the Holocaust, students will come to understand some of the critical issues arising from the destruction of European Jews, and other victims of Nazi policies. Through historical background and guest lectures by survivors, the course ...     Semester 1     12.50

    Jewish Studies: Level 2 Elective Subjects

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    175-019  Language, Society and Culture
    This subject examines how social and cultural factors influence language, and the role language plays in structuring and representing social categories across cultures. It examines how culture and language shape each other: how language represents an...     Semester 2     12.50

    Jewish Studies: Level 3 Subjects

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    671-379  Hitler's Germany
    This subject explores German society, culture and politics from 1933 to 1945, with special emphasis on the origins, development and significance of the Nazi dictatorship. Topics include the post-WWI crisis, the rise of the Nazi movement, Nazi ideolog...     Semester 1     12.50

    671-384  The Modern Middle East
    This subject is a historical survey of the major events, movements and relationships that have participated in the making of the modern Islamic and Arab Middle East since the onset of European penetration and colonialism. The subject enables students...     Semester 1     12.50

    671-395  The History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
    The Arab-Israeli conflict remains one of the most complex dilemmas facing the new century. This course will trace the history of this conflict, from the beginning of Jewish nationalism to the present. Issues to be studied include Jewish migration to ...     Semester 2     12.50

    673-393  Power, Identity and Jewish History
    The modern Jewish experience has often been characterized as an era of increasing participation in civil society, and is juxtaposed with the "premodern" era of Jewish separateness. By re-integrating the history of the Jews into the social a...     Semester 2     12.50

    672-340  Does God Exist?     
    This subject will not be available in 2009     12.50
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