Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications)

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Carly Brooke

Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications)

  • Study mode The Media and Communications degree is studied on campus
  • Program rating The University of Melbourne Media and Communications Bachelor will foster an understanding of the theory, interpretation, practice and history of the media and communication industries, their development and the role they play today.
  • Aimed at People with an interest in working the media, such as print-media, television, film and radio, or those with an interest in communication in it´s many forms.
  • Employability Careers in media and communications range from journalism, multimedia and film and television, to public relations, research, lobbying and consulting. Many businesses employ graduates of communications.
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Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications)

  • Objectives The Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications) has as its objectives that graduates: * are enabled to develop a comprehensive overview of the media's place in today's society, economy and culture, with an emphasis on the Asia-Pacific region; * are provided with the fundamental written communication skills required by successful journalists and other media professionals; * are helped to achieve an understanding of new communication technologies and their impact on the fast changing global media environment; * are trained to think across media- a skill of increasing importance for the next generation of media professionals and media researchers; * are helped to appreciate the value of an international and interdisciplinary approach to the study of Media and Communications; * are offered the opportunity to gain industry experience in the form of internships; * are offered opportunities to develop research skills and engage in applied analysis of media within different subjects and through the presentation of a final research project.
  • Academic title Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications)
  • Course description 2010 is the final intake into this program. Commencing students will not be able to defer an offer of commencement in 2010. It will not be possible to transfer into this degree at second year level in 2011 as the Media and Communications level one compulsory subjects will not be available after 2010.

    From Semester 1, 2010, the Faculty of Arts will offer a new Media and Communications major in the Melbourne Model Bachelor of Arts - more information.

    The Media and Communications program is an exciting Bachelor of Arts stream designed to provide students with optimal access to the globally expanding world of media and new communication technologies and to future post graduate study and research.

    The program is deliberately interdisciplinary in nature and offers a distinctive blend of academic study and media-related practice delivered by internationally recognized scholars and experienced industry professionals. By this means students can determine pathways to a wide range of media-related careers and opportunities and/or prepare a foundation for later postgraduate study and advanced research.

    These courses represent the latest thinking and research in the international field of scholarship and students select core and optional subjects from a wide range of related areas according to their own interests and career trajectories. Subjects offered include, amongst many others, Net Communications; Media Futures and New Technologies; Politics; Communication; Marketing and Communications; Professional Writing; Advanced Writing; Writing Journalism; Asian Public Relations; Global Media Cultures; Understanding Australian Media and Media Law.

    Hands-on media industry experience and project based research is also available through our popular internships and the final research project. Media and Communications is studied as interrelated global-local processes comprising media institutions and communication technologies, media representations and texts, and the media audiences and processes of reception all situated in relation to social political and cultural contexts, and the historical dynamics of change. Students are encouraged to develop their critical understanding of the changing nature and role(s) of Media and Communications in today's 'mediatised' societies as well as develop practical skills and research aptitudes of use to them in their future careers within today's rapidly changing global media environment.

    Course Structure:

    The BA (Media and Communications) is a three year full time program comprising 100 points at each of levels one, two and three, for a total of 300 points.

    At level one, students complete two compulsory subjects (25 points), two subjects from a list of media and communications optional level one subjects (25 points), and 50 points of additional level one study from the Bachelor of Arts degree. Students in the BA (Media and Communications) are restricted to 100 points at level one and may not enrol in any further level one subjects after completing this requirement.

    Upon entering level two, students choose between two streams of major study:

    Enriched Major Study: a comprehensive program of study in Media and Communications, comprising:
    • 50 points of core subjects at level two, 50 points of optional media and communications subjects at level two and either:
      • two core subjects at level three, two optional subjects at level three, compulsory subject Media and Communications Research Project and compulsory subject Media and Communications Internship,
      • three core subjects at level three, three optional subjects at level three and compulsory subject Media and Communications Research Project.

    Please note: Media and Communications Research Project is compulsory for all students undertaking the Enriched Major stream.

    Double Major Stream: a concentrated program of Media and Communications study designed to be taken in conjunction with a major in another arts discipline, comprising:
    • 25 points of core and 25 points of optional media and communications subjects at each of levels two and three (totalling 100 points);
    • 100 points of Bachelor of Arts study to be taken across levels two and three including the completion of an arts major. For details on Arts majors, see

    Combined BA (Media and Communication) course structures:

    (These programs are only available to students who commenced prior to 2008)

    The structure of the combined BA (Media and Communication)/Bachelor of Commerce

    Students must complete a minimum of 225 Arts (Media and Communications) points. Students completing the double major stream will complete more than 225 points in Arts. Students must complete 500 points overall to complete both degrees, including a minimum of 200 points of commerce. Students must ensure they meet any other commerce requirements.

    For the enriched major stream:
    • 50 points of level one Media and Communications (two compulsory and two optional subjects); and
    • 75 points of level two Media and Communications (three core and three optional subjects); and
    • 100 points of level three Media and Communications (four core and four optional subjects or two core and two optional subjects as well as Media and Communications Internship and Media & Communications Research Project).

    For the double major stream:
    • 50 points of level one Media and Communications (two compulsory and two optional subjects); and
    • 25 points of level one arts subjects in the combining discipline, which must be taken from the free points available within the combined degree; and
    • 50 points of level two Media and Communications (two core and two optional subjects); and
    • 37.5 points of level two arts subjects in the combining discipline, 12.5 points of which must be taken from the free points available within the combined degree; and
    • 50 points of level three Media and Communications (two core and two optional subjects); and
    • 50 points of level three arts subjects in the combining discipline.

    The structure of the combined BA (Media and Communications)/Bachelor of Laws
    Students must complete a minimum of 200 Arts (Media and Communications) points. Students must complete 500 points overall to complete both degrees, including 300 points of law. Students must ensure they meet any other law requirements.
    This degree is only available with an enriched major stream, which must include:
    • 50 points of level one Media and Communications (two compulsory and two optional subjects); and
    • 75 points of level two Media and Communications (three core and three optional subjects); and
    • 75 points of level three Media and Communications (three core and three optional subjects or one core and one optional subject as well as Media and Communications Internship and Media & Communications Research Project).
    For information on policies that govern this degree, see Academic Services Policy listed as part of the University Melbourne Policy Framework . Students also should also refer to information the Student Policy Directory
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