CommentsAvailable for Domestic Students at Bundaberg, Gladstone, Mackay, Rockhampton and as External Delivery, and for International Students at Rockhampton and External Delivery
ObjectivesThe Bachelor of Arts (Specialisation) is a multidisciplinary degree program providing opportunities to study in the broad discipline areas of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander studies, Australian studies, digital innovation, English, games and animation, geography, international history, Japanese language and culture, journalism, liberal studies and culture studies, media studies, new media studies, professional and creative writing, psychology, public relations, sociology, tourism and welfare studies. The flexible structure of the Bachelor of Arts gives graduates broader perspectives on the contemporary world and is designed to develop critical, analytical and problem-solving skills.
Entry requirementsDomestic students - Prerequisites: English (4, SA)
Academic titleBachelor of Arts (Specialisation)
Course description
About Arts
Humanities can be described as the study of human culture. The study of humanities gives graduates broader knowledge of and perspectives on the contemporary world and helps develop critical, analytical and problem-solving intellectual skills. Choose from a wide variety of interests including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander studies, Australian studies, communication, cultural studies, environmental studies, film, geography, history, Japanese language and culture, journalism, literary studies, media studies, new media studies, professional and creative writing, public relations, sociology, tourism and welfare studies.
Social sciences is the scientific study of human society, of both individuals and their relationships within society. Social science studies in the Bachelor of Arts at CQUniversity includes sociology and welfare studies.
Career Opportunities
Advertising, arts administration, book editing, government administration and planning, communications, copywriting, desk-top publishing, editing, environmental planning and management, geography, history, journalism, librarianship, research, media (various), nature and heritage conservation, political research, psychology, public relations, teaching, welfare, writing (various), and many more.
The BA requires that students complete 24 courses (144 units of credit). No more than 10 level 1 courses are to be completed including the two Level 1 compulsory core courses. However, due to the nature of some of the music courses that have an expectation of musical competencies and the development of skill sets that take some time to acquire the usual rule of a limit of 10 1st Level courses in a BA (Specialisation) does not apply to students who complete the Music specialisation.
There are 6 compulsory core courses that students who enrol in the program from 2008 are required to complete.
Note: Students who enrolled in the program prior to 2008 have the option of graduating under their original structure. No student will be disadvantaged by the changes to the program structure. Students with any concerns are recommended to contact the Program Advisor for advice on the most suitable courses to study
Course availability
Students should note that although Level 1 courses are offered every year, some Advanced Level courses may only be offered in alternate years. Students should check the availability by clicking on the hyperlinked course codes of their choices.
Computer requirements
Students are expected to have access to a computer with Internet and email capabilities as most of the BA courses now have an online presence in the learning management system, Blackboard. CQUniversity student computer labs and libraries provide computer access at CQUniversity campuses, while the Learning Network Queensland can also provide access for distance education students in most parts of the State.
Diploma of Arts
If, for some reason, students are unable to complete the full Bachelor of Arts (Specialisation), they can exit with a Diploma of Arts. To be eligible you must have successfully completed 8 courses or 48 units of credit within the Bachelor of Arts. 4 of the 8 courses or 36 units of credit must come from the plans of the BA. The other 4 courses can be electives chosen from any other program at CQUniversity. Students must satisfy the normal prerequisites that apply to their courses.
There is no entry to this program. Students must enrol in the Bachelor of Arts and formally apply to graduate with a Diploma of Arts. For further information, please contact the program advisor.
BA (Geography)
Students wishing to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts (Geography) degree must successfully complete 24 courses (144 units of credit) consisting of:
Course Code Course Name
6 x core courses
EDED11449 Principles of University Learning
FAHE11001 Managing E-Learning
FAHE12001 Communication in the Digital Age
FAHE12002 Work in the 21st Century
FAHE13001 Professional Skills
FAHE13004 The Global Future
12 x courses in Geography
3 x 1st year courses
GEOG11023 Physical Geography of Australia
GEOG11024 Conservation in Australia
GEOH11001 Introduction to Human Geography
9 x advanced courses
EVST19007 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
EVST19008 Environmental Management
EVST19020 Environmental Management Systems
GEOG19022 Data Visualisation
GEOG19029 Applied Demography
INDG19015 Aboriginal Cultures and Country
EVST19022 Climate Change: Global Challenges and Opportunities
GEOG19021 Geographic Information Systems
GEOH19002 Cultural Geography of China and South-East Asia
Another plan or 6 electives
BA (History)
Students wishing to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts (History) degree must successfully complete 24 courses (144 units of credit) consisting of:
Course Code Course Name
6 x core courses
EDED11449 Principles of University Learning
FAHE11001 Managing E-Learning
FAHE12001 Communication in the Digital Age
FAHE12002 Work in the 21st Century
FAHE13001 Professional Skills
FAHE13004 The Global Future
12 x courses in History
Australian History
EVST19015 Australian Environmental History
HIST11026 In Search of Australia:Historical Perspectives
HIST19031 Australia's Foreign Relations
HIST19032 War and Australian Society
HIST19036 Local History & Heritage
INDG11013 Introductory Aboriginal & Islander History
International History
HIST11037 Ancient & Medieval Civilisations: An Introduction
HIST11038 The Modern World Emerges: An Overview
HIST19029 History of Modern Japan
HIST19030 The USA in Contemporary World History
HIST19035 Modern History of South East Asia
HIST19038 20th Century: Crucible of the Modern World
Another plan or 6 electives
BA (Journalism) No New Enrolments for 2009
Students wishing to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) degree must successfully complete 24 courses (144 units of credit) consisting of:
Course Code Course Name
6 x core courses
EDED11449 Principles of University Learning
FAHE11001 Managing E-Learning
FAHE12001 Communication in the Digital Age
FAHE12002 Work in the 21st Century
FAHE13001 Professional Skills
FAHE13004 The Global Future
12 x courses in Journalism
Level 1 courses
JOUR11005 Introduction to Journalism
JOUR11006 News Writing and Reporting
COMM11108 Communication and Democracy in Australia
JOUR11004 Media Ethics
Advanced courses
JOUR12008 Television Journalism
JOUR12009 Radio Journalism
JOUR12012 News Production
JOUR12038 Reporting the Asia Pacific
LAWS12024 Media Law
COMM12030 Desktop Publishing
COMM12116 Contemporary Photomedia
JOUR12010 Feature Writing
Another plan or 6 electives
BA (Liberal Studies)
Students wishing to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts (Liberal Studies) degree must successfully complete 24 courses (144 units of credit) consisting of:
Course Code Course Name
6 x core courses
EDED11449 Principles of University Learning
FAHE11001 Managing E-Learning
FAHE12001 Communication in the Digital Age
FAHE12002 Work in the 21st Century
FAHE13001 Professional Skills
FAHE13004 The Global Future
2 x 6 course plans (from the list of Bachelor of Arts plans)
Another plan or 6 electives
BA (Literary and Cultural Studies)
Students wishing to graduate with Bachelor of Arts (Literary and Cultural Studies) degree must successfully complete 24 courses (144 units of credit) consisting of:
Course Code Course Name
6 x core courses
EDED11449 Principles of University Learning
FAHE11001 Managing E-Learning
FAHE12001 Communication in the Digital Age
FAHE12002 Work in the 21st Century
FAHE13001 Professional Skills
FAHE13004 The Global Future
12 x courses in Literary and Cultural Studies (chosen from the following)
CULT11012 Image and Text
CULT19013 Sexualities and Representation
CULT19014 Melodrama Film and Gender
CULT19015 Explorations in the Gothic
CULT19016 Visual Culture
LITR11043 The Short Story
LITR11055 Popular Genres
LITR19047 Science Fiction and Film
LITR19049 Romantic and Contemporary Poetry
LITR19051 Literary Theory
LITR19052 The Modern Novel
LITR19053 North American Fiction and Film
LITR19056 Shakespeare: The Movie
Another plan or 6 electives
BA (Media Studies)
Students wishing to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts (Media Studies) degree must successfully complete 24 courses (144 units of credit) consisting of:
Course Code Course Name
6 x core courses
EDED11449 Principles of University Learning
FAHE11001 Managing E-Learning
FAHE12001 Communication in the Digital Age
FAHE12002 Work in the 21st Century
FAHE13001 Professional Skills
FAHE13004 The Global Future
12 x courses from the Media Studies and the New Media Studies plans
COMM11005 New Media Studies
COMM12016 Media Industries
COMM12022 Technology, Communication and Culture
COMM12023 Screen Studies
COMM12117 New Media Arts
COMM12118 The Creative Entrepreneur
COMM19114 Working with New Media
CULT11012 Image and Text
CULT12004 Cultural and Media Identity
CULT19016 Visual Culture
JOUR12038 Reporting the Asia Pacific
Another plan or 6 electives
BA (Music) No new enrolments in specialisation in 2009
Students wishing to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts (Music) degree must successfully complete 24 courses (144 units of credit) consisting of:
Course Code Course Name
6 x core courses
EDED11449 Principles of University Learning
FAHE11001 Managing E-Learning
FAHE12001 Communication in the Digital Age
FAHE12002 Work in the 21st Century
FAHE13001 Professional Skills
FAHE13004 The Global Future
6 x core music courses
MUSC11379 Digital Media Software & Systems 1
MUSC11380 Composition: Songwriting and Arranging
MUSC11394 Music Language Studies 1
MUSC11395 Music Language Studies 2
MUSC11399 Sequencing and Sampling
PERF11022 Arts Administration II
Students must then take a further 6 courses from the following
MUSC10278 Studies in Form/Baroque
MUSC10279 Studies in Form/Classical
MUSC10280 Studies In Form/19th Century
MUSC10281 Studies in Form/20th Century
MUSC12361 Studies in Form: Contemporary 3
MUSC12362 Studies in Form: Contemporary 4
MUSC12375 Studies in Form: Film Music 1
MUSC12376 Studies in Form: Film Music 2
MUSC12394 Studies in Form: Contemporary 1
MUSC12395 Studies in Form: Contemporary 2
MUSC13293 Studio Teaching Methods
PERF11018 Arts Administration I
Another plan or 6 electives
BA (Public Relations)
Students wishing to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts (Public Relations) degree must successfully complete 24 courses (144 units of credit) consisting of:
Course Code Course Name
6 x core courses
EDED11449 Principles of University Learning
FAHE11001 Managing E-Learning
FAHE12001 Communication in the Digital Age
FAHE12002 Work in the 21st Century
FAHE13001 Professional Skills
FAHE13004 The Global Future
12 x courses in Public Relations
COMM11007 Media Writing
COMM11009 Contemporary Communication Skills
COMM11108 Communication and Democracy in Australia
COMM11110 Introduction to Public Relations
COMM12018 Advanced Public Relations
COMM12022 Technology, Communication and Culture
COMM12025 Organisational Communication
COMM12030 Desktop Publishing
COMM12033 Speech Communication
COMM12116 Contemporary Photomedia
JOUR12010 Feature Writing
JOUR19024 Public Relations & the Media
Another plan or 6 electives
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies plan
Course Code Course Name
Level 1
INDG11013 Introductory Aboriginal & Islander History
NURS11145 Indigenous and Cross Cultural Health Care
CULT12003 Race Issues and Indigenous Media
INDG19015 Aboriginal Cultures and Country
INDG19016 Contemporary Indigenous Issues
SOWK14004 Reconciliation in the Workplace and Community
Australian History plan
Course Code Course Name
Level 1
HIST11026 In Search of Australia:Historical Perspectives
INDG11013 Introductory Aboriginal & Islander History
EVST19015 Australian Environmental History
HIST19031 Australia's Foreign Relations
HIST19032 War and Australian Society
HIST19036 Local History & Heritage
Australian Studies plan
Course Code Course Name
Level 1
CULT11011 Australian Film and Culture
GEOG11023 Physical Geography of Australia
GEOG11024 Conservation in Australia
HIST11026 In Search of Australia:Historical Perspectives
INDG11013 Introductory Aboriginal & Islander History
CULT12004 Cultural and Media Identity
HIST19031 Australia's Foreign Relations
Creative Communities
Course Code Course Name
CREA11001 Creative Industries
CREA12001 Tomorrow's Technology Today
CREA12003 Leadership and Teamwork
CREA12004 Community Enterprises
CREA12005 Commercialisation and Growth
EDED10418 Creativity, Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Cultural Studies plan
Course Code Course Name
Level 1
CULT11011 Australian Film and Culture
CULT11012 Image and Text
CULT19013 Sexualities and Representation
CULT19014 Melodrama Film and Gender
CULT19015 Explorations in the Gothic
CULT19016 Visual Culture
Dance plan - No new enrolments will be accepted in 2009
Course Code Course Name
DNCE11013 Dance in Time & Culture
DNCE12009 Ethnic,Indigenous and Multinational Dance Steps
DNCE12010 Dance in Music Theatre
DNCE12014 Creating New Shapes of Dance
DNCE13011 Dance and Multimedia Installation
DNCE13015 Dancers as Artists
Digital Innovation plan
Course Code Course Name
DGTL11001 Foundations of Animation
DGTL12002 Interactivity and Social Networks
DGTL13003 Advanced Media Production
MMST11002 Web Design
MMST11009 Digital Video and Audio
MMST12009 Web Application Development
Digital Music plan - No new enrolments will be accepted 2009
Course Code Course Name
MUSC11379 Digital Media Software & Systems 1
MUSC11383 Multimedia: Video Music Production
MUSC11398 The Fundamentals of Sonic Art & Sound
MUSC11399 Sequencing and Sampling
MUSC13399 Live Performance of Digital Music
MUSC13400 Scoring for Film with Digital Music
Drama plan - No new enrolments will be accepted in 2009
Course Code Course Name
PERF11014 From Play to Performance
PERF12015 Staging Contemporary Issues
PERF13016 Experimental Theatre
THTR11063 Staging Australia
THTR12064 Creative Drama
THTR13065 Acting for Multimedia
Film Studies plan
Course Code Course Name
COMM11109 Media & Cultural Industries
COMM12023 Screen Studies
CULT11011 Australian Film and Culture
CULT11012 Image and Text
CULT19014 Melodrama Film and Gender
FILM19001 Creative Visualisation
Games and Animation plan
Course Code Course Name
DGTL11001 Foundations of Animation
DGTL13002 Games for Mobile Devices
DGTL13004 Advanced 3D Animation and Character Development
MMST11003 Design Perspectives
MMST12017 Interactive Animation for Games
MMST12019 3D Animation
Geography plan
6 courses to be chosen from the following:
Course Code Course Name
Level 1 (2 courses selected from the following)
GEOG11023 Physical Geography of Australia
GEOG11024 Conservation in Australia
GEOH11001 Introduction to Human Geography
Advanced (4 courses selected from the following)
EVST19007 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
EVST19008 Environmental Management
EVST19020 Environmental Management Systems
GEOG19021 Geographic Information Systems
GEOG19022 Data Visualisation
GEOG19029 Applied Demography
INDG19015 Aboriginal Cultures and Country
International History plan
Course Code Course Name
Level 1
HIST11037 Ancient & Medieval Civilisations: An Introduction
HIST11038 The Modern World Emerges: An Overview
HIST19029 History of Modern Japan
HIST19030 The USA in Contemporary World History
HIST19035 Modern History of South East Asia
HIST19038 20th Century: Crucible of the Modern World
Japanese Language and Culture plan
Course Code Course Name
Level 1
JALC11003 Japan and its Culture
JALC11004 Japanese Life-Style and Custom
JALC10003 Formal and Informal Japanese Communication
JALC10004 Colloquial Communication in Japanese
JALC19001 Learning with Japanese University
Plus 1 of the following
FAHE13002 Special Project
FAHE13003 Special Topic
Journalism plan
Course Code Course Name
Level 1
COMM11007 Media Writing
JOUR11006 News Writing and Reporting
JOUR12008 Television Journalism
JOUR12009 Radio Journalism
JOUR12010 Feature Writing
JOUR12038 Reporting the Asia Pacific
Learning Management plan
Course Code Course Name
EDCU11021 The Arts
EDED11353 Learning Management 1
EDED11398 Learning Management 2
EDED11400 Managing Diversity
EDED11401 Building Learning Partnerships
EDED11404 Learning Management 5
Liberal Studies plan
The liberal studies plan provides student with an opportunity to design their own plan by selecting 36 units of credit (i.e. 2 level 1 and no less than 4 Advanced Level courses) from the core studies plans of the Bachelor of Arts (Specialisation). This will allow students the flexibility to pursue a study stream that suits their interests, whilst also studying one of the required plans for the Bachelor of Arts (Specialisation). Students must meet the usual pre and co-requisites for these courses.
The courses must be from the plans in the Bachelor of Arts (Specialisation) degree and that the courses selected for this plan may not be selected for any other plan in the BA (Specialisation).
Literary Studies plan
Course Code Course Name
Level 1
LITR11043 The Short Story
LITR11055 Popular Genres
Advanced (4 of the following)
LITR19047 Science Fiction and Film
LITR19049 Romantic and Contemporary Poetry
LITR19051 Literary Theory
LITR19052 The Modern Novel
LITR19053 North American Fiction and Film
LITR19056 Shakespeare: The Movie
Media Studies plan
Course Code Course Name
Students take the following 6 courses:
COMM11108 Communication and Democracy in Australia
COMM12016 Media Industries
COMM12022 Technology, Communication and Culture
COMM12023 Screen Studies
CULT12004 Cultural and Media Identity
JOUR12038 Reporting the Asia Pacific
Music plan - No new enrolments will be accepted in 2009
Course Code Course Name
MUSC11379 Digital Media Software & Systems 1
MUSC11399 Sequencing and Sampling
MUSC12375 Studies in Form: Film Music 1
MUSC12376 Studies in Form: Film Music 2
PERF11018 Arts Administration I
PERF11022 Arts Administration II
Music History and Style (Contemporary) plan
No new enrolments will be accepted into this plan in 2009
Course Code Course Name
MUSC12361 Studies in Form: Contemporary 3
MUSC12362 Studies in Form: Contemporary 4
MUSC12375 Studies in Form: Film Music 1
MUSC12376 Studies in Form: Film Music 2
MUSC12394 Studies in Form: Contemporary 1
MUSC12395 Studies in Form: Contemporary 2
Music History and Style (Classical) plan - no new enrolments
Course Code Course Name
MUSC10278 Studies in Form/Baroque
MUSC10279 Studies in Form/Classical
MUSC10280 Studies In Form/19th Century
MUSC10281 Studies in Form/20th Century
MUSC12375 Studies in Form: Film Music 1
MUSC12376 Studies in Form: Film Music 2
New Media Studies plan
Course Code Course Name
COMM11005 New Media Studies
CULT11012 Image and Text
COMM12117 New Media Arts
COMM12118 The Creative Entrepreneur
COMM19114 Working with New Media
CULT19016 Visual Culture
Performance Studies plan - no new enrolments for 2009
Course Code Course Name
PERF11021 Community Arts
THTR11065 Staging Performance
TOUR11021 Events, Leisure & Entertainment
Plus one course selected from the Drama Plan
Plus one course selected from the Dance Plan
Plus one course selected from the Music Plan
Professional and Creative Writing plan
Course Code Course Name
Level 1
COMM11007 Media Writing
WRIT11021 University English
COMM12030 Desktop Publishing
JOUR12010 Feature Writing
WRIT19015 Creative Writing I
WRIT19016 Creative Writing II
Psychology plan
Course Code Course Name
Level 1 courses
PSYC11008 Biological Foundations of Psychology
PSYC11009 Social Foundations of Psychology
Advanced Courses
PSYC12047 Research Methods in Psychology A
PSYC12048 Research Methods In Psychology B
Plus 2 of the following
PSYC12010 Introduction to Human Development
PSYC12012 Physiological Psychology
PSYC12013 Personality
PSYC12014 Social Psychology
Public Relations plan
Course Code Course Name
Students take the following 6 courses:
COMM11007 Media Writing
COMM11110 Introduction to Public Relations
COMM12018 Advanced Public Relations
COMM12025 Organisational Communication
COMM12116 Contemporary Photomedia
JOUR19024 Public Relations & the Media
Sociology plan
Course Code Course Name
Level 1
SOCL11055 Introduction to Sociology
SOCL11056 Australian Society
Advanced (4 of the following)
SOCL19057 Environmental Sociology
SOCL19060 Human Ecology
SOCL19061 Movements, Cults and Social Change
SOCL19062 Policy Power and Politics
SOCL19064 Understanding Social Life
SOCL19065 Rural Sociology and Social Services
SOCL19066 Community Analysis
SOCL19069 Social Research Methods
SOCL19070 Health and Medical Sociology
SOCL19071 State, Ethnicity and Gender
SOCL19072 Criminality, Deviance and Social Control
SOCL19081 The Body Sexuality and Society
Training Administration plan
Course Code Course Name
EDED11353 Learning Management 1
EDFE11015 Embedded Professional Learning 1
EDVT10020 Assessment & Reporting in Sec/VET
EDVT11004 Adolescent & Adult Education
EDVT11019 Design in VET 1
EDVT12008 VET Pedagogy
Tourism plan
Course Code Course Name
Level 1
TOUR11013 Understanding Tourism
TOUR11021 Events, Leisure & Entertainment
TOUR19010 Global Tourism
TOUR19016 Special Interest Tourism
TOUR19019 Tourism Business Development
TOUR19020 Destination Marketing
Welfare Studies plan
The welfare studies plan offers a professional education that focuses on the acquisition of practical and technical knowledge and skills for work in the human services. To this end, those undertaking this plan study the values and ethics of the welfare profession, and also acquire knowledge of self, and the interpersonal and group skills necessary to work successfully in the field of human services delivery. Upon successful completion of the BA program and all the courses in the welfare studies plan, graduates become eligible for accreditation with the Australian Institute of Welfare and Community Workers (AIWCW)** (see note 4). Courses in the welfare studies plan are also available to those who do not intend to become professional welfare practitioners but who wish to integrate them with other studies, such as the helping and allied health professional study programs.
Course Code Course Name
Level 1
LAWS11045 Law and Welfare of Society A
LAWS11048 Law and Welfare of Society B
WELF19004 Welfare Studies A:Individual Counselling
WELF19007 Welfare Studies D: Working With Communities
WELF19040 Working with Families and Groups
WELF19041 Assessment of Risk to Wellbeing
Note 1:
Enrolment in WELF19039 Practicum course requires successful completion of WELF19004 Individual Counselling or WELF19040 Working with Groups and Families as a prerequisite.
* Students who have already completed Working with Families and Working with Groups will not have to complete the 2 new courses (that is, WELF19040 Working with Families and Groups and WELF19041 Assessment of Risk to Wellbeing).
* Students who have successfully completed WELF19006 Working with Families, but not WELF19005 Working with Groups, will be required to complete WELF19041 Assessment of Risk to Wellbeing.
* Students who have attended a weekend workshop when completing either WELF19004 Individual Counselling or WELF19005 Working with Families (or both) will not be required to attend the welfare residentia; however, attendance is recommended.
Note 2:
Entry into WELF19039 Practicum placement is dependent upon a satisfactory interview with the practicum coordinator and completion of prerequisite studies, as well as participation in a four day residential school at CQUniversity Rockhampton campus.
Note 3:
Students who wish to study a welfare plan but do not intend to pursue a career in human services are not required to complete WELF19039 Practicum.
Note 4:
Completion of the welfare plan alone does not provide membership eligibility to the Australian Institute of Welfare and Community Workers (AIWCW). In order to achieve such eligibility, students must complete the BA program which includes the whole of the welfare plan. For example, in the event that a student completes the whole of the Welfare plan but elects to exit the BA program with a Diploma of Arts only, the student will not qualify for AIWCW membership.