Bachelor of Communication (Business)

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Bachelor of Communication (Business)

  • Objectives Bond University’s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and Faculty of Business have developed a degree program which gives students knowledge in marketing, advertising, organisational behaviour, and communication. Students specialise further by combining a major in Marketing with a major from one of seven areas: Corporate Communication, Public Relations, Communication Studies, Journalism, Media Studies, Film and Television, and Advertising.
  • Practical experience Work Experience & Internships Some students without practical workplace experience, or with workplace experience in a field different from their studies, choose to undertake an internship as part of their degree. This intensely practical professional development approach fosters graduates who are ready, willing and able to hit the ground running and make an immediate impact in the workplace.
  • Entry requirements Successful completion of Year 12 or equivalent, Bond College Certificate
  • Academic title Bachelor of Communication (Business)
  • Course description Attendance

    International Students: Students must undertake four subjects per semester (equivalent to 40 credit points) to fulfil student visa requirements.

    Domestic Students: Most Students undertake four subjects per semester (equivalent to 40 credit points). You may, however, enrol in fewer subjects (equivalent to 30 credit points) and extend your degree over a longer period.

    Bond's Teaching methodology involves a combination of lectures, tutorials, seminars, examinations, projects, presentations, assignments, computer labs and industry projects.

    Combined Degrees

    Students can combine this degree with any other undergraduate degree at Bond (except Medicine) to suit their professional and personal interests. Bond's three-semester academic year allows students to complete two degrees in the same time it would take to complete just one degree at other universities (dependant upon degree combination).

    Program Structure
    Core Subjects

    Every Bachelor degree student at Bond is required to complete at least one subject from each of the following four discipline clusters
    Communication (1)

        * CORE11-100 Communication Skills
        * CORE11-101 Public Speaking: Presentation Skills for Leaders

    Outcomes: To communicate effectively in writing, speaking and visual; to understand the nature of communication processes and sources of difficulty in communication.
    Information Technology (1)

        * CORE11-110 Information Technology 1
        * CORE11-111 Business Applications of IT

    Outcomes: To work effectively with contemporary information technology; to evaluate critically the current and future role of computing technology in the storage, retrieval and processing of information.
    Values (1)

        * CORE11-120 Cultural and Ethical Values
        * CORE11-120 Contemporary Issues in Law and Society

    Outcomes: To appreciate the foundation of moral, ethical and social theories and their relevance to issues of public concern and debate; to use theoretical ideas in formulating arguments about how particular issues should be resolved.
    Organisations (1)

        * CORE11-130 Strategic Management
        * CORE11-131 Entrepreneurship

    Outcomes: To appreciate the natural, dynamic and strategic positioning of organisations within their environments; to appreciate the nature of effective work in groups.
    Foundation subjects (5)

        * MGMT11-101 Organisational Behaviour
        * MKTG11-100 Marketing (offered by the Faculty of Business),

        * COMN11-101 Human Communication
        * COMN12-302 Digital Media and Society
        * ADVT11-100 Advertising Principles and Practice

    Marketing major (5)

    Five (5) Subjects for a Marketing Major (offered by the Faculty of Business) which must include:

        * MKTG12-301 Consumer and Buyer Behaviour
        * MKTG13-303 Market Research and Analysis
        * MKTG13-320 Strategic Marketing

    And two (2) subjects from the following:

        * IBUS13-353 International Marketing
        * MKTG13-305 Brand and Category Management
        * MKTG13-312 The Internet and Marketing
        * MKTG13-302 Promotional Design and Planning
        * MKTG13-310 Sales Management
        * MKTG13-306 Services Marketing

    Specialist Communication and Media Major (6)

    Six (6) Subjects for a Specialist major in one of the following areas:

        * Advertising
        * Communication
        * Corporate Communication
        * Film and Television
        * Journalism
        * Media
        * Public Relations (PRIA Accredited)

    Electives (4)

    Any Four (4) other subjects of which two (2) must come from the H&SS list of undergraduate subjects, and two (2) offered by H&SS or any other Faculty.
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Other programs related to business/corporate communication

  • Bachelor of Business (Specialisation)/Bachelor of Professional Communication

  • Institution: Central Queensland University Bundaberg Campus
  • + Information by E-mail
  • Associate Degree in Business Administration (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies)

  • Institution: Australian Catholic University Brisbane Campus
  • + Information by E-mail
  • Graduate Diploma of Management

  • Institution: Central Queensland University Rockhampton Campus
  • + Information by E-mail
  • Master of Management (International Business)

  • Institution: Central Queensland University Rockhampton Campus
  • + Information by E-mail
  • Master of Management (Human Resources)

  • Institution: Central Queensland University Rockhampton Campus
  • + Information by E-mail
  • Graduate Certificate in Business Administration

  • Institution: Australian Catholic University North Sydney Campus
  • + Information by E-mail
  • Graduate Diploma in Business Administration

  • Institution: Australian Catholic University North Sydney Campus
  • + Information by E-mail