Bachelor of Engineering (International Students)

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Bachelor of Engineering (International Students)

  • Objectives Deakin's Bachelor of Engineering places great emphasis on the practical application of engineering and scientific principles to produce rounded industry-ready engineers, immediately employable and capable of adapting to an ever changing future. This course is designed to maximise your employment prospects, meeting both your needs and those of the engineering profession. As a graduate of the Bachelor of Engineering you will become a life-long learner capable of building your career upon a solid foundation of knowledge. You will learn generic skills including: comprehension and communication; technical report writing and presentation; project management; entrepreneurship; innovation and leadership; understanding of the ethical basis of the engineering profession and practice; developing an understanding of contemporary technical and professional issues in the practice of engineering; and an understanding of complex problems and producing innovative solutions beneficial to their organisation and society. You will also learn specific skills such as; a sound, fundamental understanding of the scientific principles underlying technology; understanding the basic principles underlying the management of physical, human and financial resources; acquiring the mathematical and computational skills necessary for the solution of theoretical and practical problems and for meeting future changes in technology; and an understanding of the social, cultural, global and environmental responsibilities of the professional engineer. You will undertake common subjects in your first year before you choose to specialise in Civil Engineering, Electronics, Mechanical Engineering or Mechatronics and Robotics. This format allows you to make a more informed decision and gain a broad base of knowledge in engineering. The Engineering Scholars Program enables high-achieving students to study Civil Engineering, Electronics, Mechanical Engineering or Mechatronics and Robotics sequences with extra opportunities for paid industry internships or research placements and access to an assigned mentor that are not available in other engineering courses.
  • Entry requirements General admission requirements for entry into undergraduate courses for international students at Deakin are summarised in the undergraduate admission requirements table. Some courses may have additional entry requirements. Students must also meet the undergraduate English language requirements.
  • Academic title Bachelor of Engineering (International Students)
  • Course description Fees and charges
    Fee paying place - International (IFP)
    A Fee paying place is one for which the university does not receive any government funding. As such, students enrolled in these places are required to contribute the full cost of their course.

    Fees for international students apply to persons living in Australia with Temporary Resident status, provided that there is no limitation on study and persons living abroad who are not Australian citizens and do not have Permanent Resident status in Australia.

    Equivalent Full Time Student Load (EFTSL)
    EFTSL is the standard annual full time load. Eight credit points is the standard full time load for one year of study.

    * The 'indicative annual course fee' cited has been provided as a guide only. It has been calculated on the basis of a typical enrolment of a student undertaking the course in 2009, and reflects the cost involved in undertaking a full-time quota of units within the specified discipline.
    The actual fees charged by Deakin University will depend upon the discipline from which each individual unit is chosen, and may vary from the indicative course fee cited, particularly if units are chosen from a number of disciplines. The cost of each unit offered in 2009 can be viewed at
    Please note that the fees per unit/credit point may increase annually due to rises in the cost of course delivery and service.
    Deakin assumes no responsibility for persons relying on 'indicative course fees' to calculate the total future cost of their course.

    Career opportunities

    Deakin's Bachelor of Engineering is designed to maximise your employment prospects, making you an industry-ready engineer, who is immediately employable, and capable of adapting to an ever

    changing future. Career opportunities specific to your chosen specialisation are as follows:


    Civil Engineering: graduates may work in areas specialising in design, construction and project management of roads, airports, railways, and harbours; water supply and sewerage systems; water authorities, local government bodies, public works departments and as consulting engineers.


    Electronics: Employment opportunities for graduates include: consumer and industrial electronics design; automotive electronics; radio frequency (RF) system design; telecommunications; control electronics; digital signal processing; and very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuit design.

    Mechanical: The automotive industry, in particular, has been involved in the design of Deakin's mechanical engineering degree, and graduates can look forward to a high level of employment in this industry and supplier companies, as well as other leading manufacturing and design companies. Other industries where you may be employed include: aircraft; ship-building; aerospace; and railroad.

    Mechatronics and Robotics: Graduates can be employed as electronic control systems engineers or robotics engineers, and may work in areas including: factory control; automation; control system design; aircraft control and navigation; in the automated vehicles and automotive industry; and in advanced manufacturing industries.

    Course rules

    To be awarded the Bachelor of Engineering, a student must successfully complete units with a total value of 32 credit points (1 credit point represents one quarter of a full-time student's workload during a trimester). The 32 credit points must include all core units.


    The elective units may be selected from:

        * other units offered by the School of Engineering and Information Technology (SET401 Advanced Topics 1 and SET402 Advanced Topics 2 are highly recommended)
        * units offered by other schools/faculties of Deakin University

    Normally, of the total credit points, at least 12 must be for level 3 and level 4 units, at least 5 for level 4 units and at least 22 for level 2 units or higher.

    All students are required to complete at least one wholly online unit.

    Major sequences

    Civil Engineering

    Mechatronics and Robotics

    Articulation and credit transfer
    Flexible entry and exit points allow students to upgrade their qualifications and to obtain credit for previous studies/experience. Applicants with appropriate TAFE qualifications or other approved post-secondary studies may apply for advanced standing. Credit may be considered for skills obtained in the workforce or by informal means.
    Attendance requirements
    The accrediting body, Engineers Australia, has specified that a minimum on-campus attendance requirement for off-campus students be set at one campus session of two weeks duration for each year of equivalent full-time study. Students will complete this requirement by undertaking the following sequence of units (see unit descriptions for SEB121, SEB322, SEB323 and SEJ442 below).

    The units include a two-week program which includes presentations by industry professionals, site visits and teamwork activities as well as the opportunity to complete unit practical work requirements.

    Collaborative programs
    KDU College
    The University has established an alliance with KDU College Malaysia to offer the Bachelor of Engineering to students located in Penang. Information about this program can be obtained from the Faculty of Science and Technology

    Combined degrees
    A number of combined degrees are also offered by the School of Engineering and Information Technology.

    Equipment requirements
    Off-campus students must have access to the Internet, a personal computer, modem and printer to provide, via the telephone network, communication with Deakin University's on-campus computers. Information about the hardware and software requirements may be obtained from the School of Engineering and Information Technology.

    Pass and honours degrees
    The Bachelor of Engineering may be awarded at pass or honours level.

    To be awarded the Bachelor of Engineering with honours:

        * students shall normally complete a course of study satisfying the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering, including an approved major project with a written report assessed by an internal panel; and
        * have been awarded a weighted average mark exceeding a minimum value determined by the Faculty Board.

    The weighted average mark will be used to determine the grade of honours to be awarded.

    Work experience
    Before students will be deemed eligible to graduate they must obtain an aggregate of at least 12 weeks of suitable practical experience during their program. Work experience would normally be gained during the vacation periods. Further details are contained in the unit description for SEP490 Engineering Work Experience. This course rule will apply to students entering the program from 2005. However, all students are encouraged to meet this requirement.

    Admission requirements - general
    General admission requirements for entry into undergraduate courses for international students at Deakin are summarised in the undergraduate admission requirements table (194kb).
    Some courses may have additional entry requirements.
    Students must also meet the undergraduate English language requirements.

    Advanced standing - general
    If you have completed previous studies which you believe may reduce the number of units you have to complete at Deakin, indicate in the appropriate section on your application that you wish to be considered for advanced standing. You will need to provide your previous course details so your credit can be determined. If you are eligible, your offer letter will then contain information about your advanced standing.
    Your advanced standing is formally approved prior to your enrolment at Deakin during the Enrolment and Orientation Program. You must bring original documents relating to your previous study so that this approval can occur.

    You can also refer to the Advanced Standing System which outlines the credit that may be granted towards a Deakin University degree.

    How to apply

        * Applicant Portal: Use our online application system to submit and track your application now.
        * Apply through a Deakin International office: Fill out an application form and submit it to a Deakin International office.
        * Apply through a Deakin representative: Take your application form to your preferred agent for assistance.

    Tracking your application:
    If you have already applied and wish to enquire about your application please refer to the relevant area through which you originally applied.

        * If you applied online, log back into the Applicant Portal using your username and password.
        * If you applied through a Deakin representative please contact your representative.
        * If you applied through a Deakin International office please contact that office.
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