Study modeThe Bachelor of Environments (Architecture) is studied on campus.
Program ratingCombining the disciplines of architecture and environments, the graduate of this course has training that is relevant to the field of architecture today where environmental concerns are central. Students are selected based on academic aptitude rather than drawing or design experience as enthusiasm is key to succeeding in this industry.
EmployabilityGraduates of the University of Melbourne Architecture program find work with private firms where they work on residential and commercial projects. Some choose to start their own practice or live and work overseas where their training and skills are recognised and valued.
ObjectivesThe Melbourne Model aims to produce graduates who are trained in a particular discipline (depth) as well as knowledgeable across disciplines (breadth). The breadth component of the new degrees aims to build multiple competencies in students by exposing them to different ways of knowing through cross-disciplinary learning and teaching.
Academic titleBachelor of Environments (Architecture)
Course descriptionArchitecture is all around us – the homes we live in, the places we meet and work, the buildings we seek refuge in. The creation of a physical structure through architecture considers functional and aesthetic needs and, above all, the environmental issues of the place in which it is situated.
About the Major in Architecture
The new Bachelor of Environments is an ideal degree on which to build an architecture career that is relevant to the 21st century. It teaches you to work within multidisciplinary teams, and frames your learning within an environmental context. By the end of your three-year Bachelor, you will have developed strong design knowledge across a wide range of architectural issues.
You will learn to use the latest modelling and rendering techniques through studio-based classes. It is a creative and challenging learning experience – our students are selected on academic aptitude rather than previous drawing or design experience as we find bright and enthusiastic students quickly develop the necessary skills.