Bachelor of Forensic Science

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Bachelor of Forensic Science

  • Objectives Forensic science is a rapidly expanding field that involves applying science to the administration of law. DNA methods have revolutionised the area of forensic biology over the last twenty years and have resulted in a large increase in the number of jobs for DNA forensic scientists. Additionally, the heightened awareness of terrorism has led to a new area of forensic activity, namely microbial forensics. Further to that, the unfortunate increase in the incidence of mass disasters has led to the need for more robust and rapid DNA methods for identification of victims. Rapid advances and growth in the field of forensic genetics has also created a demand for individuals with expertise and training in the areas of forensic DNA testing, statistical evaluation of DNA results and legal testimony on testing procedures, results and interpretations. Bond’s Forensic programs seek to provide graduates with the necessary specialised science along with a thorough appreciation of the methods and standards used in forensic laboratories and the legal framework within which this work must be done.
  • Entry requirements Year 12 results or equivalent results that include English, Maths B and either Chemistry or Physics. Students without year 12 Chemistry maybe required to complete a bridging Chemistry subject. International applicants also need to satisfy English Language Requirements.
  • Academic title Bachelor of Forensic Science
  • Course description Course Overview

    The Bachelor of Forensic Science program exposes students to the essential elements of science (including anatomy, biology, chemistry and forensics), law and criminology within a fully integrated program. Students learn in a highly personalised learning environment and are taught by internationally renowned experts. The Faculty boasts state of the art equipment including a DNA Extraction Robot and DNA Typing Instrument. Students also have access to Bond’s new Legal Skills Centre where they will learn to provide expert forensic evidence in a real court setting.

    Career Outcomes

    This program will prepare graduates for employment in specialised forensic areas such as forensic laboratories, crime scene police sections and legal areas dealing with civil and criminal scientific matters. Graduates will also have skills that will facilitate employment in a range of other scientific disciplines. Students will also be able to progress to research-based Honours, Masters and PhD programs.


    To increase the range of career outcomes available many students complete a dual degree or postgraduate study. Popular choices for Bachelor of Forensic Science students include:

        * Bachelor of Forensic Science / Bachelor of Laws (4 years full-time study)
          Graduate outcomes include criminal lawyer
        * Bachelor of Forensic Science / Bachelor of Social Sciences (Criminology) (3 years full-time study)
          Graduate outcomes will vary based on majors chosen.
        * Bachelor of Forensic Science / Bachelor of Health Sciences (Forensics Science) with Honours (3 years full-time study)
        * Bachelor of Forensic Science / Master of Forensic Science (3 years full-time study)


        * Bachelor of Health Sciences


    We offer a range of scholarships to help students with the costs of tuition. All scholarships, including benefits and requirements are detailed in the Bond University Scholarship Program.


    FEE-HELP is an interest free loan available to Australian citizens and those holding a permanent humanitarian visa.

    In addition to FEE-HELP, there is a range of financing options available to students. Why not attend a free Investing in your future seminar to find out more?

    Students studying the Bachelor of Forensic Sciences must complete 20 compulsory subjects and 4 core subjects.
    Compulsory Subjects (20)

        * BMED11-202 Human Biology
        * BMED11-203 Cell Biology
        * BMED11-204 Chemistry
        * BMED11-205 Medical Chemistry 1
        * BMED11-207 Medical & Molecular Genetics
        * BMED11-222 Human Anatomy I
        * BMED11-223 Human Anatomy II
        * BMED12-208 Scientific Writing and Research Methods
        * BMED12-209 Medical Chemistry 2
        * BMED13-214 Molecular Biology
        * BMED13-217 Pharmacology
        * FORS11-125 Forensic Chemistry
        * FORS11-220 Human Osteology
        * FORS11-221 Forensic Anthropology
        * FORS11-130 Microbial Forensics
        * FORS12-300 Forensic Statistics
        * FORS13-120 Forensic DNA Profiling
        * FORS13-122 Forensic Genetic Applications
        * FORS13-320 Introduction to Forensics
        * LAWS10-104 Forensics in the Courtroom

    Core Subjects (4)

    Students must complete at least one subject from each of the following four discipline clusters:

          Communication (1)
              o CORE11-100 Communication Skills
              o CORE11-101 Public Speaking: Presentation Skills for Leaders

          Outcomes: To communicate effectively in writing, speaking and visual; to understand the nature of communication processes and sources of difficulty in communication.
          Information Technology (1)
              o CORE11-110 Information Technology 1
              o CORE11-111 Business Applications of IT

          Outcomes: To work effectively with contemporary information technology; to evaluate critically the current and future role of computing technology in the storage, retrieval and processing of information.
          Values (1)
              o CORE11-120 Cultural and Ethical Values
              o CORE11-121 Contemporary Issues in Law and Society

          Outcomes: To appreciate the foundation of moral, ethical and social theories and their relevance to issues of public concern and debate; to use theoretical ideas in formulating arguments about how particular issues should be resolved.
          Organisations (1)
              o CORE11-130 Strategic Management
              o CORE11-131 Entrepreneurship

          Outcomes: To appreciate the natural, dynamic and strategic positioning of organisations within their environments; to appreciate the nature of effective work in groups.

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  • + Information by E-mail