Bachelor of Oral Health (Therapy / Hygiene)

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Bachelor of Oral Health (Therapy / Hygiene)

  • Objectives CSU’s Bachelor of Oral Health (Therapy / Hygiene) is a three-year program, developed in close association with industry to prepare graduates for a career as a dental hygienist or dental therapist.
  • Academic title Bachelor of Oral Health (Therapy / Hygiene)
  • Course description About the course

    Dental therapists are clinicians that examine and treat diseases of the teeth in children and adolescents through primary to secondary school. They do so under the general supervision of a dentist. This includes preventive and restorative work in deciduous and permanent teeth, some minor oral surgical procedures and initial trauma management.

    Dental hygienists are clinicians that assist dentists in the treatment of patients. They provide skilled preventive services to all patient age groups. Although hygienists work in collaboration with a dentist to determine treatment therapies for each patient, they work independently to deliver these services.

    During years one and two, there will be a strong focus on core biomedical and oral sciences. Foundation theoretical materials will be presented in lecture style but small group seminars and case based interactions will feature throughout the curriculum.

    In years two and three, the focus is on understanding the medical, dental, social and community context of dental hygiene or dental therapy clinical practice.

    Scholarships are available for this course through the Rural Allied Health Undergraduate Scholarship Scheme.

    Where it will take you

    Graduates could work in any of the following:

        * clinical practice in dental hygiene or dental therapy
        * public dental services
        * dental and health administration
        * education
        * industry or university-based research
        * consumer advocacy

    Government analysts predict that dental hygienists and dental therapists will be in high demand in Australia. Once you become registered, your job prospects are very good. Most final year dental hygiene and dental therapy students will know if they have a graduate position by December of their final year.

    The latest facilities

    Hand skills development will occur using state-of-the art simulation equipment in brand new, purpose-built facilities.

    Clincial experience

    Students will commence their clinical experience and hand skills development in year one of the program. Clinical experiences of increasing complexity are combined with further development of hand skills through years one and two and provide a strong foundation for extended clinical practice in year three of the program.

    Students will undertake intense clinical practice sessions in generalist and all specialist disciplines.

    There will be the opportunity to engage in clinical practice at a variety of sites (University and community, rural and metropolitan) to gain optimal professional experience.

    Clinical requirements

    Refer to the Clinical Requirements section following for information on:

        * Senior First Aid Certificate
        * Criminal Record Clearance
        * Immunisation

    Professional accreditation

    The process of gaining Australian Dental Council accreditation has commenced.

    Frequently asked questions

    How many places are available each year?
    There will be around 20 places available each year.

    Are there any prerequisite subjects?
    There are no formal prerequisites for the Bachelor of Oral Health (Therapy / Hygiene) but, as it is a science based course, it is assumed that students will have studied English Standard, chemistry or biology at Year 12 level. If you have not studied chemistry in Year 12 and are accepted into the course, it is strongly recommended that you undertake a Study Link course before commencing.

    What UAI score do I need to get in?
    Entry to the course is competitive and a score of at least 70, or Pass level GPA is required.

    What if I have not done Year 12?
    If you have not completed Year 12 in the past 10 years or have not completed at least one full year of study at university, you may not be eligible for selection into the course. In that case you should contact us to ascertain your eligibility.

    Will applicants be called for an interview?
    No. An interview will not normally be necessary for entry into this course.

    How many contact hours are involved?
    You will have to attend lectures, tutorials and practical classes for up to 30 hours per week depending on the year of study. The length of the academic year will vary from two 13-week sessions in year one, up to two 18-21week sessions in years four and five.

    How much clinical time is involved and where is it conducted?
    Clinical activities will be incorporated in each year of the course, starting with a few hours related to your subject content in first year. These will build throughout the course, and culminate in extensive clinical rotations in your second and third years. You will undertake your placements primarily within the University’s new dental clinics but also within selected state health facilities and private practitioner facilities.

    Will I be required to undertake clinical education in different clinics?
    Yes, you may be required to spend varying amounts of time in any of the School’s five clinical settings in Orange, Wagga Wagga, Albury-Wodonga, Bathurst or Dubbo campuses. The placement will depend on the year of study that you are undertaking. The University will assist in facilitating your accommodation during extended clinical blocks in these campuses' communities wherever possible.

    How important are manual skills to oral health practice?
    Manual dexterity is extremely important to oral health practice. In addition, a degree of artistic aptitude will be useful.

    Can the course be studied part-time?

    If I am offered a place in CSU's Bachelor of Oral Health (Therapy and Hygiene), can I defer?

    If I am not accepted into CSU's Bachelor of Oral Health (Therapy and Hygiene) the first time, what should I do?
    First, you should make sure that oral health therapy is the profession that you really want to pursue and seek career planning advice. If you have no Year 12 qualification or your UAI/ENTER was not high enough, you should concentrate on qualifying for admission to the Bachelor of Clinical Science or another relevant university course with a view to reapplying for the Bachelor of Oral Health (Therapy and Hygiene) in the future.

    If I am not accepted into CSU's Bachelor of Oral Health (Therapy and Hygiene) the first time, can you recommend another suitable university course?
    You should choose a course that you think you will enjoy and do well in. It should also be a course you will be happy to stay in, should your future applications to CSU's Bachelor of Oral Health (Therapy and Hygiene) be unsuccessful.

    Can I apply to study on a full-fee paying basis?
    No. All places in this course are Commonwealth supported.

    How much does it cost?
    You can only study Bachelor of Oral Health (Therapy and Hygiene) as a Commonwealth supported student and will be liable to pay the student contribution (HECS). You are also advised to purchase your own set of dental instruments at the commencement of your course. This will allow you to become familiar with your own personal instruments and to enhance your skill-base. Financial assistance is available to students of the University. In addition you will need to buy books - most subjects have prescribed text books, and often students purchase additional books to help with their studies. Scientific texts typically cost between $100 and $150 each. Second hand books are often available. As part of the course, students are required to travel to clinics at the various campuses. Students will either need a car of their own or will travel with another student who may expect some contribution for travel expenses. The University does not contribute to these costs. Protective clothing (laboratory coat, protective glasses, scrubs and /or clinical coat) are also required from the first week or two of the course.

    I am not an Australian resident. Can I apply?
    No, not at this time.
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