Bachelor of Physical Education (International Students)

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Bachelor of Physical Education (International Students)

  • Objectives Deakin's Bachelor of Physical Education prepares you for a career in physical education teaching in secondary schools. The course provides theory and practice in the study of education, discipline studies, curriculum studies and in the specialised teaching method of physical education. In addition, students will study a second teaching method of their choice from a selected range of discipline studies offered by the Faculty of Health, Medicine, Nursing and Behavioural Sciences, the Faculty of Science and Technology or the Faculty of Arts and Education. You will participate in a highly rewarding professional experience program spending at least 80 days working in schools, with children and alongside experienced teachers.
  • Entry requirements General admission requirements for entry into undergraduate courses for international students at Deakin are summarised in the undergraduate admission requirements table. Some courses may have additional entry requirements. Students must also meet the undergraduate English language requirements
  • Academic title Bachelor of Physical Education (International Students)
  • Course description Fees and charges
    Fee paying place - International (IFP)
    A Fee paying place is one for which the university does not receive any government funding. As such, students enrolled in these places are required to contribute the full cost of their course.

    Fees for international students apply to persons living in Australia with Temporary Resident status, provided that there is no limitation on study and persons living abroad who are not Australian citizens and do not have Permanent Resident status in Australia.

    Equivalent Full Time Student Load (EFTSL)
    EFTSL is the standard annual full time load. Eight credit points is the standard full time load for one year of study.

    * The 'indicative annual course fee' cited has been provided as a guide only. It has been calculated on the basis of a typical enrolment of a student undertaking the course in 2009, and reflects the cost involved in undertaking a full-time quota of units within the specified discipline.
    The actual fees charged by Deakin University will depend upon the discipline from which each individual unit is chosen, and may vary from the indicative course fee cited, particularly if units are chosen from a number of disciplines.
    Please note that the fees per unit/credit point may increase annually due to rises in the cost of course delivery and service.
    Deakin assumes no responsibility for persons relying on 'indicative course fees' to calculate the total future cost of their course.

    Career opportunities

    Graduates of this course have found careers in Australian and overseas secondary schools, sports management, recreation and fitness industries, government departments, recruitment and human resource management, professional coaching positions as well as in private academies and agencies.

    Course rules
    The degree requires students to complete 32 credit points over the equivalent of four years of full-time study. Students are required to complete: 18 credit points of Education (which include studies in education, physical education, curriculum methods, literacy and numeracy and school experience); 14 credit points of discipline studies (which include exercise science, applied sports science and discipline content related to the second teaching method). Second teaching methods may be taken from a range of discipline areas including Biology, Chemistry (Biological), Dance, Drama, Health Education, Environmental Science, Mathematics and Humanities, Societies and Environments (formerly SOSE).

    Course structure

    Note: Students enrolled prior to 2007 should contact their enrolment officer for course advice.
    Year 1
    Trimester 1

    EXE101 Understanding Children and Adolescents  

    ESH101 Health and Physical Education Studies  

    HBS109 Human Structure and Function  

    Plus second method discipline study 1 from another Faculty

    Trimester 2

    EXE102 Understanding Learners  

    ESH102 The Art and Science of Dance and Gymnastics  

    HSE102 Functional Human Anatomy  

    Plus second method discipline study 2 from another Faculty

    Year 2
    Trimester 1

    EEE201 Creating Effective Learning Environments  

    ESH404 Middle School Health and Physical Education: Curriculum Study  

    HSE201 Exercise Physiology  

    EEY201 Secondary School Experience 2A  

    Plus second method discipline study 3 from another Faculty

    Trimester 2

    EEE202 Curriculum Assessment and Reporting  

    ESH405 Senior Physical Education: Curriculum Study  

    HSE202 Biomechanics  

    EEY202 Secondary School Experience 2B  

    Plus second method discipline study 4 from another Faculty

    Year 3
    Trimester 1

    EEM301 Numeracy Across the Curriculum  

    HSE203 Exercise Behaviour  

    HSE311 Applied Sports Science 1  

    EEY301 Secondary School Experience 3A  

    Plus education curriculum study method 2A refer list below

    Note: EEM301 is offered in wholly online mode.

    Trimester 2

    EEL302 Literacy Across the Curriculum  

    HSE204 Motor Learning and Development  

    HSE314 Applied Sports Science 2  

    EEY302 Secondary School Experience 3B  

    Plus Education curriculum study method 2B refer list below

    Year 4 - Available in 2010
    Trimester 1

    EEE401 Professional Relationships  

    ESH455 Approaches to Teaching Physical Education  

    HSE301 Principles of Exercise Prescription  

    EEY401 Secondary School Experience 4A  

    Plus one exercise science/nutrition science elective

    Trimester 2

    EEE402 Transition to Beginning Teaching  

    EEH456 Professional Issues in Physical Education  

    EEY402 Secondary School Experience 4B  

    EEY403 Secondary School Experience 4C  

    Plus two physical education extension elective units.


    (i) All units are 1 credit point unless otherwise noted.
    (ii) EEE201, EEE202, EEM301, EEL302, EEE401, EEE402, EEH456 are 0.75 credit point units.
    (iii) EEY201, EEY202, EEY301, EEY302, EEY401, EEY402, EEY403 are 0.25 credit point units.
    (iv) EEM301 is a wholly online unit.
    Curriculum study method units


    ESS444 Science: Curriculum Study  

    ESS467 Senior Biology: Curriculum Study  


    ESS444 Science: Curriculum Study  

    ESJ460 Studies in Curriculum 4  

    Note: ESJ460 students to select Senior Chemistry: Curriculum Study specialism.

    (ECA431/ECA432 students to select Dance specialism)

    ECA431 Arts Education Discipline Study 1  

    ECA432 Arts Education Discipline Study 2  

    (ECA431/ECA432 students to select Drama specialism)

    ECA431 Arts Education Discipline Study 1  

    ECA432 Arts Education Discipline Study 2  

    Environmental Science

    ESS441 Environmental Science and Society: Curriculum Study  

    ESS442 Senior Environmental Science: Curriculum Study  

    Health (students to select the Health specialism in these units)

    ESJ457 Studies in Curriculum 1  

    ESJ458 Studies in Curriculum 2  



    (i) ESJ457 students to select the Health Education: Curriculum Study specialism, Trimester 1 (B, G) offered each year, (X) offered alternate years 2010, 2012.

    (ii) ESJ458 students to select the Senior Health and Human Development: Curriculum Study specialism, Trimester 2 (B, G) offered each year, (X) offered alternate years 2010, 2012.


    ESM424 Mathematics: Curriculum Study  

    ESM425 Senior Mathematics: Curriculum Study  

    Humanities (formerly SOSE)

    ECS471 Humanities, Societies and Environments: Curriculum Study A  

    ECS472 Humanities, Societies and Environments: Curriculum Study B  
    Physical Education extension elective units

    ECA433 Arts Education Discipline Study 3  

    ECA434 Arts Education Discipline Study 4  

    ESH314 Sport in the School Curriculum  

    ESH418 Issues in Health Education  

    ESH457 Youth and Recreation  

    ESS420 Outdoor and Environmental Education  

    (i) ESH314, ESS420 offered in Trimester 3
    (ii) ECA433, ECA434 students to select Dance specialism.
    Exercise Science/Nutrition Science electives

    HSE303 Exercise Metabolism  

    HSE305 Issues in Sport Coaching  

    HSE307 Advanced Movement Analysis  

    HSE309 Behavioural Aspects of Sport and Exercise  

    HSE313 Understanding Children's Physical Activity  

    HSN201 Principles of Nutrition  
    Detailed course rules
    The Bachelor of Physical Education may be awarded at pass level. To be awarded the Bachelor of Physical Education pass degree a person shall:

    1. be accepted for enrolment in a course of study leading to the award of a Bachelor of Physical Education pass degree and continue to be accepted for enrolment until completion of that course of study

    2. complete a course of study amounting to 32 credit points provided that the course of study shall

    2.1 include units amounting to 25 credit points from those units specified by Faculty Board from time to time as course-grouped units leading to the award of the degree of Bachelor of Physical Education.

    2.2 include units amounting to not less than 22 credit points at level 2 or higher, at least 6 credit points of which shall be taken at level 3 or higher, and at least 6 credit points of which shall be taken at level 4 or higher; and

    2.3 include a major sequence of 6 units of education studies units amounting to not less than 6 credit points; and

    2.4 include a major sequence of physical education studies of not less than 6 credit points; and

    2.5 include a major sequence of no more than 8 credit points in a discipline area related to the curriculum method study of physical education; and

    2.6 include a minor sequence of at least 4 credit points in a second discipline area which is to be related to the secondary curriculum method studies undertaken as agreed with the Schools of Arts, the Faculty of Health, Medicine, Nursing and Behavioural Sciences and Behavioural Sciences, and the Faculty of Science and Technology; and

    2.7 include at least one unit classified as a level 3 wholly online unit.

    2.8 include a professional experience sequence of 7 units.

    3. The course of study shall be completed within a period of not less than four years and except with the permission of the Faculty Board not more than 10 consecutive years from the date the person first enrolled in the course.

    4. The course of study shall include satisfactory completion of at least 80 days of supervised school experience. Students should note that four years of tertiary study inclusive of teacher education is required for employment as a teacher in Victoria.

    Contact Hours
    For each unit of study students are expected to participate in at least three hours of formal contact each week of trimester.  A minimum of six hours of study time in addition to the formal contact is also expected for each unit each week.
    Professional Experience Requirements
    A satisfactory level of teaching competence during school experience is required for the award of the degree. Students are required to undertake professional experience placements concurrently with their secondary curriculum studies. Students may be required to complete the school experience component of the course outside the academic year.

    Admission requirements - general
    General admission requirements for entry into undergraduate courses for international students at Deakin are summarised in the undergraduate admission requirements table (194kb).
    Some courses may have additional entry requirements.
    Students must also meet the undergraduate English language requirements.

    Advanced standing - general
    If you have completed previous studies which you believe may reduce the number of units you have to complete at Deakin, indicate in the appropriate section on your application that you wish to be considered for advanced standing. You will need to provide your previous course details so your credit can be determined. If you are eligible, your offer letter will then contain information about your advanced standing.
    Your advanced standing is formally approved prior to your enrolment at Deakin during the Enrolment and Orientation Program. You must bring original documents relating to your previous study so that this approval can occur.

    You can also refer to the Advanced Standing System which outlines the credit that may be granted towards a Deakin University degree.

    How to apply

        * Applicant Portal: Use our online application system to submit and track your application now.
        * Apply through a Deakin International office: Fill out an application form and submit it to a Deakin International office.
        * Apply through a Deakin representative: Take your application form to your preferred agent for assistance.

    Tracking your application:
    If you have already applied and wish to enquire about your application please refer to the relevant area through which you originally applied.

        * If you applied online, log back into the Applicant Portal using your username and password.
        * If you applied through a Deakin representative please contact your representative.
        * If you applied through a Deakin International office please contact that office.

    Working with Children Check


    The Working with Children Act 2005 (Vic.) requires a person who engages in child-related work, as defined in the Act, to obtain an assessment notice under the Act, known as a Working with Children Check (WWCC). The Act is administered by the Department of Justice:

    School experience placements in schools in the course of a university degree are “child-related work”.  Under the Working with Children Act 2005 (Vic.), administered by the Department of Justice, a student teacher must obtain a Working with Children Check (WWCC) before commencing school experience placements in a school.  The WWCC must remain current throughout the course.  It is an offence under the Act to engage in school experience without holding a WWCC.


    Students will not be allowed to commence school experience in any school in Victoria until a Working with Children Check is obtained.  The Department of Education has requested that on the application form a student nominates the University as the (or one of the) employers.  The University will then be sent a copy of the assessment notice.  Because the University needs to assure a school that a student placed at the school has a current Working with Children Check, each student must give their authority to provide the assurance - a student will be required to sign an authority for the University to inform a school that a WWCC has or has not been obtained.


    While the University will hold on file documentation relating to the WWCCs obtained by students engaged in school experience, it is each student’s responsibility to ensure that he or she can produce the WWCC card to the school upon request and to keep the WWCC current under the Act.


    Students are required to apply for a WWCC through a participating Australia Post outlet (which can be found on the Australia Post website or the Department of Justice website) and provide proof to the faculty that the WWCC has been undertaken.


    Should a student fail to obtain a WWCC, practical training in a school will not be provided, and as practical training is a requirement for completion of a teaching degree, the student may be unable to complete the degree.  Should such a situation arise, the University will provide advice on options for tertiary study.

    It is the responsibility of students undertaking placements outside Victoria to enquire about and, where necessary, to meet any similar legislative or other requirements concerning working with children.

    School Experience requirements

    Students are required for registration purposes (and for the award of the degree) to have completed over the duration of their course a minimum of 80 days of supervised school experience. Students should ensure they are conversant with the Standards for Graduating Students as required by the Victorian Institute of Teaching. The school experience is organised by the School Experience Office and students do not make contact with schools regarding placements under any circumstances. Students are required to comply with the on-line instructions regarding enrolment/re-enrolment in school experience; failure to enrol/re-enrol jeopardises a student’s school experience placement.

    Students should note that it is a requirement of the course that school experience is undertaken in conjunction with their curriculum studies and Education Major studies and during the time tabled dates unless, in exceptional circumstances, alternative arrangements are negotiated and agreed to in writing with the School Experience Office. Students should note that normally any paid or unpaid work undertaken in a school as an unqualified teacher/teacher’s aide will not be recognised for credit as recognised prior learning in supervised school experience for this course. Students may be required to complete the school experience component of the course outside the academic year.

    A satisfactory level of teaching competence during supervised school experience is required for award of the degree. An “unsatisfactory” result on any school experience placement will be referred to the Faculty Academic Progress and Discipline Committee.


    Graduates of an accredited teaching course should note that teacher registration is required in Victoria and is administered by the Victorian Institute of Teaching under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic.).  Prospective students should acquaint themselves with the requirements for registration in Victoria or in any other relevant location.  These requirements include the ability to satisfy the Standards for Graduating Students (available at:

    School Experience enrolment

    Students need to carefully follow the instructions correctly when enrolling or re-enrolling online in school experience units. Failure to enrol or re-enrol correctly jeopardises a student’s school experience placement and this could lead to a delay in the award of the degree. Students must follow Faculty rules in relation to the number of days of school experience to be completed for each placement as per the School Experience Handbook (available from the campus of enrolment) which includes the published school experience timetable. Students should note that a ‘day’ constitutes a whole school day (not part thereof).

    Students should obtain a copy of the School Experience Handbook each year from the School Experience Office (also available at ). Information contained in the Handbook is updated annually and is a summary of Faculty rules in relation to school experience.
    Schedule of School Experience units

    Bachelor of Physical Education

    EEY201 Secondary School Experience 2A (B) 10 days

    EEY202 Secondary School Experience 2B (B) 10 days

    EEY301 Secondary School Experience 3A (B) 10 days

    EEY302 Secondary School Experience 3B (B) 10 days

    EEY401 Secondary School Experience 4A (B) 10 days

    EEY402 Secondary School Experience 4B (B) 15 day block

    EEY403 Secondary School Experience 4C (B) 15 day block
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  • + Information by E-mail
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  • Diploma in Exercise Science

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  • + Information by E-mail