Program ratingThe study of rocks, minerals and fossils of the earth is basically what Geology is all about, and an understanding of these things is of great importance when searching for natural resources such as coal, oil and gold. Learning about how the planet functions, students will research geological processes including ore deposit formation and the environment.
Aimed atPeople who are interested in the evolution of planet earth and how it works would be well suited to studying geology.
EmployabilityCareers in geology are strong in the petroleum, mineral and environmental industries.
Course descriptionSample course plan
Bachelor of Science major: Geology
First year
The Global Environment
Introductory Microeconomics
The Earth, Atmosphere and Oceans
The World of Music
Second year Earth Structure and Dynamics
Earth Composition
Economics of the Environment
Earth Surface Processes Geology of Southeast Australia (Summer)
Physics Management Information Systems
Third year
Structural Geology and Geodynamics Geochemistry and Petrogenesis
Ecological Economics Sedimentary Geology
Advanced Field Geology
Geology Elective
In the Groove