Diploma in Arts (Art History)

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Diploma in Arts (Art History)

  • Entry requirements Students who are currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree course at the University of Melbourne.
  • Academic title Diploma in Arts (Art History)
  • Course description Course Overview:    

    NOTE: This course is in phase-out mode and is no longer accepting applications for admisssion.

    Current students needing assistance with course planning for completion of the course requirments should contact the Arts & Music Student Centre.
    The history program, within the School of Historical Studies is one of the leading history programs in Australia and is internationally recognised for its research strengths in Australian, European, American and Asian history. Students will benefit from the unusual breadth and diversity of the program's undergraduate and interdisciplinary teaching programs.

    Talented and internationally recognised academic staff and a variety of on-line teaching initiatives, including subject-based email discussions, web-based resources and teaching modules, enrich the learning experience for students of history. Students are trained in the research and analysis of historical information, and develop excellent comprehension and communication skills. These broad-based skills are an excellent foundation for employment in a diverse range of communications, administration and museum-based careers. The optional fieldwork component emphasises the strong vocational value of history. Students interested in expanding their interests and knowledge in history can also progress to higher degree study options at the University of Melbourne.

    History is a means of understanding the relationship between past and present. It is a rich and stimulating discipline, exploring the range of human societies through time and across cultures. The study of history enriches our understanding of ourselves. It provides perspective and generates critical understanding of contemporary socie

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