Executive Master of Business Administration (Family Business)

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Executive Master of Business Administration (Family Business)

  • Objectives Family-owned and operated businesses dominate the commercial landscape of all free enterprise economies. In Australia, they account for 80% of business structures, transcending the small, medium and large categories with annual turnovers ranging from $100,000 to multi million dollar figures. The Executive MBA Family Business specialisation integrates fundamental business principles with the unique aspects of the often-complex and challenging family business structure. The only one of its kind in Australia, this program draws on more than a decade of research conducted by the Australian Centre for Family Business to examine why these businesses often surpass their publicly-owned competitors and how your business can embrace the strategies that have taken family-controlled organisations to positions of market leadership and global prominence. As such, this program is particularly relevant to non-family member managers and next generation executives who will measurably benefit from the leadership and entrepreneurial qualities critical to succession planning. An EMBA (Corporate) specialisation is also available and is specifically designed for managers in large multinational organsations as well as smaller private companies.
  • Entry requirements * Cover letter detailing the candidates career goals and how the EMBA fits with their ambition and what they bring to the EMBA cohort. * Interview by EMBA Director or nominee to gauge leadership potential and suitability of the program for the candidate’s needs. * Detailed curriculum vitae documenting a minimum eight years work experience with a minimum of 3 years in management. * Either a strong undergraduate degree or evidence of other significant post secondary learning (including professional learning). * GMAT Score is optional but will be required for students without first degree, at the EMBA Director’s discretion. * Two references, one of which must be work related · Applicants must provide a letter of employer support. * IELTS score of 6.5 with a minimum of 6 on all bands or TOEFL score of 570.
  • Academic title Executive Master of Business Administration (Family Business)
  • Course description EXECUTIVE DELIVERY

    The Executive MBA Family Business is structured to accommodate senior managers who cannot afford to take time out for full-time study.

    On-campus classes are scheduled in a series of one and two-week in-residence sessions, spaced out over a 13-month period or extended over 26 months, allowing managers to utilise their allotted holiday and long service leave to earn senior level qualifications with minimum interruption to their work commitments.

    Course content

    The core Executive MBA Family Business program offers an integrated framework of advanced business knowledge and practical skills that each candidate can directly apply to their relevant industry sector.
    Issues such as family business governance, best practice management, brand building and the blending of employee interests are presented within the framework of market-oriented decision making, resource management, growth strategies and innovation.
    Drawing on the theoretical acumen and international consulting expertise of the Faculty’s most senior academics, candidates will be challenged to discuss, dissect and develop practical and innovative solutions to management scenarios drawn from their individual corporate situations.
    The development of leadership qualities underpins every aspect of the program, enhancing each candidate’s ability to identify and harness the talents of a diverse team of individuals.

    Throughout the program, a clear emphasis will be placed on leadership qualities, through a series of executive skills and leadership development workshops. Student must complete the following core subjects:

        * Executive Skills and Leadership**
        * Major Application Project**
        * Self Insights, Teamwork & Strategic Thinking
        * Market Orientated Decision Making
        * Strategic Tools and Leadership
        * Financial Accounting and Analysis
        * Managing Resources
        * Markets and Organisations
        * Valuation
        * Creating and Growing a Business
        * Strategic People Management and Organisational Change

    Plus the following 4 Family Business Management subjects:

        * Family Business Insights and Leadership
        * Family Business in a Global Context - Study Tour
        * Professionalising Family Business Management
        * Professionalising Family Business Governance

    Plus 2 half subject electives - indicative subjects include:

        * Corporate Governance
        * Executive Negotiation Strategies
        * Mergers and Takeovers
        * Management Consulting
        * Business Law
        * Sustainable Business Excellence
        * Special Topic in Executive Management

    * For international students this program is only available to those on a business or visitor visa for the duration of their studies. The program is not available to student visa holders.

    **Half Unit Subjects

    13-Week Option
    The program commences with a two-week Orientation module, followed by one-week modules scheduled at six-week intervals. There will be another two-week module in the middle of the program, held at an international location, and a final module for project presentations.

    26-Week Option
    The extended 26-week program commences with a two-week Orientation module, followed by one-week modules scheduled at twelve-week intervals. In addition there are one-day assessment sessions (project presentations and integration/reflection sessions) in the weekend every six weeks.  Similar to the 13-Week Option, the two-week module in the middle of the program, held at an international location, and a final module for project presentations.
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