Graduate Certificate in Business Administration

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Graduate Certificate in Business Administration

  • Objectives The course is designed to provide a strong foundation in appropriate business knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes for successful careers as managers of organisations including private sector business organisations, not-for-profit organisations and public organisations. Depending on the specific topics studied, it aims to: * develop student knowledge and skills across the range of management areas relevant to decision making, including strategic management, financial management, human resource management and marketing management; * provide students with relevant technical knowledge of accounting, finance and economics; * provide students with a sound understanding and appreciation of the context in which organisations operate including the impact of broader economic and global business conditions and practices on the operations and viability of organisations. Learning outcomes Depending on the specific topics studied, students successfully completing this course should be able to: * interpret financial information to evaluate organisational performance; * apply sound financial management techniques and analytical skills to the operations of their organisation; * recognise the potential impact of economic conditions and events on the operations of the organisation; * take account of the impact of the global business environment in which the organisation operates; * analyse organisations and apply contemporary management practices compatible with organisational sustainability and effective workforce relations; * manage the marketing needs of an organisation within a variety of settings.
  • Entry requirements Applicants for the Graduate Certificate of Business Administration must hold a bachelor degree from a recognised university and must have at least 2 years relevant full-time equivalent work experience, preferably with at least 1 year at management/supervisory level OR have 7 years work experience, preferably with at least 2 years at management/supervisory level. Students, whose first degree was not taught in the English language, are required to demonstrate proficiency in English (IELTS of 6.5, TOEFL of 580). Admission will be offered on the basis of academic merit. CREDIT Credit transfer may be offered to students who can clearly demonstrate the completion of topic content in a postgraduate degree from an approved institution; a maximum of 12 units may be awarded as per University policy.
  • Academic title Graduate Certificate in Business Administration
  • Course description The Graduate Certificate in Business Administration is part of the postgraduate Business Administration programs offered by the Flinders Business School within the Faculty of Social Sciences. The course is offered on a fee-paying basis.

    It articulates with the 36-unit Graduate Diploma in Business Administration and the 72-unit Master of Business Administration, and the sequentially developed topics allow progression through the three awards.

    Students who complete the graduate certificate normally receive credit for up to 18 units of topics should they wish to proceed with the graduate diploma.

    PROGRAM OF STUDY  [November, 2008]

    This is an 18-unit of credit course. Participants are required to complete 3 of the following core business topics:


    Accounting for Managers



    Financial Management



    Strategic Marketing



    Essentials of Sustainable Management



    Economics for Business



    Global Business Context


    Other topics may be taken with the approval of the Chair of the Course Managemnent Committee or their representative.

    Except with permission of the Faculty Board:

        * the program must be completed within four consecutive semesters;
        * no topic may be attempted more than twice;
        * a student may not include a topic which repeats work previously undertaken.

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Other programs related to business administration

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  • Graduate Diploma in Business Administration

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  • + Information by E-mail
  • Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Business Information Systems

  • Institution: Australian Catholic University North Sydney Campus
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  • Institution: Australian Catholic University Canberra Campus
  • + Information by E-mail