Graduate Certificate in Geographical Information Systems

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Graduate Certificate in Geographical Information Systems

  • Objectives The Graduate Certificate in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) provides an introduction to the theory and application of GIS and remote sensing and is intended for students with an undergraduate degree that is not related to studies in GIS. It provides a theoretical and practical framework for students from a range of graduate backgrounds, as well as those from the public sector and non-government organisations wishing to extend their choice of career path by acquiring knowledge and skills in the capture, synthesis and communication of spatially-referenced information. It provides both a stand-alone program for the purposes of mid-career development, as well as an entry point into more advanced studies in the Graduate Diploma in Geographical Information Systems. Students will learn skills which are applicable to a range of areas such as urban and regional planning, infrastructure management, transportation, the environment, biological sciences, biodiversity management and archaeology. Learning outcomes Students who successfully complete the graduate certificate will be able to: * demonstrate an understanding of the processes required to combine and effectively manage various sources of data for spatial analysis; * undertake data manipulation and GIS analyses of the type commonly required in industry using ESRI's ARC GIS software; * demonstrate an understanding of remote sensing theory and principles that are fundamental to scientists across all areas, including its relationship and integration with GIS; and * use the professional image processing software ERDAS IMAGINE for visualisation, geometric correction, analysis and inquiry of remotely sensed data.
  • Entry requirements Applicants will normally hold an approved degree or equivalent qualification from an approved tertiary institution. Admission may also be granted based on prior work and voluntary experience. This must include four years of industry experience. Admission will be based on the extent to which work or voluntary experience has enabled the applicant to develop an understanding of Geographical Information Systems and any familiarity with software applications, databases or statistics. Applicants who wish to be admitted on this basis will need to provide: * curriculum vitae; * description of the roles and activities in work or voluntary positions; * description of the skills and abilities demonstrated through their work/voluntary experience; and * name(s) of referee(s) who could verify work/voluntary experience. Assessment of the work or voluntary experience will be undertaken by the Chair of the Course Management Committee. The Faculty Board may admit others who can demonstrate fitness for candidature. The Graduate Certificate in GIS is not available to graduates of the Bachelor of Applied Geographical Information Systems or of equivalent undergraduate courses from other tertiary institutions.
  • Academic title Graduate Certificate in Geographical Information Systems
  • Course description The Graduate Certificate in Geographical Information Systems is an 18-unit program which forms part of the Graduate Program in Geographical Information Systems offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences. The course is offered on a full fee-paying basis and normally is completed in one semester full-time or two semesters part-time.

    The Graduate Certificate in Geographical Information Systems articulates with the 36-unit Graduate Diploma in Geographical Information Systems.

    PROGRAM OF STUDY [November, 2008]

    The Graduate Certificate in GIS is specifically designed to provide flexibility to students with different levels of GIS experience and skills. Specifically, the Graduate Certificate in GIS allows students who have already completed undergraduate introductory topics in GIS or remote sensing to complete more advanced topics in these areas, while also providing an entry level for those students who have no GIS experience.

    Consequently, to qualify for the Graduate Certificate in GIS students must complete 18 units with a grade of P or NGP or better from the following list of optional topics. Student choice will be confined by individual topic prerequisites.

    A student's progress of study must be approved by the program approver.


    Geographical Information Systems (S1&S2)



    Research Project Design, Conduct and Management (S1&S2)



    GIS Modelling (S1)



    Introduction to Remote Sensing (S1)



    Advanced Digital Image Analysis (S1)



    GIS for Analysis and Management (S2)



    Image Analysis in Remote Sensing (S2)



    GIS and RS Field Camp (S2)



    Research Project in GIS (S1&S2)


    Note: up to 6 units from other topics may be taken with the approval of the course coordinator.

    Except with the permission of the Faculty Board:

        * a student may not include a topic (as credit or otherwise) which repeats work previously undertaken at the undergraduate level.

    The course is assessed through a varying combination of individual essays and assignments, group project work, computer and individual and group presentations.
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