Graduate Diploma in Forensic Odontology

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Graduate Diploma in Forensic Odontology

  • Academic title Graduate Diploma in Forensic Odontology
  • Course description      This course aims to develop a capacity for contemporary professional practice, specialist knowledge and theory in the field of forensic odontology.

    The course objectives are:

        * To provide you with the opportunity to advance your knowledge and skills in forensic odontology. Whilst this is aquired in the context of the Australian legal system, consideration is also given to practice in other countries.
        * To develop additional skills in selected aspects of both basic sciences and forensic dentistry.
        * To engage with new and emerging fields of study in this area.

    At the end of the course you should be able to:

       1. recognise, understand and use techniques in basic medical sciences which have forensic odontological application
       2. understand and have gained experience in the disciplines of forensic medicine and pathology in their broadest sense
       3. understand the Australian legal system so that oro/dental evidence may be adequately prepared and presented in courts of law and to other tribunals
       4. understand the limitations of their own knowledge and experience and be able to judge when it is prudent to be able to work as a forensic odontologist in a unsupervised environment
       5. contribute to Disaster Victim Identification missions under supervision.
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