Graduate Diploma in Public Administration (Housing Management)

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Graduate Diploma in Public Administration (Housing Management)

  • Objectives The Graduate Diploma in Public Administration (Housing Management) will provide a comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of public administration and housing management. It provides a conceptual and practical framework for students wishing to proceed further with careers in the public sector and non-government organisations. It provides both a stand-alone program for the purposes of mid-career development, and an entry point to more advanced studies at Masters level in the Graduate Program in Public Administration (Housing Management). Learning outcomes Students who successfully complete the Graduate Diploma will be able to: * contribute effectively to the management and governance of public and/or social housing agencies, or private housing and development organisations; * contribute effectively to the delivery of housing services in the public, non government and private sectors; * negotiate the main theories, issues and complexities shaping the environments in which contemporary housing managers work; and * demonstrate an enhanced understanding of the factors affecting housing policy in Australia and other nations.
  • Entry requirements Applicants must normally hold either the Graduate Certificate in Public Administration (Housing Management) or an approved degree or equivalent qualification from an approved tertiary institution. However, the Faculty Board may, under certain circumstances and subject to specific conditions, admit others who can show evidence of fitness for candidature. Admission may also be granted based on prior work and voluntary experience. This will usually include several years of experience in a public sector or non-government organisation. Admission will be based on the extent to which work or voluntary experience has enabled the applicant to develop an understanding of issues in the public and non-government sectors, and policy and/or analytical skills. Applicants who wish to be admitted on this basis will need to provide: * a curriculum vitae; * a description of their roles and activities in work or voluntary positions; * a description of the skills and abilities demonstrated through their work/voluntary experience; and * name(s) or referee(s) who could verify work/voluntary experience. Assessment of the work or voluntary experience will be undertaken by the Director of Studies. Applicants will be expected to have relevant qualifications and some experience and knowledge of the public and/or non-government sectors upon entering the course. The curriculum presumes familiarity with the operation and purposes of government and non-government sectors. CREDIT Students who have successfully completed the requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Public Administration (Housing Management) receive 18 units of credit towards the course. Credit may be granted, on application, for comparable prior studies.
  • Academic title Graduate Diploma in Public Administration (Housing Management)
  • Course description The Graduate Diploma in Public Administration (Housing Management) is a 36-unit program which forms part of the Graduate Program in Public Administration (Housing Management) offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences.

    The course is offered on a full fee-paying basis and normally is completed in two semesters full-time or six semesters part-time.

    It articulates with the 18-unit Graduate Certificate in Public Administration (Housing Management) and the 72-unit Master of Public Administration (Housing Management), and the sequentially developed topics allow progression through the three awards.

    PROGRAM OF STUDY  [November, 2008]

    A student's program of study must be approved by the Program Approver.

    To qualify for the Graduate Diploma in Public Administration (Housing Management), a student must complete 36 units with a grade of P or NGP or better in each topic, according to the program of study below. Not all topics necessarily are available in a given year.



    Housing Management



    Housing Policy



    Housing Management Practice



    plus one of the following


    Public Policy



    Management in Non-Government Organisations *



    Public Management **/ *



    Students must make up the remaining 12 from the following:


    Advanced Demography



    Urban Social Geography



    Research Project Design, Conduct and Management *



    Urban Policy and Governance



    Australian Government and Politics



    Urban Politics and Public Policy



    No more than 12 units may be chosen from the following:


    Cities, Geography and Policy



    Regional Development



    Geographic Information Systems



    Urban Politics



    Access and Equity: Social Issues in Public Policy



    Social Policy


    * E = listed as internal and external mode
    ** I = intensive delivery

    Except with permission of the Faculty Board:

        * no topic may be attempted more than twice;
        * the course must be completed within three consecutive semesters full-time or seven consecutive semesters part-time, or where credit has been granted for previous work, a period determined by the Board.

    The award of a grade of Fail (F) in the same topic on more than one occasion may constitute prima facie evidence of unsatisfactory progress for the purposes of the University's Policy on Student Progress.

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