Graduate Diploma in Remote Health Practice

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Graduate Diploma in Remote Health Practice

  • Objectives The articulated program aims to meet the need for preparatory, ongoing and higher education for health professionals who work in remote areas and for appropriately qualified people who have an interest in this field and may contribute in the future to the remote area workforce. Learning outcomes At the completion of the course, students are expected to be able to: * analyse their own cultural background and apply the insights gained to a study of the context and culture of remote health in Australia; * critically examine Australian and international literature on health care and health systems in Australia and elsewhere; * recognise and analyse the key concepts underlying the development of the health care system in remote Australia; * identify models of remote area practice and examine their underlying conceptual bases; * identify and apply the principles of primary health care to remote care practice; * practise as culturally safe health professionals with an ongoing commitment to community development, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander self-determination, partnership and two-way learning; * demonstrate generic skills and competencies for health professionals working in remote areas.
  • Entry requirements Applicants who do not hold the Graduate Certificate in Health (Remote Health Practice) must normally hold an approved degree or equivalent qualification from an approved tertiary institution and have had not less than two years' experience as a practising health professional in a remote area. However, the Faculty Board may, under certain circumstances and subject to specific conditions, admit others who can show evidence of fitness for candidature.
  • Academic title Graduate Diploma in Remote Health Practice
  • Course description The Graduate Diploma in Remote Health Practice is a 36-unit program offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences on a Commonwealth Supported basis.

    Note: Full fee-paying places are available on request to students who are in receipt of a scholarship which covers fee-paying student tuition fees only.

    The course articulates with the Graduate Certificate in Remote Health Practice and the Master of Remote Health Practice and the sequentially developed topics allow progression through the three awards.

    Students in the programs undertake a range of core topics and are then able to select a specialty stream in either Nursing, Medical, Allied Health, Management, Individual Practice or Remote Indigenous Oral Health. Students who have completed the graduate certificate are normally awarded credit for 18 units of topics towards the graduate diploma.

    The program was developed in collaboration with the Council of Remote Area Nurses and all three courses are offered on an external basis through the Centre for Remote Health in Alice Springs.

    PROGRAM OF STUDY  [November, 2008]

    Students who enrolled in the Master of Remote Health Management prior to 2007 are asked to contact the Course Coordinator, Ms Sabina Knight on (08) 8951 4700 or email:

    To qualify for the Graduate Diploma in Remote Health Practice, a student must complete 36 units with a grade of P or NGP or better in each topic, according to the following program of study.

    Not all topics are necessarily available in a given year.

    The research project and elective topics must be chosen in consultation with the course coordinator and must be in an area relevant to the student's present or future practice.

    Core topics


    Context of Remote Health



    Remote Primary Health Care



    Ethics, Power and Practice



    Public Health Principles and Practice


    Plus one of the following specialty streams:



    Remote Advanced Nursing Practice and Pharmacotherapeutics **



    Remote Nurse Practitioner 1 - Family Nursing *




    Remote Medical Practice 1 **



    Remote Medical Practice 2 *




    Fundamentals of Remote Allied Health Practice



    Remote Allied Health in Practice



    Remote Allied Health Practice 2 * #




    Foundations of Remote Health Management: People, Planning and Money



    Remote Health Services Organisation, Resources and Workforce



    Remote Health Management - Policy and Leadership




    Individual Practice 1 **



    Individual Practice 2 *




    Remote Indigenous Oral Health Practice 1 *



    Remote Indigenous Oral Health Practice 2 *


    * This topic can be taken in one semester but is also offered in two parts as two 3-unit topics. Part A (3 units) and Part B (3 units) must be undertaken in two consecutive semesters as they are taught and assessed as a continuum.

    ** This topic can be taken in one semester but is also offered in two parts as two 4.5-unit topics. Part A (4.5 units) and Part B (4.5 units) must be undertaken in two consecutive semesters as they are taught and assessed as a continuum.

    # Students undertaking the Allied Health specialty may select HLTH9014 Community-Based Rehabilitation: Primary Health Care for People with Disabilities in place of this topic. Other topics may be selected from other programs within Flinders University and from other universities in consultation with the course coordinator.

    Other topics may be selected from other programs within Flinders University and from other universities in consultation with the course coordinator.

    Except with permission of the Faculty Board:

        * the program must be completed within six consecutive semesters;
        * no topic may be attempted more than twice.

    The award of a grade of Fail (F) in 12 or more units may constitute prima facie evidence of unsatisfactory progress for the purposes of the University's Policy on Student Progress.
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