Graduate Diploma in Transnational Law

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Graduate Diploma in Transnational Law

  • Objectives The Graduate Diploma in Transnational Law focuses on: * The changing knowledge base in selected aspects of transnational law * The analysis and resolution of complex problems in selected aspects of transnational law * Finding and using the relevant principles of law * The context within which transnational law operates, with particular reference to the impact of globalism * The significance and value of knowledge to the wider community * Communication of knowledge, orally and in writing.
  • Entry requirements The Graduate Diploma in Transnational Law is available only to international students.
  • Academic title Graduate Diploma in Transnational Law
  • Course description Students must complete four subjects credited to the Graduate Diploma in Transnational Law. Most subjects with an international focus are credited towards this graduate diploma - please see the list of all subjects available for this program.

    Students who do not have a law degree from a common law system must also complete the preliminary subject Australian Legal Process and Legal Institutions.

    # Offered in 2009
    All Subjects

        * Administrative Law in an Age of Rights
        * Administrative Law in Commonwealth Countries #
        * Admiralty Law #
        * Advanced International Tax: Offshore Entities (formerly Taxation of Overseas Entities) #
        * Alternative Dispute Resolution #
        * Art and Law
        * Asian Comparative Tax Law Systems #
        * Australian Charters of Rights #
        * Banking and Debt Recovery in Asia (formerly Debt Recovery in Asia) #
        * Banking and Finance in Asia (formerly Banking and Debt Recovery in Asia) #
        * Bioethics from an International Perspective #
        * Can Constitutions Protect Rights?
        * Citizens, Groups and States in Asia
        * Civil Society and the Law
        * Commercial Deals in Asia (formerly Commercial Law in Asia) #
        * Commercial Dispute Resolution in Asia
        * Commercial Information and the Law
        * Commercial Law in Asia #
        * Common Law Constitutionalism
        * Comparative Companies Law in Asia
        * Comparative Constitutional Law
        * Comparative Corporate Governance
        * Comparative Law
        * Comparative Regional Integration
        * Comparing Federal Constitutions
        * Constitution Making #
        * Constitutionalism and Transnationalism #
        * Constitutionalism in Asian Societies #
        * Corporate Taxation A (Shareholders, Debt and Equity) #
        * Corporate Taxation B (Companies and Consolidation) #
        * Criminal Law and Development
        * Current Issues in Islamic Law
        * Defamation Law
        * Developing Countries and the WTO
        * Digital Broadcasting and Wireless Networks (formerly Broadcasting Regulation and its Future - A Comparative Analysis)
        * Dispute Resolution in the Cyberspace Era
        * Entertainment Law #
        * Environmental Law #
        * European Legal Systems
        * European Union Law #
        * Financial Services Law (formerly Licensing Financial Services Providers)
        * Fiscal Reform and Development
        * Free Trade Agreements
        * Fundamentals of the Civil Law
        * Fundamentals of the Common Law #
        * Gender, Human Rights and Development
        * Global Financial Order: IMF and World Bank
        * Global Health Law #
        * Human Rights and Indigenous Peoples #
        * Human Rights and Terrorism
        * Human Rights in Context: A Case Study
        * Human Rights Issues in Asia #
        * Human Rights Litigation and Advocacy #
        * Human Rights Theory
        * Human Rights, Gender and Religion #
        * Intellectual Property in the Digital Age
        * Intellectual Property Law and Development
        * International and Comparative Competition Law #
        * International and Comparative Patent Law
        * International Aspects of US Income Tax (formerly United States Corporate and International Tax) #
        * International Commercial Arbitration #
        * International Construction Law
        * International Corporate Finance: Negotiating and Documenting OTC Derivatives and Repos
        * International Criminal Justice, Transition and Trauma #
        * International Criminal Law #
        * International Economic Law #
        * International Environmental Law
        * International Financial Transactions: Law and Practice #
        * International Human Rights Law (Class 1) #
        * International Human Rights Law (Class 2) #
        * International Humanitarian Law #
        * International Institutions
        * International Investment Law and Arbitration #
        * International Issues in Intellectual Property #
        * International Law and Children’s Rights #
        * International Law and the Use of Force
        * International Law in Context #
        * International Legal Internship #
        * International Peace and Security Law (formerly Law of Peace Operations)
        * International Petroleum Transactions #
        * International Refugee Law (formerly Refugee Law) #
        * International Securities Regulation #
        * International Sports Labour Law (formerly Sports Labour Law)
        * International Taxation: Principles and Structure (formerly Australian International Taxation) #
        * International Trade Law #
        * Islam and Human Rights
        * Islamic Banking and Finance
        * Islamic Law and Politics in Asia #
        * Issues in Transnational Crime
        * Judicial Review in Commonwealth Countries (formerly Administrative Law in Commonwealth Countries) #
        * Labour Law and Development
        * Law and Development #
        * Law and Economic Reform in Asia
        * Law of the Sea (formerly Law of the Sea and National Security) #
        * Law of the Sea and National Security (formerly Law of the Sea: Environmental and Resources Issues) #
        * Law, Culture and the International #
        * Law, Globalisation and Development #
        * Law, Medicine and Ethics
        * Litigation and Conflict Resolution: Meeting Domestic and Global Challenges in the 21st Century
        * Maritime Law
        * Mineral Law #
        * National Human Rights Institutions (formerly National Human Rights Monitoring)
        * Petroleum Law #
        * Post-Conflict State-Building #
        * Principles of International Law #
        * Principles of Islamic Law (formerly Fundamentals of Islamic Law)
        * Principles of WTO Law (formerly World Trade Organization: Basic Principles)
        * Project Finance #
        * Public Health Law in Australia and the Pacific
        * Public Law of the Internet (formerly Regulation in the Digital Age)
        * Resources Joint Ventures (formerly Resources Joint Ventures and Transactions)
        * Sovereignty and the Rights of Minorities #
        * State-Building and the United Nations
        * Taxation of Business and Investment Income A #
        * Taxation of Financial Instruments
        * Taxation of Intellectual Property
        * Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism
        * Tourism Law
        * Trade and Environment
        * Trade, Human Rights and Development
        * Transfer Pricing: Practice and Problems #
        * Transnational Commercial Litigation #
        * Transnational Oil, Gas and Mineral Law
        * UK Taxation: Principles and New Developments #
        * United States Corporate and International Tax #
        * United States Securities Regulation
        * Value Added Tax: Australia's GST in a Global Context (formerly Advanced Goods and Services Tax)
        * What is it that Judges do? An Analysis of the Major Theories of Adjudication
        * Women, War and Peace-Building (formerly Women and War) #
        * WTO Law and Dispute Settlement #
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