Graduate Diploma of International Relations

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Graduate Diploma of International Relations

  • Objectives The forces of globalisation are generating profound effects on many spheres of economic, social and political activity, and a deeper knowledge of international relations is becoming necessary in many areas of public life. The International Relations program aims to produce graduates who are able to demonstrate, in their professional life, high-level skills of analysis and interpretation of global issues and events, and substantial understanding of the complexities of contemporary international relations. The program is offered at graduate certificate, graduate diploma and masters levels to meet a variety of needs in terms of entry qualifications and graduation options.
  • Entry requirements To be eligible for admission into the Graduate Diploma of International Relations applicants require a bachelor degree from an approved tertiary institution or equivalent.
  • Academic title Graduate Diploma of International Relations
  • Course description Fees and charges
    Equivalent Full Time Student Load (EFTSL)
    EFTSL is the standard annual full time load. Eight credit points is the standard full time load for one year of study.

    Fee paying place - Domestic (DFP)
    A Fee paying place is one for which the university does not receive any government funding. As such, students enrolled in these places are required to contribute the full cost of their course.
    Fee paying places are available to domestic students. Domestic students are those who are Australian citizens, New Zealand citizens or holders of a permanent visa.

    *Indicative course fees should be used as a guide only. Deakin University assumes no responsibility for persons relying on indicative course fees to calculate the total future cost of their course. The indicative course fee is an estimate based on a typical enrolment a student may have for their first year of study in 2009 for their course. The indicative course fee is based on historical first year enrolments within the course, reflecting the discipline cluster of the units which may be studied within the course. The actual fees charged will depend on the individual units chosen. The cost of each unit can be viewed at Please note that the fees per unit/credit point may increase annually due to rises in the cost of course delivery and services.

    Career opportunities

    The program is designed for those working in the public service, private sector corporations and small business, non-government organisations and in a range of professions, who seek to develop systematic understandings of the international forces shaping their environment, and enhance their skills in analysis and interpretation.

    Course rules
    To qualify for the Graduate Diploma of International Relations, a student must successfully complete 8 credit points of study comprising:

        * 2 credit points of compulsory core units; and
        * 6 credit points of electives selected from the specified list of units below

    Asia-Pacific Regional Politics
    Conflict and Security
    Human Rights and International Law
    International History

    Course structure
    Core units

    Trimester 1

    AIR747 Contemporary International Politics  

    Trimester 2

    AIR742 Theories of International Relations  


    Trimester 1

    AIH759 The Cold War: An International History  

    AIH760 The Contemporary South Pacific: Governance and Crisis  

    AIR716 Gender, War and Peace  

    AIR719 The United Nations and International Law  

    AIR726 Human Rights in the International System  

    AIR728 International Political Economy  

    AIR732 Terrorism in International Politics  

    AIR750 European Security Issues  

    Trimester 2

    ACM701 Global Media and War  

    AID742 Political Development in South East Asia  

    AIH701 After the Vietnam War  

    AIH753 Genocide  

    AIP776 Contemporary Perspectives on European Integration  

    AIR702 Strategic Issues in South Asia  

    AIR706 Political Economy of the Asia Pacific  *

    AIR707 Global Governance  

    AIR729 Refugees in Global Politics  

    AIR748 Contemporary Security and Strategy  

    AIR749 Security in the Asia-Pacific Region  

    AIR751 International Humanitarian Law  


    Trimester 2 or trimester 3

    AIR712 Australia in the World  

    Additional electives

    MPE707 International Banking and Finance  

    MPE711 Global Trade and Markets  

    MPE781 Economics for Managers  

    MPM735 International Business Management  


    * Not offered until 2010.

    Admission requirements - general
    Deakin University offers admission to postgraduate courses through a number of Admission categories.
    In all categories of admission, selection is based primarily on academic merit as indicated by an applicant's previous academic record.
    For more information on the Deakin Admissions Policy visit The Guide

    Admission requirements - specific
    To be eligible for admission into the Graduate Diploma of International Relations applicants require a bachelor degree from an approved tertiary institution or equivalent.

    Advanced standing - general
    The University aims to provide students with as much credit as possible for approved prior study or informal learning which exceeds the normal entrance requirements for the course and is within the constraints of the course regulations. Students are required to complete a minimum of one-third of the course at Deakin University, or four credit points, whichever is the greater. In the case of certificates, including graduate certificates, a minimum of two credit points within the course must be completed at Deakin.

    You can also refer to the Advanced Standing System which outlines the credit that may be granted towards a Deakin University degree.

    Advanced standing - specific
    The Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and the Masters course in International Relations comprise a suite of fully articulated courses. Successful completion of the Graduate Certificate of International Relations will lead to admission into either the Graduate Diploma of International Relations or the Master of Arts (International Relations) with up to 4 credit points of advanced standing. Successful completion of the Graduate Diploma of International Relations or equivalent will lead to admission into the Master of Arts (International Relations) with up to 8 credit points of advanced standing.

    A special entry category exists for serving Australian Defence Force officers who hold a general degree and who have also passed the Australian Command and Staff College and the Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies or their antecedents.
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