Master of Advanced Nursing Practice

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Master of Advanced Nursing Practice

  • Academic title Master of Advanced Nursing Practice
  • Course description The course provides nurses with the confidence and skill to provide the best possible health care for consumers. Masters prepared nurses will assume a major responsibility in developing new professional roles, devising new models of care and overseeing dynamic changes to practice. As clinically proficient and professionally articulate practitioners, graduates of the MANP will make their mark on the profession and on health care.

    The first year of study provides the opportunity for you to extend your nursing knowledge into an area of specialty practice. The second year of study focuses on advanced practice skills and knowledge, preparing you for leadership roles in practice and education and for extended clinical roles, with the option of preparation for Nurse Practitioner endorsement for appropriately qualified applicants.

    Enrolment in clinical components of the MANP is dependant on meeting the registration and clinical experience requirements outlined in the Admission Requirements section. You must also have the support of your current employer to facilitate completion of specialty clinical competencies.

    As a graduate of the MANP you will have:

        * a comprehensive knowledge of relevant research literature related to your field of practice
        * the capacity to critically think, problem-solve, seek, retrieve and evaluate information
        * the ability to analyse the socio-political influences on nursing practice
        * the ability to explore and evaluate the status of (and potential for) advanced nursing practice in national and international contexts
        * be able to undertake an assessment of your practice, develop a plan and complete a planned program of knowledge and skill development
        * achieve mastery of knowledge and skills to support extension to practice and the development of therapeutic and evidence-based nursing interventions in your work environment
        * the ability to develop, implement and undertake new and innovative practices within legislative and professional boundaries
        * attained oral and written communication skills to support advanced practice
        * developed planning, time management and teamwork skills to support advanced practice
        * knowledge and skills to support culturally competent practice, leadership and/or education relevant to advanced practice in your chosen specialty practice
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