Master of Applied Science (Geographic Information Systems)

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Master of Applied Science (Geographic Information Systems)

  • Academic title Master of Applied Science (Geographic Information Systems)
  • Course description The Master of Applied Science (GIS) is designed to meet the needs of graduates employed in a variety of disciplines associated with land administration, natural resource management, facility information management, environmental management, urban planning and conservation, and who wish to gain a detailed knowledge of the theory, technology and applications of geographic information systems (GIS) as a subset of the broader discipline of the management of spatial data. Graduates are likely to come from engineering, surveying, geography, planning, environmental science, agriculture and forestry.

    The coursework component of this award is the same as for the Master of Geographic Information Technology with the addition of a one semester research component 451-650 Investigative Project (50 points). Students may choose relevant GIS-related electives offered by other departments and faculties with written approval from the Course Coordinator. 


        * students will normally take two units (50 points) of the subject 451-612 Research Project for the MAppSc by coursework and four units (100 points) for the MAppSc by research (taking it over the Summer Semester requires the approval of the course coordinator)
        * students may also choose relevant GIS-related electives (with approval of the course coordinator) taught by other Departments and Faculties
        * the right is reserved to cancel any postgraduate 600-level subject if insufficient enrolments are received (in which case alternative arrangements will be made to meet student needs)

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