Master of Arts in Applied Population Studies

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Master of Arts in Applied Population Studies

  • Objectives The course has a dual purpose. First, it aims to provide students with the training needed to carry out advanced, independent research on population and related issues, based on an original analysis of empirical data, and qualify them for a senior level research position.Second, it serves the purpose of a qualifying program for those students who have sufficient research capabilities but do not qualify for direct entry to a PhD program.Learning outcomesStudents completing the degree of Master of Arts in Applied Population Studies are expected to be able to carry out advanced, independent research on population and related issues and interpret the trends with a view to applying the results to various fields.
  • Entry requirements Applicants must hold an approved bachelors degree with honours class 1 or 2A in the field of population studies or qualifications deemed equivalent by the Faculty of Social Sciences Board.Before an applicant is admitted, the Board must be satisfied that the proposed program of studies can be conveniently pursued and appropriately supervised.
  • Academic title Master of Arts in Applied Population Studies
  • Course description The Master of Arts in Applied Population Studies is a two-year full-time (or equivalent part-time) research degree comprising a substantial and original piece of research with the option of some coursework.

    PROGRAM OF STUDY  [November, 2008]

    To qualify for the Master of Arts in Applied Population Studies degree, a student must complete:

        * a thesis relevant to population studies, embodying the research work done while enrolled and containing a significant contribution to knowledge or scholarship within the scope of the subject. The thesis will have a minimum word count of 35,000 and a maximum of 50,000.

    A student may also choose to complete:

        * up to 24 units of coursework with a grade of P or NGP or better in each topic as described below.



    Population Studies



    Plus 18 units of electives as approved by the principal supervisor


    The University's Research Higher Degree Policies and Procedures apply to the research component of the Master of Arts in Applied Population Studies.

    A student's progress in the program of study leading to the Master of Arts in Applied Population Studies is monitored in accordance with Clauses 18 and 19 of the University's Research Higher Degree Policies and Procedures.

    Examination of Thesis

    The thesis presented for the degree will not contain material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma, nor will it contain any other material previously published or written by another person except where due reference is made in the text of the thesis or in the notes.

    The Board will appoint at least two examiners who will be external to the University, and may appoint additional examiners.

    The examiners will each submit to the Board a written report on the student's thesis. After considering the reports of the examiners and the results obtained by the candidate in the coursework and practicum components of the program, the Board will report to the Academic Senate whether the degree should be awarded or not.

    After considering a report from the Board, the Academic Senate will decide whether the degree will be awarded.

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