Master of Arts in French Language and Literature (Thesis)

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Master of Arts in French Language and Literature (Thesis)

  • Objectives Students who complete the masters will: * produce a 30,000-word thesis on a research project dealing with an area of French; * demonstrate an ability to present, argue and hypothesise on an issue in French, supported by research and analysis; * demonstrate aptitude for original research at a higher degree level.
  • Academic title Master of Arts in French Language and Literature (Thesis)
  • Course description Thesis 30,000 words (100 points per year)
    It is expected that a graduate of the University of Melbourne will be able to engage in academic discourse in English. Therefore a research Masters thesis will normally be written in English. At the same time the Faculty seeks to encourage the acquisition of appropriate levels of linguistic and cultural competencies necessary for research of international distinction. Consequently, if a candidate wishes to write a thesis in another language, an application can be made to the Faculty's Research and Graduate Studies Committee at an early stage in the candidature. The committee will consider such an application if the source material and readership are primarily in that language or the thesis is concerned with the study of language. Where permission is granted, a summary of the thesis (approximately 2,500 words) in English should be bound in the thesis.

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    116-501  Major Thesis - French
    A thesis on a topic approved by the convenor of the program.     RHD First Half Year, RHD Second Half Year     N/A
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