Master of Arts (International Studies)(Adv. Seminars and Shorter Thesis)

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Master of Arts (International Studies)(Adv. Seminars and Shorter Thesis)

  • Objectives Students will be equipped to:

    * Understand the roles of international organisations and institutions, and their inter-action with national and regional institutions, cultures and societies;
    * Critically appreciate how the processes of key concepts, including internationalism, globalisation and transnationalism, have shaped the contemporary world;
    * Understand the theory and method of comparative and cross-disciplinary approaches to a range of issues in international studies;
    * Understand, through detailed examination of selective case studies, how key concepts and approaches in international studies may be applied to processes, 'problems' and cultures.
  • Academic title Master of Arts (International Studies)(Adv. Seminars and Shorter Thesis)
  • Course description Shorter Thesis of 20,000 - 22,000 words and one core theoretical subject and one elective.

    Total points per year 100 - subjects are worth 12.5 points each unless otherwise noted.
    Thesis Subject
    75 points in the first year of enrolment and 50 points in the second year.

    Supervision of the Shorter Thesis can be drawn from across the Faculty and is not necessarily limited to the Australian Centre.

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    102-513  Shorter Thesis - MA International Stud.
    This subject involves a departmentally supervised thesis of 20000 - 22000 words, embodying the results of the student's own research into a topic within the International Studies arena.     RHD First Half Year, RHD Second Half Year     N/A

    Core Subjects

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    102-507  Themes in International Studies
    The subject offers students an introduction to the key themes in the International Studies program. Graduates of the Master of International Studies should be equipped with the skills to analyse and assess thematic approaches to International Studies...     Semester 1     12.50

    102-508  Theories in International Studies
    This subject will introduce students the most recent theoretical approaches and debates in international studies, the historical context of these concerns, and their regional permutations. These include state-formation, world systems, post-colonialis...     Semester 2     12.50

    Elective Subjects

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    102-511  Imaging Australian Spaces
    This subject allows students to examine the ways in which Australian space has been represented in a variety of cultural forms. The subject explores how these spaces - conceived in a visual, literary and physical sense - have developed, and how these...     Semester 2     12.50

    102-512  Australian Cosmopolitanisms
    "Australian Cosmopolitanisms: Beyond Multiculturalism" explores a range of effects resulting from the traffic across national boundaries of culture, capital, people and ideas. Unlike some programmes t...     Semester 1     12.50

    106-514  The Publishing Industry & Globalisation
    This subject addresses a range of political, social and cultural issues associated with the globalisation of publishing. Students will review various interpretations of the emergence of global publishing conglomerates and the integration of print pub...     Semester 2     12.50

    107-550  Biennales, Triennales and Documentas
    This subject examines the exhibition of contemporary art in international survey exhibitions since the 1960s, delineating the methods that curators and directors have tested in response to the needs of art museums, bureaucracies, artists and publics ...     Semester 2     12.50

    110-590  Critical Asian Perspectives
    This subject aims to consolidate and develop fourth year and postgraduate coursework students' intellectual conception of the interdisciplinary field of Asian Studies. Students will deepen their understanding of their chosen field through readin...     Semester 1     12.50

    110-553  Human Rights in Southeast Asia
    This seminar will focus on human rights and its critics from a historical and comparative perspective. We will explore the factors that have given rise to radically different conception of rights and justice (i.e. political, economic, cultural, relig...     Semester 2     12.50

    110-561  Islamic Education: Philosophy & Methods    
    This subject will not be available in 2009     12.50

    121-537  Heritage and Cultural Environments
    This subject provides students with advanced level analysis and interpretation of the range of issues associated with cultural resource management. The subject advances student knowledge of cross cultural issues as they relate to resource management ...     Semester 2     12.50

    121-545  Understanding Development
    This subject forms an introduction to the main past and current theories of development, involving the approaches of several social science disciplines. It also considers many of the major issues in development, including the environment, gender, hum...     Semester 1     12.50

    131-546  Gender, Globalisation and Development
    This subject examines the relationships between gender, globalisation and development in selected regions of Asia and the Pacific, drawing on the theoretical perspectives and insights of a number of social science and humanities disciplines. On compl...     Semester 1     12.50

    131-547  Rethinking Rights and Global Development
    This subject explores the theoretical and political issues surrounding ideas of rights and human rights, with special reference to the development process within the contemporary globalising order. It draws on recent critical, feminist and other (re)...     Semester 2     12.50

    HIST00013  Memory and History    
    This subject will not be available in 2009     12.50

    131-551  Gender: Representations and Histories
    What is gender and why does it matter? In this seminar we will explore how this concept emerged and the multiple meanings it has taken on in academic inquiry and everyday life. Representations of gender will be examined in both theoretical and histor...     Semester 1     12.50

    136-528  Medicine and Culture
    Over the ages people have deployed various methods - metaphysical, magical or the pure empirical - to combat the ravages of disease. Bloodletting, cupping, leaching, doses of highly poisonous chemicals, blisters, copious draughts of mineral water, hy...     Semester 2     12.50

    136-540  Science, Conflict and Globalisation    
    This subject will not be available in 2009     12.50

    161-515  Global Justice
    This subject begins with an analysis of recent attempts to justify the claim that duties of justice apply to the world as a whole. This cosmopolitan point of view is contrasted with nationalist positions which seek to limit duties of distributive jus...     Semester 1     12.50

    161-514  Violence, War and Terrorism
    Today, war is still a salient feature of international relations, while terrorism takes on ever more international character and scope. The subject will explore the philosophical—conceptual and moral—issues to do with violence...     Semester 2     12.50

    166-502  International and Comparative Politics
    This subject provides a comprehensive overview of the major post-war approaches and methodologies used to explain international relations and comparative world politics. It also provides a trenchant critique of these approaches and methodologies, not...     Semester 1     25

    166-511  US Foreign Policy
    This subject will address key questions for evaluating American leadership since 1989. We will look specifically at the leadership offered by George Bush snr., Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. How different is the approach taken by these presidents t...     Semester 2     12.50

    166-541  Aspects of Post-Communism
    This subject focuses on deeper theoretical aspects of the transitions from communist power, primarily in Central and Eastern Europe, since 1989. It introduces students to many of the dilemmas faced by European (mainly) transition states, and to the c...     Semester 2     12.50

    166-544  The EU and Globalisation
    This subject focuses on current debates on European Integration and Globalisation, and examines the EU as an International Actor. It introduces students to concepts of integration, multi-level governance; polity; globalisation and social model. It ap...     Semester 2     12.50

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