Master of Business Administration/Master of Information Systems

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Master of Business Administration/Master of Information Systems

  • Objectives The key objective of combining the management degrees (MBA and PDM) with the Master of Information Systems (MIS) is to equip students with capabilities to lead IT within contemporary organisations. In addition to broad management education achieved through the programs within the Melbourne Business School, the combined degrees cover management awareness of critical inter and intra organizational systems, the ability to assess emerging technologies for business benefit, as well as capabilities in handling IT strategy and governance and in achieving compliance, and protecting digital assets against threats.

    Students also gain a broad business and real world perspective together with experience in applying business communication, interpersonal, and team skills to real situations. Further, critical thinking and analytical skills are honed through a mixture of advanced teaching models including case-based, experiential, and team-based approaches.
  • Academic title Master of Business Administration/Master of Information Systems
  • Course description A total of twenty-six subjects (325 points in total) comprising at least sixteen MBA subjects (10 core MBA subjects plus six MBA electives), and at least six MIS subjects (4 core MIS subjects plus two Information Systems (615-600 level) electives). The remaining four elective subjects are taken from either electives within the MIS program or MBA subjects or a combination.

    The MBA has elective subjects in the areas of marketing, finance and accounting, strategy competition and governance, organisations human resources and managerial development, technology and operations management, international business management, public sector management, and entrepreneurship and innovation.

    MBA Core subjects

    The World of Management (integrated)
    Accounting for Managers
    Managing People for High Performance
    Data and Decisions
    Managerial Economics
    Economics and Public Policy
    Managing Processes
    Financial Management
    Business Strategy

    Plus at least six electives from the MBA program.

    MIS Core subjects

    615671 Business Applications and Architectures
    615652 Emerging Technologies and Issues
    615660 IS Strategy and Governance
    615683 Impact of Digitisation

    (note: Data and Decisions, and Managing Processes are both IS related subjects)

    Plus at least two electives from 615 (Information Systems) 600 level subjects.

    Four further electives from the MBA or from Information Systems 600 level subjects or combination from each.


    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    615-652  Emerging Technologies and Issues
    As with many other forms of technology, information technologies have lifecycles ranging from initial conception, possible adoption and widespread use in industry, to eventual obsolescence. This subject will address emerging information technologies,...     Semester 2     12.50

    615-660  IS Strategy and Governance
    Strategic IS management is an increasingly important management activity as organizations realize that appropriate use (or misuse) of information and information technology can have significant effects on their competitive position. Using case studi...     Semester 1     12.50

    615-671  Business Applications & Architectures
    Integrating business applications across business functions and companies provides large benefits to organizations. The first phase of this subject concentrates on business processes and enterprise applications including ERP systems. The relationship...     Semester 1     12.50

    615-683  Impact of Digitisation
    In this subject students examine the implications of the digitization of data, information, and communications on organizations and society. Students will investigate how digitization affects individuals, organizations, and society with associated se...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    615-644  Data Warehousing
    Data warehouses are designed to provide organizations with an integrated set of high quality data to support decision-makers. They should support flexible and multi-demensional retrieval and analysis of data. Topics covered include data warehousing a...     Semester 2     12.50

    615-655  Business to Business Electronic Commerce
    Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce (B2B EC) involves the use of digital technologies to streamline the sourcing, acquisition, delivery and remittance of materials and services between companies. An example is the application of EC to enable bu...     Semester 2     12.50

    615-657  Enterprise Systems
    Organizations around the world are increasingly turning to packaged enterprise application software vendors to provide computer-based applications to support their core business processes. Twenty years ago most such computer-based information system...     Semester 2     12.50

    615-659  Advanced IS Project Management
    Projects are typically characterized as being temporary in nature, having a defined start-end, involving the accomplishment of a novel or unique task and operating under constraints. Obviously the goal of a project is "success". The PMBOK (...     Semester 1     12.50

    615-656  Knowledge Management Systems
    This subject focuses on how a range of information technologies and analysis techniques are used by organizations to support knowledge management initiatives. Topics likely to be examined are: collaborative technologies and computer-supported coopera...     Semester 1     12.50

    615-661  Innovation & Enterpreneurship in IT
    This subject examines the process of innovation and the role of the entrepreneur in the context of IT. The focus is on the behaviours, attitudes, values and skills that people need to create the climate for successful innovation, whether they are ent...     Semester 1     12.50

    615-662  Advanced IS Change Management
    The development and implementation of information systems is both a catalyst for, and a response to, organisational change. In this subject, the interrelationship between information systems and organisational change is examined from both theoretical...     Semester 1     12.50

    615-670  Internet Software Development Principles
    This subject introduces a range of technologies and methodologies in current use in software development targeted to internet applications. Topics include: object modeling, UML and component based software engineering, and sufficient exposure to enab...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    615-672  Pervasive Computing
    Pervasive computing describes access to information using new communications and networking technologies. The technology implies computing power, freed from the desktop, extended to wireless handheld devices, home appliances, and commercial tools-of-...     Semester 1     12.50

    615-684  Models of IS Project Management
    This subject examines three advanced topics in the field of project management: 1. Project planning, scheduling, estimation and control techniques. 2. Project management models including the use of methodologies, outsourcing, procurement and project ...     Semester 2     12.50

    615-685  Managing In-house IT Service Provision
    Over the course of the last twenty years, a highly regarded body of principles and practices for IT management, known as ITIL ( ), has been developed by the UK's Office of Government and Commerce. Developed by subject matt...     Semester 1     12.50

    615-686  ICT Outsourcing Fundamentals     
    This subject will not be available in 2009     12.50

    615-687  ICT Contract Law Basics
    This subject provides an introduction to law from a business perspective. A wide range of topics is covered, with an emphasis on contract law and developing an ability to find and apply the law to resolve specific problems. Topics include: the nature...     Semester 2     12.50

    615-688  ICT Outsourcing Contract Management
    This subject provides a practical set of principles, tools and techniques for client organizations to follow when managing ICT outsourcing. Topics discussed are as follows: Architect Phase 1: Deciding why, what and how to outsource, and to whom and w...     Semester 2     12.50

    615-690  Minor Research Project in IS
    An individual program of supervised research and study in a selected area of Information Systems. The subject will be supervised by a member of academic staff who is familiar with the research topic and chosen research method. Detailed requirements a...     Semester 1, Semester 2     25

    615-692  Organisational Behaviour for IS Managers
    This subject examines the role of the IS Manager within the context of the larger organisational environment and the process by which organisational change occurs. It enables students to develop an understanding of the issues faced by project manager...     Semester 2     12.50

    615-610  Research Methods in Information Systems
    Research is a systematic process of answering questions to acquire new knowledge. Research in information systems questions how professional practice is conducted and contributes to the development of better practices. The subject provides students ...     Semester 1     12.50

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