Master of Economics

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Master of Economics

  • Objectives 1. Learning GoalGraduates of this degree will be:Critical thinkers in relation to microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics.Learning objectives to achieve this goalOn successful completion of this degree students will be able to:• Describe and explain the fundamental principles influencing markets and managing organizations• Evaluate the impact of a variety of cultural and environmental factors on economic policy and business decisions• Interpret and critically evaluate articles in the economics research literature2. Learning goalGraduates of this degree will be:Analytical in the application of economics and econometrics theory, knowledge, principles, techniques and data.Learning objectives to achieve this goalOn successful completion of this degree students will be able to:• Explain and critically analyse factors that influence economic decision making in firms and government• Identify strategic issues and solutions in relation to economic problems and activity within firms and government• Apply knowledge of theory to analyse real and hypothetical problems in different markets both domestically and internationally.3. Learning GoalGraduates of this degree will be:Independent in their choice, planning, implementation and reporting of a research topic in economics or econometricsLearning objectives to achieve this goalOn successful completion of this degree students will be able to:• Apply basic mathematical techniques to analyse business data• Evaluate the applicability of various theories and techniques to either economic policy or business decision making related problems• Employ a range of tools of analysis pertinent to the evaluation of evidence in economic policy and business sectors, including statistical reasoning, and the use of econometric and/or mathematical computer software• Use evidence based research techniques to support policy or business decisions• Apply ethical principles and core economic ideas to address real world issues and problems.4. Learning GoalGraduates of this degree will be:Problem solvers capable of explaining, applying and critically evaluating the use of economic and econometric models for description and hypothesis testing, forecasting, assessing different business decision options and different government policy options.Learning objectives to achieve this goalOn successful completion of this degree students will be able to:• Describe the core areas of economics and relate to those areas economic principles, theories and models• Analyse and evaluate the key hypotheses, forecasts and options in either economic policy or business decision making• Critically analyse economic policy or business decision making problems and apply relevant models and theories to generate effective solutions.
  • Academic title Master of Economics
  • Course description Year 1

    The first year of the Master of Economics consists of eight semester-length subjects comprising two core economics subjects, a quantitative subject and five elective subjects.
    Two core economics subjects:

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    316-402  Advanced Microeconomics
    An introduction to advanced microeconomics and to the economics of information and strategic behaviour. Topics to be covered include decision making under uncertainty, the interaction of primal and dual methods of modelling producer and consumer beha...     Semester 1     12.50

    316-403  Advanced Macroeconomics
    This subject presents recent developments in macroeconomics . There will be a mix of theory and applications. The main theories to be covered may include overlapping generations models, dynamic optimisation, real business cycle theory, intertemporal o...     Semester 1     12.50

    One of the following econometrics subjects:

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    316-317  Econometrics
    Extensions of the multiple regression model are examined. Topics include non-linear least squares, maximum likelihood estimation and related testing procedures, generalised least squares, heteroskedasticity, autocorrelation and models with stochastic...     Semester 1     12.50

    316-470  Econometric Techniques
    This subject introduces appropriate estimation and inference techniques for models that involve a single equation and those involving systems of equations. Normally topics will include asymtotic theory, maximum likelihood estimation, classical testin...     Semester 1     12.50

    Five elective subjects:
    Selected from third year (level three), fourth year (level four), and advanced offerings of the Faculty as approved by the Academic Director of the program. An elective subject may not be taken if a candidate has previously completed a subject of similar content.

    Year 2

    The second year of the Master of Economics consists of eight semester-length subjects comprising two core economics subjects, a quantitative subject, three elective subjects and the (double subject) Research Report.

    Two core economics subjects:

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    316-611  Microeconomics
    Consumer and Producer Theory; General Equilibrium Theory; Welfare Economics; Elements of Game Theory; Theory of Information and Uncertainty.     Semester 1     12.50
    316-612  MacroeconomicsThis is an advanced course in macroeconomic theory, with the intention of introducing students to frontier techniques. Topics may include: techniques of dynamic optimization, dynamic optimization theory, economic growth, optimal taxation, unemploymen...     Semester 1     12.50

    One of the following econometrics subjects:

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    316-654  Advanced Econometric Techniques
    This course is designed to introduce you to the main tools used in empirical economics. Special emphasis will be given to three topics: models of probability, methods of estimation, and methods of inference. Simple mathematical analysis, in particula...     Semester 1     12.50

    316-678  Econometric Techniques
    Estimation and inference techniques for models involving a single equation and systems of equations are introduced. Normally topics include asymptotic theory, maximum likelihood estimation, classical testing procedures, generalised least squares esti...     Semester 1     12.50

    Research report and workshop (students must enrol in this subject in both Semester 1 and Semester 2 of a single calendar year):

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    316-626  Economics Research Report
    The Economics Research Report involves a two-semester program of study, (commencing in Semester One and completed in one calender year), during which students conduct and present the results of an independent piece of economic research. During this t...     Semester 1, Semester 2     25

    Three elective subjects:

    Three 600-level elective subjects from the Department of Economics. An elective subject may not be taken if a candidate has previously completed a subject of similar content.
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