Master of Education (Leadership and Management)

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Master of Education (Leadership and Management)

  • Objectives The specialisation aims to provide students with opportunities to engage in sustained, in-depth learning in a range of areas which are highly relevant to the leadership and management of education. The specialisation seeks to meet this aim through topics, research opportunities and, where appropriate, field visits and critical observations.Learning outcomesThe specialisation seeks to provide students with: * a critical awareness of the complex forces impacting on leadership and management in organisations; * a sound understanding and appreciation of current issues in leadership and management at state, national and international levels through debate, discussion and research; * an enhanced appreciation of forces and values impacting on policy development and implementation in education and training; * significant professional skills and competencies that improve the capability of practising and potential managers to handle these issues in a professional, dynamic and innovative manner; and * a raised standard of managerial performance within education and other human services.
  • Entry requirements Domestic StudentsApplicants must normally hold an approved 3 year degree or equivalent qualification in a relevant field.Masters degrees are 72-unit courses but credit of up to 36 units may be granted for an approved 4 year degree and relevant work experience. Students who have completed the Graduate Certificate or equivalent receive some credit when progressing to Education Masters program.Accredited professional development pathways modules may also be recognised. Refer to Accreditation of Professional Development Pathways Modules at Flinders University for more details. International StudentsApplicants must normally hold an approved 3 year degree or equivalent qualification in a relevant field.Masters degrees are 72-unit courses but credit of up to 36 units may be granted for an approved 4 year degree and relevant work experience. Students who have completed the Graduate Certificate or equivalent receive some credit when progressing to Education Masters program.Accredited professional development pathways modules may also be recognised. Refer to Accreditation of Professional Development Pathways Modules at Flinders University for more details.English language requirements: If English is not your 1st language you must meet English language requirements.
  • Academic title Master of Education (Leadership and Management)
  • Course description The Master of Education (Leadership and Management) is a key part of the Educational Leadership and Management program. Our students aim to build organisations in sustainable ways through the development of people, understanding of stakeholders and strategic alignment of resources.

    The Flinders University Educational Leadership and Management program is especially suited for current and future human resource managers, knowledge managers, school principals and departmental officers, policy developers, vocational education sector managers, and leaders of university academic and administration units. Our students come from all organisational sectors, with diverse qualifications, and share a common focus on building capacity within their organisations.

    PROGRAM OF STUDY [November, 2008]

    To qualify for the Master of Education (Leadership and Management) a student must complete 72 units, including approved credit, with a grade of P or NGP or better in each topic.

    The topics in the Master of Education (Leadership and Management) program are arranged into three groups namely:

        * Foundation (minimum 18 units required);
        * Elective (minimum 6 units required); and
        * Research (minimum 12 units required).

    There is no single core topic but rather a minimum of three foundation topics or their equivalent which must be undertaken.

    The six foundation topics, offered on a rotational basis, are:
    Foundation topics:


    Organisation Theory and Context



    Managing Human Resources



    Strategic Planning and Management



    Leaders and Leadership



    Knowledge Management for Organisational Learning



    Financial and Resource Management


    Elective topics are designed to enable students to diversify their studies and engage in areas of interest and relevance to their employment. They are offered on a rotational basis.

    Elective topics - balance of topics from the following:

    Special Interest Topic (Management and Leadership)



    Developing People in Organisations



    Leading and Managing in Rural Contexts



    Globalisation: Issues and Challenges



    Managing Innovation in Organisations



    Project Management


    Research topics:
    Students must normally undertake a minimum of 12 units of research.

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