Master of Educational Psychology

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Master of Educational Psychology

  • Objectives Students completing the Master of Educational Psychology should be able to: * demonstrate an understanding of contemporary issues in human development theory, particularly differential development, learning processes and social processes in development; * understand exceptional development and approaches to providing for children and adolescents with exceptional needs; * use assessment and observation procedures and interpret findings to gain accurate information on the cognitive, social, emotional and personality development of children and adolescents; use professional approaches to interact with others with regard to interviewing, counselling and assessment; * compose reports to other professionals, parents, and organizations; * apply knowledge of approaches to intervention, development, interactive processes, and assessment to the treatment of children and adolescents with identified problems, and where necessary to make appropriate referrals; * contribute in multidisciplinary professional teams and co-ordinate programs for meeting developmental needs; * evaluate critically and interpret research and theory in this field, and carry out research and program evaluation of their own; * understand and apply ethical principles and procedures; * develop a wide range of practical professional skills in appropriate educational settings.
  • Practical experience There are multiple practicum components associated with this program.
  • Academic title Master of Educational Psychology
  • Course description Students are required to complete a total of 200 points made up of nine compulsory subjects (totalling 100 points) together with four field practica (totalling 50 points) and a research project of 10,000 to 12,000 words (50 points). The course comprises 200 points of study.

    Year 1: Full time

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    476-649  Working with Groups
    A general review of systems theory and practice is presented, with the particular focus of assisting participants to understand the social system and to develop interventions in that context. The sessions cover: communication in groups (selective per...     Semester 2     12.50

    476-650  Learning Processes and Problems
    This subject reviews contemporary theories of learning, individual differences in learning, competence versus performance, cognitive and social influences on the means by which individuals display knowledge, the development, implementation and evalua...     Semester 2     6.25

    476-651  Psychological Tests
    Psychological tests and testing in educational settings are considered from functional and contextual viewpoints, with emphasis on usage of test results. Test construction and psychometric issues, links between theory and measure, reporting and ethic...     Semester 1     12.50

    476-652  Counselling Skills for Ed. Psychologists
    Counselling skills are taught within a framework that reflects a person-centred model of counselling, focussing in particular on three aspects: the knowledge and skills involved in establishing an effective therapeutic relationship, the skills of ass...     Semester 1     12.50

    476-653  Exceptionality:Assessment & Intervention
    This subject provides relevant information to enable educational psychologists to work with children and adolescents with exceptional needs in regard to identification of exceptionality and appropriate assistance. This includes current policies and p...     Semester 2     12.50

    476-656  Research Methods
    An integrated approach to research in the field of educational and developmental psychology. The interdependence of measurement, design, and analysis is emphasised. Practical aspects of data management and analysis (using SPSS and AMOS) is included i...     Semester 1     12.50

    476-647  Ed Psych Practicum 1
    In this placement the supervisor, in conjunction with the Practicum Placement Co-ordinator, offers a designed set of training experiences which are undertaken with the supervisor. The experiences are determined by the opportunities that arise natural...     Year Long     12.50

    476-658  Ed Psych Practicum 2
    In this placement, the supervisor in conjunction with the Practicum Placement Co-ordinator offers a designed set of training experiences to the student. The training experience, undertaken with the supervisor, is built upon the activities observed in...     Year Long     12.50

    476-655  Consultation in Educational Settings
    The unit deals with the role of the educational psychologist as a consultant in helping to maximise to develop an organizational policy and intervention programs on a topics such as discipline, bullying, dealing with trauma, or integration. The progr...     Semester 2     6.25

    Year 2: Full time

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    476-648  Differences
    Mainstream and current research in the fields of personality, intelligence and interests will be investigated. Emphasis is placed on gaining in-depth knowledge of important models within these field, such that students understand the professional imp...     Semester 2     12.50

    476-654  Intervention in Problems of Young People
    The content of the unit deals with an introduction to major approaches such as: Adlerian Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Systems Theory and Humanistic Psychotherapy. A limited number of approaches to intervention from ear...     Semester 1     12.50

    476-659  Ed Psych Practicum 3
    In this placement a range of experiences appropriate to the setting are designed by the Field Supervisor and Practical Placement Co-ordinator. These include familiarisation of a unique setting through an induction process; independent experiences in ...     Year Long     12.50

    476-660  Ed Psych Practicum 4
    This placement represents the final set of training experiences for the student. In conjunction with the Field Supervisor and the Practicum Placement Co-ordinator, a range of experiences are designed. These include: independent assessment and reporti...     Year Long     12.50

    476-657  Research Project
    Completion of the research project is intended to give students an appreciation of the processes involved in research, practical skills development, and the capacity to evaluate published research in the field of interest. As advised by the superviso...     Year Long     50

    Year 1 - part time

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    476-650  Learning Processes and Problems
    This subject reviews contemporary theories of learning, individual differences in learning, competence versus performance, cognitive and social influences on the means by which individuals display knowledge, the development, implementation and evalua...     Semester 2     6.25

    476-651  Psychological Tests
    Psychological tests and testing in educational settings are considered from functional and contextual viewpoints, with emphasis on usage of test results. Test construction and psychometric issues, links between theory and measure, reporting and ethic...     Semester 1     12.50

    476-652  Counselling Skills for Ed. Psychologists
    Counselling skills are taught within a framework that reflects a person-centred model of counselling, focussing in particular on three aspects: the knowledge and skills involved in establishing an effective therapeutic relationship, the skills of ass...     Semester 1     12.50

    476-655  Consultation in Educational Settings
    The unit deals with the role of the educational psychologist as a consultant in helping to maximise to develop an organizational policy and intervention programs on a topics such as discipline, bullying, dealing with trauma, or integration. The progr...     Semester 2     6.25

    476-656  Research Methods
    An integrated approach to research in the field of educational and developmental psychology. The interdependence of measurement, design, and analysis is emphasised. Practical aspects of data management and analysis (using SPSS and AMOS) is included i...     Semester 1     12.50

    476-647  Ed Psych Practicum 1
    In this placement the supervisor, in conjunction with the Practicum Placement Co-ordinator, offers a designed set of training experiences which are undertaken with the supervisor. The experiences are determined by the opportunities that arise natural...     Year Long     12.50

    Year 2 - part time

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    476-649  Working with Groups
    A general review of systems theory and practice is presented, with the particular focus of assisting participants to understand the social system and to develop interventions in that context. The sessions cover: communication in groups (selective per...     Semester 2     12.50

    476-653  Exceptionality:Assessment & Intervention
    This subject provides relevant information to enable educational psychologists to work with children and adolescents with exceptional needs in regard to identification of exceptionality and appropriate assistance. This includes current policies and p...     Semester 2     12.50

    476-658  Ed Psych Practicum 2
    In this placement, the supervisor in conjunction with the Practicum Placement Co-ordinator offers a designed set of training experiences to the student. The training experience, undertaken with the supervisor, is built upon the activities observed in...     Year Long     12.50

    Year 3 - part time

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    476-648  Differences
    Mainstream and current research in the fields of personality, intelligence and interests will be investigated. Emphasis is placed on gaining in-depth knowledge of important models within these field, such that students understand the professional imp...     Semester 2     12.50

    476-654  Intervention in Problems of Young People
    The content of the unit deals with an introduction to major approaches such as: Adlerian Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Systems Theory and Humanistic Psychotherapy. A limited number of approaches to intervention from ear...     Semester 1     12.50

    476-659  Ed Psych Practicum 3
    In this placement a range of experiences appropriate to the setting are designed by the Field Supervisor and Practical Placement Co-ordinator. These include familiarisation of a unique setting through an induction process; independent experiences in ...     Year Long     12.50

    Year 4 - part time

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    476-657  Research Project
    Completion of the research project is intended to give students an appreciation of the processes involved in research, practical skills development, and the capacity to evaluate published research in the field of interest. As advised by the superviso...     Year Long     50

    476-660  Ed Psych Practicum 4
    This placement represents the final set of training experiences for the student. In conjunction with the Field Supervisor and the Practicum Placement Co-ordinator, a range of experiences are designed. These include: independent assessment and reporti...     Year Long     12.50
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