Master of Jurisprudence

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Master of Jurisprudence

  • Objectives Students may complete a generalist degree or qualify for one of the following specializations by completing at least 4 electives in that area of study: * Corporate and Commercial Law * Alternative Dispute Resolution * International Trade Law * Intellectual Property, Information Technology and eCommerce * International Legal Practice
  • Academic title Master of Jurisprudence
  • Course description Career Outcomes

    The MBL and MJuris provide opportunities for students from non-law or quasi-legal backgrounds to undertake a postgraduate law qualification that focuses on directly relevant areas of law.


    International students are required to study a minimum of 30 credit points per semester to fulfil Australian study visa requirements.

    Professional Recognition

    These awards are not professional degrees and do not qualify students to practice law in Australia.

    Combined Degrees

    Combined degrees are encouraged and take between three and five semesters full-time to complete. A Law Masters can be combined with most other postgraduate awards. Students must meet admission requirements for both awards.

    Course Structure

    Students must complete 2 introductory subjects:

        * Introduction to Common Law
        * Advanced Legal Research and Writing

    Plus 6 electives which include:

        * Alternative Dispute Resolution
        * Australian Government and Politics
        * Banking and Finance Law
        * Basic Trial Advocacy
        * Competition Law
        * Contemporary Issues in Law and Society
        * Copyright and Entertainment Law
        * Dispute Systems Design
        * Electronic Commerce and the Law
        * Employment and Labour Relations Law
        * Equitable Remedies
        * European Business Law
        * Family Law
        * Global Issues in Intellectual Property
        * Human Rights Law
        * Immigration LawIndividual Study in Law
        * Information Technology and the Law
        * Intellectual and Industrial Property Law
        * International Banking and Finance Law
        * International Contracts
        * International Investment Transactions
        * International Law
        * International Law Project
        * International Trade and Business Law
        * International Trade Law System
        * International Trade Transactions
        * Issues in Criminal Justice
        * Law and Medicine
        * Law of Technological Innovation
        * Legal Drafting and Conveyancing
        * Media and Telecommunications Law
        * Mediation • Miscarriages of Justice
        * Negotiation
        * On-Line Dispute Resolution
        * Principles of Taxation Law
        * Succession
        * Takeovers and Securities Regulation
        * Taxation of Business Entities
        * Taxation of International Business
        * Theory and Principles of Dispute Resolution

    (Not all electives are offered every year)

    If appropriate supervision is available, students may elect to replace two elective subjects with a minor dissertation or complete the degree entirely via a major Thesis on an approved topic. r
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