Master of Laws (LLM)

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Master of Laws (LLM)

  • Objectives The Master of Laws by Coursework focuses on:

    * The changing knowledge base in selected areas of the law
    * Identifying and resolving legal problems and issues from theoretical and practical perspectives
    * Advanced skills and techniques in finding and using the law
    * The capacity to articulate your knowledge and understanding in oral and written presentations
    * The impact of globalisation on the substance, theory and practice of law
    * The design, conduct and reporting of original research.
  • Academic title Master of Laws (LLM)
  • Course description Master of Laws by Coursework

    Students must satisfactorily complete eight coursework subjects from the subjects available in the Melbourne Law Masters. Your subject choice may reflect your own interests or take advantage of the standard opportunities for specialisation. The Law School must approve your combination of subjects.

    Master of Laws by Coursework and Minor Thesis

    Students must satisfactorily complete four coursework subjects and achieve a minimum of 70% in each subject. Students may then prepare either a minor thesis of 20,000 to 35,000 words or two major articles of 10,000 words each, suitable for publication in a learned legal journal.

    The Law School must approve your combination of subjects and thesis topic. Your thesis topic will usually build on the subjects you have completed, and the minor thesis should be suitable for publication in a learned legal journal or otherwise of a standard approved by the Law School.

    Guidelines for preparing a Minor Thesis proposal

    Once you have submitted your thesis topic to the Law School for approval, an appropriate supervisor will be sought who may help you to refine your chosen topic. Once final approval is obtained, a supervisor is appointed and supervision is carried out in accordance with the Law School’s Code of Supervisory Practice.

    # Offered in 2009
    All Subjects

        * Accounting for Commercial Lawyers #
        * Administrative Law in an Age of Rights
        * Administrative Law in Commonwealth Countries #
        * Admiralty Law #
        * Advanced Construction Claims
        * Advanced Construction Contracts #
        * Advanced Corporate Taxation
        * Advanced Evidence #
        * Advanced Family Law
        * Advanced International Tax: Offshore Entities (formerly Taxation of Overseas Entities) #
        * Advanced Litigation
        * Advanced Military Administrative Law
        * Advanced Military Discipline Law
        * Advanced Military Operations Law #
        * Advanced Restrictive Trade Practices
        * Advocacy for Military Lawyers
        * Alternative Dispute Resolution #
        * Animals and the Law #
        * Anti-Discrimination Law at Work #
        * Arms Control and Disarmament (formerly Weapons, Health and Law)
        * Art and Law
        * Asian Comparative Tax Law Systems #
        * Australian Charters of Rights #
        * Australian Income Tax System #
        * Australian International Taxation
        * Australian Tax Treaties and Transfer Pricing (formerly Australian Tax Treaties)
        * Avoiding and Managing Construction Disputes (formerly part of Avoidance, Management and Resolution of Construction Disputes)
        * Banking and Debt Recovery in Asia (formerly Debt Recovery in Asia) #
        * Banking and Finance in Asia (formerly Banking and Debt Recovery in Asia) #
        * Bargaining at Work and Industrial Action #
        * Bioethics from an International Perspective #
        * Broadcasting and Telecommunications Law #
        * Can Constitutions Protect Rights?
        * Capital Gains Tax: Problems in Practice #
        * Cartels and Competition Law #
        * Citizens, Groups and States in Asia
        * Citizenship Law in Context #
        * Civil Society and the Law
        * Civil Society and the Law in Asia
        * Class Actions
        * Climate Change Law #
        * Commercial Deals in Asia (formerly Commercial Law in Asia) #
        * Commercial Dispute Resolution in Asia
        * Commercial Information and the Law
        * Commercial Judicial Review
        * Commercial Law in Asia #
        * Common Law Constitutionalism
        * Communications Law #
        * Company Takeovers
        * Comparative Companies Law in Asia
        * Comparative Constitutional Law
        * Comparative Corporate Governance
        * Comparative Law
        * Comparative Regional Integration
        * Comparing Federal Constitutions
        * Competition Law and Intellectual Property
        * Competition Regulation of Mergers
        * Constitution Making #
        * Constitutional Design
        * Constitutional Law in Practice (formerly Constitutional Litigation) #
        * Constitutional Litigation #
        * Constitutionalism and Transnationalism #
        * Constitutionalism in Asian Societies #
        * Construction Arbitration and Litigation #
        * Construction Contracts #
        * Construction Dispute Resolution (formerly Construction Arbitration and Litigation) #
        * Construction Risk: Allocation and Insurance #
        * Construction: Principles into Practice #
        * Consumer Banking #
        * Contract Damages
        * Copyright Law #
        * Corporate Criminal Law and Regulation
        * Corporate Governance and Directors’ Duties #
        * Corporate Insolvency and Reconstruction #
        * Corporate Social Responsibility and the Law #
        * Corporate Taxation A (Shareholders, Debt and Equity) #
        * Corporate Taxation B (Companies and Consolidation) #
        * Counter-Terrorism Laws (formerly National Security Law) #
        * Criminal Justice in Australia and the US: A Comparative Evaluation (formerly Criminal Justice in Common Law Countries) #
        * Criminal Justice in Common Law Countries (formerly Current Problems in Criminal Justice Administration - a Comparative Analysis) #
        * Criminal Law and Development
        * Current Application of Legal Remedies (formerly Remedies in Construction Disputes)
        * Current Controversies in the Law of Remedies #
        * Current Developments in Negligence Law
        * Current Issues in Administrative Law #
        * Current Issues in Constitutional Law
        * Current Issues in Corporate Law
        * Current Issues in Islamic Law
        * Current Issues in Tax
        * Current Issues in Tax Avoidance
        * Cybercrime
        * Cybersecurity Law
        * Defamation Law
        * Derivatives Law and Practice (formerly Derivatives Regulation)
        * Design and Construct: Specialised Construction Contracts #
        * Designs Law and Practice #
        * Developing Countries and the WTO
        * Dispute Resolution in the Cyberspace Era
        * Economics for Competition Lawyers #
        * Effective Written Advocacy #
        * e-Health Law
        * Electronic Banking and Payments
        * Electronic Commerce Law #
        * Electronic Democracy
        * Employment Law (formerly Regulating Individual Work Relationships) #
        * Enforcing Competition Law
        * Entertainment Law #
        * Environmental Law: Science and Regulation #
        * Equity and Commerce #
        * Equity in Real Property Law #
        * European Convention on Human Rights
        * European Legal Systems
        * European Union Law #
        * Event Management Law
        * Expert Evidence
        * Exploring the Public/Private Law Divide
        * Family Law
        * Film and Television Law: Production, Financing and Distribution
        * Financial Sector Regulation
        * Financial Services Law (formerly Licensing Financial Services Providers)
        * Fiscal Reform and Development
        * Foundations of Medical Law #
        * Free Speech, Contempt and the Media #
        * Free Trade Agreements
        * Fundamentals of Islamic Law
        * Gender, Human Rights and Development
        * Global Financial Order: IMF and World Bank
        * Global Health Law #
        * Goods and Services Tax Principles #
        * Governing Not-for-Profit Organisations
        * Groups, Diversity and the Law
        * Health Care and Human Rights
        * Human Rights and Global Justice
        * Human Rights and Indigenous Peoples #
        * Human Rights and NGO Advocacy
        * Human Rights and Terrorism
        * Human Rights and the Roles of Culture
        * Human Rights and the Use of Force
        * Human Rights in Context: A Case Study
        * Human Rights Issues in Asia #
        * Human Rights Litigation and Advocacy #
        * Human Rights Theory
        * Human Rights, Gender and Religion #
        * Indigenous Peoples and the Law #
        * Infrastructure Delivery A: Principles and Practice
        * Infrastructure Delivery B: Public Private Partnerships #
        * Insurance Litigation
        * Insurance Regulation: Law and Practice #
        * Intangible Asset Valuation: Law and Practice #
        * Intangible Assets as Loan Collateral
        * Intellectual Property in the Digital Age
        * Intellectual Property Law and Development
        * International and Comparative Competition Law #
        * International and Comparative Labour Law
        * International and Comparative Patent Law
        * International and Comparative Trade Mark Law #
        * International Aspects of US Income Tax (formerly United States Corporate and International Tax) #
        * International Business Law #
        * International Commercial Arbitration #
        * International Commercial Banking Law #
        * International Construction Law
        * International Corporate Finance: Negotiating and Documenting OTC Derivatives and Repos
        * International Criminal Justice, Transition and Trauma #
        * International Criminal Law #
        * International Dispute Settlement
        * International Economic and Social Rights (formerly Economic and Social Rights in International Law)
        * International Economic Law #
        * International Economic Organizations
        * International Environmental Law
        * International Financial System: Law and Practice
        * International Financial Transactions: Law and Practice #
        * International Human Rights Law (Class 1) #
        * International Human Rights Law (Class 2) #
        * International Humanitarian Law #
        * International Institutions
        * International Investment Law and Arbitration #
        * International Issues in Intellectual Property #
        * International Law and Children’s Rights #
        * International Law and the Use of Force
        * International Law in Context #
        * International Legal Internship #
        * International Oil and Gas Transactions #
        * International Peace and Security Law (formerly Law of Peace Operations)
        * International Petroleum Transactions #
        * International Refugee Law (formerly Refugee Law) #
        * International Regulation of Biotechnology
        * International Sale of Goods
        * International Securities Regulation #
        * International Sports Labour Law (formerly Sports Labour Law)
        * International Taxation: Principles and Structure (formerly Australian International Taxation) #
        * International Trade Law #
        * International Trade Remedies in the WTO
        * Interpretation and Validity of Patent Specifications #
        * Interpreting International Human Rights
        * Islam and Human Rights
        * Islamic Banking and Finance
        * Islamic Law and Politics in Asia #
        * Issues in Transnational Crime
        * IVF and Embryo Research
        * Judges and Judging: Today’s Challenges #
        * Judicial Review in Commonwealth Countries (formerly Administrative Law in Commonwealth Countries) #
        * Jurisprudential Perspectives on Tax Law
        * Justice and the World’s Resources #
        * Labour Law and Development
        * Land Reform Law and Development
        * Law and Development #
        * Law and Economic Reform in Asia
        * Law and Economics of Access Regulation #
        * Law and Human Genetics #
        * Law Firm Strategy and Structure
        * Law for Health Care Professionals #
        * Law of Intergovernmental Relations
        * Law of Public Inquiries #
        * Law of Royal Commissions and Other Public Inquiries (formerly Law of Public Inquiries) #
        * Law of Secured Finance #
        * Law of the Sea (formerly Law of the Sea and National Security) #
        * Law, Culture and the International #
        * Law, Globalisation and Development #
        * Law, Medicine and Ethics
        * Legal Information Systems #
        * Legal Reasoning
        * Legitimacy and the WTO
        * Liability for Pure Economic Loss
        * Licensing Financial Services Providers
        * Licensing Law and Technology Transfer #
        * Litigation and Conflict Resolution: Meeting Domestic and Global Challenges in the 21st Century
        * Managed Investments Law #
        * Managerial Economics #
        * Managing Clients
        * Managing Knowledge in Legal Services
        * Managing Resources and Processes
        * Maritime Law
        * Market Power and Competition Law
        * Mediation Theory and Practice
        * Medical Error, Quality and Liability
        * Medical Litigation #
        * Military Administrative Law
        * Military Discipline Law
        * Military Operations Law #
        * Mineral Law #
        * National Human Rights Institutions (formerly National Human Rights Monitoring)
        * National Human Rights Monitoring
        * National Security Law #
        * Native Title Law and Practice
        * New Directions in Law and Economics
        * OTC Derivatives: US and International Practice, Regulation and Policy Issues #
        * Patent Law #
        * Patent Practice #
        * Payment Matters in Construction Projects #
        * Personal Property
        * Petroleum Law #
        * Post-Conflict State-Building #
        * Principles of Construction Law #
        * Principles of Corporate Finance
        * Principles of Corporate Law #
        * Principles of Government Law (formerly Principles of Public Law)
        * Principles of International Law #
        * Principles of Islamic Law (formerly Fundamentals of Islamic Law)
        * Principles of WTO Law (formerly World Trade Organization: Basic Principles)
        * Privacy and the Media (formerly Privacy, Celebrity and the Media)
        * Privacy Law (formerly Privacy and Data Protection) #
        * Professional Indemnity Insurance
        * Project Finance #
        * Proof in Litigation
        * Protecting Rights
        * Public Health Law in Australia and the Pacific
        * Public Interest Litigation #
        * Public Law in Ireland
        * Racing Industry Law and Regulation #
        * Recent Developments in Contract Remedies
        * Refugee Law #
        * Regulating Individual Work Relationships (formerly Employment Law) #
        * Regulating Working Conditions (formerly Labour Relations Law) #
        * Regulation and the Law
        * Regulation of Securities Offerings #
        * Remedies in Construction Disputes
        * Researching Labour Law
        * Resources Joint Ventures (formerly Resources Joint Ventures and Transactions)
        * Rights and Liabilities in Construction #
        * Schemes of Arrangement #
        * Securitisation #
        * Shareholders’ Rights and Remedies (formerly Shareholders’ Remedies) #
        * Sovereignty and the Rights of Minorities #
        * Sport, Commerce and the Law #
        * Sports Health and Medical Law (formerly Sports Medicine Law) #
        * Sports Labour Law
        * Sports Law: Entities and Governance
        * Sports Marketing Law #
        * State Taxes and Duties #
        * State-Building and the United Nations
        * Strategic Management in Legal Services
        * Superannuation Law
        * Tax Administration: Penalties, Prosecutions and Ethics #
        * Tax Effective Writing: Written Advocacy #
        * Tax Policy #
        * Tax Treaties #
        * Taxation Litigation
        * Taxation of Business and Investment Income A #
        * Taxation of Business and Investment Income B
        * Taxation of Controlled Foreign Companies, Foreign Investment Funds and Transferor Trusts #
        * Taxation of Financial Instruments
        * Taxation of Intellectual Property
        * Taxation of Remuneration
        * Taxation of Small and Medium Enterprises #
        * Taxation of Small and Medium Enterprises (formerly Taxation of Small and Medium Enterprises A) #
        * Taxation of Superannuation #
        * Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism
        * The Corporation as Criminal
        * The Internet and Electronic Litigation (Formerly Electronic Practice: IT and Litigation)
        * Theories of Constitutional Interpretation
        * Tourism Law
        * Trade and Environment
        * Trade Mark Practice #
        * Trade Marks and Unfair Competition #
        * Trade Unions and Freedom of Association (formerly Unions and Industrial Action)
        * Trade, Human Rights and Development
        * Transfer Pricing: Practice and Problems #
        * Transnational Commercial Litigation #
        * Transnational Oil, Gas and Mineral Law
        * Trial Advocacy
        * UK International Taxation in its European Context
        * UK Taxation: Principles and New Developments #
        * Unions and Industrial Action
        * United States Corporate and International Tax #
        * United States Securities Regulation
        * United States Sports Law (formerly Introduction to United States Sports Law)
        * Unjust Enrichment in Commercial Law
        * US Competition Law and Policy #
        * US Corporate Law #
        * Value Added Tax: Australia's GST in a Global Context (formerly Advanced Goods and Services Tax)
        * Victorian Charter in Comparative Perspective
        * Water Law #
        * What is it that Judges do? An Analysis of the Major Theories of Adjudication
        * Women, War and Peace-Building (formerly Women and War) #
        * Workplace Health and Safety #
        * WTO Dispute Settlement (formerly WTO Disputes Resolution and Case Law)
        * WTO Law and Dispute Settlement #
        * WTO: Dumping, Subsidies and Safeguards (formerly International Trade Remedies in the WTO)

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  • Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) (International Students)

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  • Bachelor of Management/Bachelor of Laws

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  • Master of Laws

  • Institution: Deakin University Melbourne Campus at Burwood
  • + Information by E-mail
  • Bachelor of Management/Bachelor of Laws (International Students)

  • Institution: Deakin University Geelong Campus at Waurn Ponds
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  • Bachelor of Business Law

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