Master of Philosophy

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Master of Philosophy

  • Objectives The Master of Philosophy, offered through the Faculty of Science, enables applicants to research an area closely associated with their undergraduate or postgraduate specialisation.
  • Academic title Master of Philosophy
  • Course description About the course

    The Master of Philosophy is designed to allow graduates to undertake specialised studies to support their technical and professional development and their career aspirations. The Faculty offers the Master of Philosophy to applicants who wish to research an area closely associated with their undergraduate or postgraduate specialisation.

    General course objectives are to develop:

        * a specialised body of knowledge appropriate to a research career
        * skills of information gathering, processing and evaluation, and problem solving and communication skills

    The Master of Philosophy is currently available through all Schools in the Faculty of Science.

    Subject to regulation and approval, candidates may conduct their research at other places where adequate facilities and co-supervisors are available. The direction of the work remains under the control of the University supervisor.

    Students admitted to the research and thesis program will be required to submit a thesis embodying the results of an approved research project. A student may be required to undertake further support subjects to assist in the completion of the research project.

    Graduation requirements

    To graduate, students must satisfactorily complete a thesis equivalent to 128 points.
    School of Agricultural and Wine Sciences

    Research Centres:

        * E.H. Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation
        * Cooperative Research Centre Weed Management Systems
        * Cooperative Research Centre for Irrigation Futures
        * Institute for Land, Water and Society
        * National Wine and Grape Industry Centre
        * Cooperative Research Centre for Viticulture

    Major research areas:

        * agronomy (weed, water, nutrient management)
        * crop and pasture production
        * plant protection
        * soil science/management
        * animal science/production
        * equine studies
        * irrigation
        * chemistry (food technology, environmental chemistry)
        * environmental science (emphasis on river and floodplain ecology, rehabilitation of aquatic and terrestrial systems, image and spatial data analysis and modelling and environmental chemistry)
        * food science
        * fresh water ecology
        * fresh water chemistry
        * landscape ecology
        * land system processes
        * natural resources and communities
        * sustainable business
        * vertebrate distribution and abundance
        * wine science
        * viticulture

    School of Environmental Sciences

    Research Centre:

        * Institute for Land, Water and Society

    Research within the Centre tends to be multi-disciplinary, focusing on the management of Australia’s protected areas.

    Major research areas:

        * ecosystem conservation and management
        * ornithology
        * restoration ecology
        * remnant vegetation ecology
        * reintroduction biology
        * conservation policy, planning and development
        * recreation, leisure and tourism
        * cultural and heritage studies
        * environmental and resource information systems
        * network publishing and multimedia
        * complex systems
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Other programs related to philosophy

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  • Graduate Certificate in Religious Education

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  • Non Award Certificate in the Study of Islam

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  • Doctor of Practical Ministry

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  • Bachelor of Nursing

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  • Master of Project Management

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