Master of Planning and Design (Coursework)

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Master of Planning and Design (Coursework)

  • Objectives During the course of study the student should: * gain a developed understanding of current architectural and management practice theory, terminology and methodology; * gain skills to establish outcomes that are appropriate and constitute best practice; and * gain confidence to operate effectively within the collaborative construction processes.
  • Academic title Master of Planning and Design (Coursework)
  • Course description The course is tailored to meet the requirements of individual candidates. Students select 100 points of graduate level subjects usually taken from the Melbounre School of Design in consultation with the course coordinator.

    Architectural Practice and Management
    The architectural practice and management specialisation aims to develop the skills and knowledge of practising architects at a postgraduate level.

    The course can be tailored to meet the requirements of individual candidates, but the recommended structure includes a core of 50 points complemented by 50 points of elective subjects. Candidates are required to select a range of higher level subjects that will complement their previous studies and experience. The resulting course will then be a mix of subjects offered within the Faculty in addition to a research project. The topic of the research subject is chosen by the candidate in discussion with their supervisor.

    The course aims to give students

        * a developed understanding of current architectural and management practice theory, terminology and methodology;
        * skills to establish outcomes that are appropriate and constitute best practice; and
        * confidence to operate effectively within the collaborative construction processes.

    For students interested in Architectural Practice and Management, recommended subjects include:

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    702-653  Advanced Construction (Masters)
    Topics are selected from and may include:The rehabilitation and recycling of existing buildings Concrete repair and protection covering investigation techniques and repair methods Strengthening of existing structures The development, form and structu...     Semester 1     12.50

    702-645  Workplace Design Briefing and Evaluation     
    This subject will not be available in 2009     12.50

    702-662  Resource Friendly Building Operations
    The primary focus of this subject is designing and operating a large scale building in a resource friendly manner. After a short introduction on fundamentals on energy transfer modes and comfort the subject provides the students with knowledge on a v...     Semester 1     12.50

    702-611  Asset Management
    Topics covered include: Advanced life cycle based property asset management; Economic modelling; Asset management optimisation;Functional and economic performance;Standards;Obsolescence;Condition assessment;Maintenance and refurbishment implications;...     Semester 1     12.50

    702-665  Project Evaluation and Management
    This subject will develop fundamental knowledge in project financial modelling and evaluation, taking a broad view on business viability analysis of public and private sector building projects. Topics covered include capital formation; role of intere...     Semester 1     12.50

    702-626  Evolution of the Workplace     
    This subject will not be available in 2009     12.50

    702-666  Project Scope, Time and Cost
    This subject will develop fundamental knowledge in project and program scope planning, evaluation, and change management. Areas covered include project time planning, scheduling and controlling management; project cost estimating, budgeting and finan...     Semester 2     12.50

    702-650  Political Economy of Design (Masters)
    When taken by a graduate student, the subject requires a higher level of understanding of the broader implications of design work. Graduate PED seeks to position and discuss architecture in relation to the world of production, economic interests and ...     Semester 1     12.50

    702-668  Project Risk, Quality & Procurement
    This subject will develop fundamental knowledge in project and program risk evaluation and management, quality planning and control, quality assurance, procurement and contract management, and systems management in any building project. Students will...     Semester 2     12.50

    702-658  Facility Management (Masters)
    This subject covers the following topics: financial analysis of capital works; strategic planning and accommodation decisions; terotechnology; life cycle costing; cost benefit analysis; development leases; maintenance contract procedures.     Semester 2     12.50

    705-641  Participation and Negotiation
    This subject was formerly known as Managing Change. All practitioners in the built environment need at some point to be aware of the strategies and techniques that can be employed to elicit constructive involvement from the public, and to negotiate c...     Summer     12.50

    702-624  Managing the Workplace Design Process     
    This subject will not be available in 2009     12.50

    705-655  Research Project A
    This two semester minor thesis project is designed to produce an ordered, critical exposition of knowledge gained through the student's own efforts, which demonstrates a sound understanding of a topic of the student's choice. Regular meetin...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50
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