Master of Social Health (Health Policy)

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Master of Social Health (Health Policy)

  • Objectives On completion of this course, students should:

    * have a sophisticated understanding of the conceptual approaches within the social study of health, illness and health care;
    * have knowledge of relevant theories and be able to apply it to social health problems;
    * have the ability to critically evaluate and synthesise the relevant literature;
    * have developed analytical skills in identifying the basis to problems in clinical and social contexts;
    * apply the conceptual, theoretical and practical dimensions of the course in students' own professional practice;
    * be able to articulate knowledge and understanding of the area in oral and written form;
    * understand the principles and processes of research design;
    * identify research issues and formulate research questions;
    * have the capacity to design and conduct research at a postgraduate level;
    * have a respect for intellectual integrity, and for the ethics of research and scholarship.
  • Academic title Master of Social Health (Health Policy)
  • Course description * Master of Social Health (100 points): 5 coursework subjects (4 core subjects, 1 elective subject, and the minor thesis)
    * Master of Social Health (150 points): 9 coursework subjects (6 core subjects, 3 elective subjects, and the minor thesis)

    Articulation to Master of Social Health from Graduate Diploma of Social Health:
    After completion of 4 postgraduate subjects of the Graduate Diploma of Social Health at a level of at least H2B, students may apply for admission to the 150 points Master of Social Health and apply for transfer of completed subjects.

    Please note that students who have completed split level subjects at the 400 level cannot enrol in the equivalent 500 level subject. 


    Students must complete the following CORE subjects for both the 100 and 150 point program:

        * 505-921, 166-537, 505-922, 505-548 (Coursework Subjects)
        * 505-920 (Research Project)

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    505-921  Principles of Qualitative Research Desgn
    This subject will give students an understanding of the principles underlying good qualitative research. The topics covered will be relevant for students interested in qualitative research specifically, and for health research students who want to le...     Semester 1     12.50

    166-537  Health Politics, Policy & Governance
    This subject focuses on critically analysing politics, policy and governance in relation to health. It asks students to examine the institutions, structures and organisations that shape the policy process in health, consider how health problems are d...     Semester 1     12.50

    505-922  Research Methods in Social Health
    This subject provides training in research methods for qualitative and literature-based social and ethical research. A core component of this subject is training in analytic thinking and in the development of a research proposal. Students will also h...     Semester 1     12.50

    505-548  Australian Health Systems
    This subject will provide students with the knowledge and analytical frameworks about the social dynamics of those institutions and structures that constitute Australian health systems. The subject will enhance students’ ability to undert...     Semester 2     12.50

    505-920  Minor Thesis in Social Health
    A thesis of 12,000 to 15,000 words will be completed under appropriate academic supervision.     Semester 1, Semester 2     37.50


    Students enrolled in the 150 point program must also complete the following two CORE subjects:

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    505-908  Health Economics 1
    This subject explores and further applies the concepts covered in the Health Economics section of Health Economics and Program Evaluation. The subject comprises four parts: Dimensions of Health Economics; Microeconomic Tools for Health Economics; The...     Semester 1     12.50

    505-508  Key Concepts in Social Health
    This subject explores key ways that bodies and the people that inhabit them are understood in the social and medical sciences. How knowledge about bodies is constructed within medical and social sciences is investigated through theoretical understand...     Semester 2     12.50


    Students enrolled in the 100 point program must complete ONE of the following elective subjects:

    NOTE: Students may elect to undertake another approved subject

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    505-535  Aboriginal Health: Past to Present
    Through the use of case studies located along a historical timeline, this subject provides students with a foundational understanding of Aboriginal health from pre-invasion to the present. Along this continuum, Aboriginal health issues are examined ...     Semester 1     12.50

    505-502  Culture, Health and Illness
    This subject provides an introduction to critical medical anthropology, a rapidly growing and dynamic endeavour, which provides a link between social anthropology and biological anthropology. While the subject discusses various perspectives in medica...     Semester 1     12.50

    505-907  Economic Evaluation 1
    This subject explores the basic concepts, methods and applications of economic evaluation in the health sector (and public health in particular).     Semester 1     12.50

    505-908  Health Economics 1
    This subject explores and further applies the concepts covered in the Health Economics section of Health Economics and Program Evaluation. The subject comprises four parts: Dimensions of Health Economics; Microeconomic Tools for Health Economics; The...     Semester 1     12.50

    505-500  Health, Ethics and Society
    This subject introduces and critically examines standard conceptual approaches to health ethics and provides an introduction to conceptual approaches within other relevant disciplines. Through the employment of these different conceptual approaches, ...     Semester 1     12.50

    505-539  Living Longer: Global Perspectives
    The course will study the history of health transitions from a global perspective, focussing on the factors historians have identified in bringing about the modern rise in life expectancy. The course is structured around the book by James C. Riley, R...     Semester 1     12.50

    505-536  Policy Processes in Aboriginal Health
    This subject reviews the historical, social, economic and cultural factors influencing structures and practices central to the policy process in Aboriginal health. Students explore the context of the policy process at macro, meso and micro levels in ...     Semester 1     12.50

    505-504  Directed Study in Social Health
    The content of this subject is individually negotiated between the student and a supervisor appointed by the subject co-ordinator, on the basis of the academic areas of expertise of the available supervisors, and the interests of the student. A list ...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    505-538  Critical Debates in Aboriginal Health
    This subject immerses students in the critical contemporary debates within Aboriginal health. Specific topics may include: equity and Aboriginal health funding; family trauma: incidence, origins and effects; stolen wages, the “welfare eco...     Semester 2     12.50

    505-507  Current Issues in Health Ethics
    The subject will involve the identification and exploration of theoretical and philosophical frameworks of participants in debates, resolutions/outcomes, and investigation of alternative positions. Possible topics include allocation of resources, acc...     Semester 2     12.50

    505-909  Economic Evaluation 2
    This subject is aimed at: consolidating student knowledge and skills of conventional microeconomic evaluation techniques covered in Economic Evaluation I; and giving students an understanding of the key issues in moving from economic evaluation to pr...     Semester 2     12.50

    505-508  Key Concepts in Social Health
    This subject explores key ways that bodies and the people that inhabit them are understood in the social and medical sciences. How knowledge about bodies is constructed within medical and social sciences is investigated through theoretical understand...     Semester 2     12.50


    Students enrolled in the 150 point program must complete THREE of the following elective subjects:


        * Students may elect to undertake another approved subject.
        * 175-501 is recommended only for overseas born students of non-English speaking backgrounds.

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    505-535  Aboriginal Health: Past to Present
    Through the use of case studies located along a historical timeline, this subject provides students with a foundational understanding of Aboriginal health from pre-invasion to the present. Along this continuum, Aboriginal health issues are examined ...     Semester 1     12.50

    505-502  Culture, Health and Illness
    This subject provides an introduction to critical medical anthropology, a rapidly growing and dynamic endeavour, which provides a link between social anthropology and biological anthropology. While the subject discusses various perspectives in medica...     Semester 1     12.50

    505-907  Economic Evaluation 1
    This subject explores the basic concepts, methods and applications of economic evaluation in the health sector (and public health in particular).     Semester 1     12.50

    166-516  Foundations of Social Policy
    The subject engages with contemporary theories of social inclusion and capital with an emphasis on networks and their role in community strengthening, community building and regional economic development. The subject also engages in the role these st...     Semester 1     25

    505-500  Health, Ethics and Society
    This subject introduces and critically examines standard conceptual approaches to health ethics and provides an introduction to conceptual approaches within other relevant disciplines. Through the employment of these different conceptual approaches, ...     Semester 1     12.50

    505-539  Living Longer: Global Perspectives
    The course will study the history of health transitions from a global perspective, focussing on the factors historians have identified in bringing about the modern rise in life expectancy. The course is structured around the book by James C. Riley, R...     Semester 1     12.50

    505-536  Policy Processes in Aboriginal Health
    This subject reviews the historical, social, economic and cultural factors influencing structures and practices central to the policy process in Aboriginal health. Students explore the context of the policy process at macro, meso and micro levels in ...     Semester 1     12.50

    505-504  Directed Study in Social Health
    The content of this subject is individually negotiated between the student and a supervisor appointed by the subject co-ordinator, on the basis of the academic areas of expertise of the available supervisors, and the interests of the student. A list ...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    175-501  Presenting Academic Discourse
    This subject aims to develop the advanced language required for successful postgraduate study in English. In this subject students will develop critical approaches to researching, reading and writing. They will also develop the ability to plan and pr...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    505-538  Critical Debates in Aboriginal Health
    This subject immerses students in the critical contemporary debates within Aboriginal health. Specific topics may include: equity and Aboriginal health funding; family trauma: incidence, origins and effects; stolen wages, the “welfare eco...     Semester 2     12.50

    505-909  Economic Evaluation 2
    This subject is aimed at: consolidating student knowledge and skills of conventional microeconomic evaluation techniques covered in Economic Evaluation I; and giving students an understanding of the key issues in moving from economic evaluation to pr...     Semester 2     12.50

    136-528  Medicine and Culture
    Over the ages people have deployed various methods - metaphysical, magical or the pure empirical - to combat the ravages of disease. Bloodletting, cupping, leaching, doses of highly poisonous chemicals, blisters, copious draughts of mineral water, hy...     Semester 2     12.50

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