Master of Teaching (Primary)

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Master of Teaching (Primary)

  • Objectives On completion of this course graduates will have the knowledge, skills and understanding to enable them to: * Be highly-skilled teachers, with the theoretical frameworks and practical ability to produce effective learning for each individual student. * Be engaged intelligently and passionately in the educational venture, and have the ability not only to adapt to, but also to lead change. * Articulate a coherent set of beliefs about learning and teaching, based soundly on leading-edge theory and evidence-based research. * Display a solid understanding of discipline knowledge and knowledge about education, and of how they interact in effective pedagogy. * Understand the links between planning, teaching and evaluating for learning. * Plan for students' teaching and learning bringing to bear an informed awareness of child and adolescent development. * Generate and interpret the classroom data to enable individualized programming of developmental learning for each student. * Respond flexibly in catering for the different learning needs of individual students, including those with special needs. * Utilise a range of teaching approaches that foster both independent and cooperative learning. * Structure their teaching to provide rich and creative learning environments. * Develop in their students the capacity for vigorous but respectful critique and for curiosity in learning. * Demonstrate an awareness of cultural diversity and its implications for society and education. * Demonstrate an understanding of the significance of written and spoken language as fundamental to education. * Utilise a variety of technologies in the classroom to assist learning. * Function effectively across the various relationships involved in the professional life of a teacher. * Demonstrate the level of competency in literacy and numeracy expected of the teaching profession. * Be leaders and advocates in education, responsive to legislation, policy and the global human rights issues of participation, access and inclusion.
  • Academic title Master of Teaching (Primary)
  • Course description Subject      Semester      Credit Points
    460-500  Professional Practice and Seminar Prim 1
    The professional practice and seminar program provides an integrated focus on all subjects taught in the semester and addresses teacher candidates’ developing understandings of professional knowledge, professional practice and professiona...     Semester 1     12.50

    460-501  Learners, Teachers and Pedagogy (Prim)
    This subject will provide the general conceptual framework for understanding learning, teaching and curriculum. It will analyse the knowledge enhancement process from a range of evidence-based, theoretical and socio-cultural perspectives. Developmen...     Semester 1     12.50

    460-502  ICT in Primary Education
    Rationales for, and processes of, integrating ICT use across the primary curriculum will form the basis on which the subject is constructed. Teacher candidates will be active learners, from a constructivist perspective , as they develop a range of pe...     Semester 1     6.25

    460-503  Foundational English Literacy
    This subject will introduce teacher candidates to research and practice that informs the development of literacy in the early years of schooling, the scope and sequence of language and literacy learning in the early years and the diverse nature of ch...     Semester 1     12.50

    460-504  Primary Mathematics Education 1
    This subject provides an orientation to teaching mathematics in Victorian primary schools. Teacher candidates will develop pedagogical content knowledge for the effective teaching and learning of the topic Number from Prep to Year 6. They will consi...     Semester 1     6.25

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    460-505  Professional Practice and Seminar Prim 2
    This subject further deepens teacher candidates’ developing understandings of professional knowledge, professional practice and professional engagement in the primary school. The focus of this placement is on assessment of individual stud...     Semester 2     12.50

    460-506  Assessment, Learning & Teaching (Primary)
    In this subject students will study assessment and reporting linked to teaching and the classroom learning encompassing cognitive, affective, physical and aesthetic domains. Links between assessment and curriculum are examined and connected to eviden...     Semester 2     6.25

    460-507  Primary Mathematics Education 2
    Teacher candidates will develop pedagogical content knowledge for the effective teaching and learning of the topics of Space, Structure, Working Mathematically, Measurement, Chance and Data from Prep to Year 6. Teacher candidates will review and cri...     Semester 2     12.50

    460-508  Primary Arts Education
    This subject presents the arts as a key learning area in primary education. Teacher candidates study teaching strategies and developmental learning in relation to children's education in the arts, with a particular focus on drama, music and visu...     Semester 2     12.50

    460-509  Primary Humanities Education
    This subject aims to build teacher candidates’ capacities for teaching in Primary Humanities. Teacher candidates will be introduced to the Humanities as a broad, complex and dynamic field concerned with people as social beings who intera...     Semester 2     6.25

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    460-510  Professional Practice and Seminar Prim 3
    This subject focuses on the teacher candidates’ awareness of the characteristics of knowledge, practice and professional engagement for professional accountability in teaching. The placement is focused on teaching across all curriculum ar...     Semester 1     12.50

    460-511  Social & Professional Contexts (Prim)
    This subject assists teacher candidates to understand their professional role in and beyond the classroom, as well as the changing social and professional contexts in which teachers’ work. It will also examine the social and cultural fact...     Semester 1     12.50

    460-512  Science and Technology Education
    This subject will develop and consolidate teacher candidates’ understanding of major science concepts through an examination of children’s everyday experiences. This development in science conceptual understandings will occur ...     Semester 1     12.50

    460-513  Advanced English Literacies
    This subject will lead teacher candidates to increase their understanding of the advanced forms of language and literacy that are developed in the middle years of schooling. Teacher candidates will engage with key research that indicates a significa...     Semester 1     6.25

    460-514  Health and Physical Education
    This subject engages teacher candidates with the two VELS domains Health and Physical Education, and Interpersonal Development. In relation to Physical Education, teacher candidates will work closely with a group of their peers to plan a unit that in...     Semester 1     6.25

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    460-515  Designing Personalised Learning
    This subject develops teacher candidates’ understanding of the principles and practices which enable them to personalise learning, with the aim of tailoring experiences to meet school students’ learning, needs, interests and ...     Semester 2     12.50

    460-516  Mathematics, Assessment and Learning
    Teacher candidates will analyse the development of key concepts in primary mathematics and identify critical progression points for children’s learning. They will identify the importance to progress of factors such as computational fluenc...     Semester 2     12.50

    460-517  Literacy, Assessment and Learning
    This subject will highlight the significance of literacy interventions to meet the individual learning needs of primary school students. Topics will include: the social and cognitive factors that impact on school students’ literacy develo...     Semester 2     12.50

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    460-653  Integrating the Curriculum: Middle Years
    This subject investigates in theory and practice models and approaches to curriculum organisation in the middle years of schooling. Teacher candidates will examine research into the middle years that highlights the significance of adolescent students...     Semester 2     12.50

    460-657  Australian Indigenous Education
    A study of traditional and contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous Australian) cultures: The origins, diversity, history and contemporary issues and initiatives of Indigenous Australian peoples. Strategies for working with Aust...     Semester 2     12.50

    460-660  Promoting Student Wellbeing
    The subject will provide an opportunity to practice, and reflect on, a range of interpersonal and professional skills relevant to the teacher’s role in the promotion of student wellbeing at a classroom and whole school level. Current rese...     Semester 2     12.50

    460-641  Teaching for a Sustainable World
    Teacher candidates will examine the holistic nature of sustainability and the values, principles and philosophies and practices of transformative education. Teacher candidates will develop an understanding of ecology and planetary biosystems, and the...     Semester 2     12.50

    460-659  ESL Across the Curriculum     
    This subject will not be available in 2009     12.50

    460-643  Arts and Artistry:Studio to Classroom
    This subject will enable students to extend their practical and theoretical understanding of the arts in relation to primary education. In this practice-based subject, students will be supported in the development of their arts skills, their arts ped...     Semester 2     12.50

    460-700  TESOL in the Primary Classroom
    Teacher Candidates will examine TESOL methodology, curriculum design and evaluation. Topics include the sociocultural context of TESOL, including educational, cultural, historical and inter-group issues; different approaches to TESOL learning and tea...     Semester 2     12.50

    460-712  ICT Leadership in Schools
    This subject utilises a problem-based learning approach and will build on knowledge and skills developed in earlier subjects. It will equip students to take on leadership roles, in particular with ICT, in schools. Topics covered will be selected from...     Semester 2     12.50

    460-627  Minor Project in Education
    An individually negotiated project relating to education, in which the student undertakes a theoretical study (eg., a substantial critical review of a particular body of literature), a research project relating to educational practice, or an approved...     Semester 1, Semester 2, Summer     12.50

    460-728  LOTE in the Primary Classroom
    This subject will build on teacher candidates knowledge of second language teaching and learning across the primary years.Emphasis will be on principles and practices that support the development of languages other than English from an i...     Semester 2     12.50
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