Master of Teaching (Special Education)

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Master of Teaching (Special Education)

  • Objectives The course aims to build on students' prior learning to develop advanced professional knowledge, practice and relationship skills relevant to teaching students in regular classroom settings as well as students with special needs in the junior primary and primary years (Reception to Year 7) or secondary (either up to Year 10 or up to Year 12). Through a combination of education and curriculum studies with practical experience in educational settings, students will be supported to: * be flexible, literate, independent and well-informed, equipped with transferable skills highly valued in the teaching profession; * reflect critically on different teaching theories and practices, on their own teaching, and on their lives, in order to strive for excellence and creativity in their teaching roles; * apply educational theory, knowledge and understanding of complex teaching issues to make informed professional judgments in diverse educational situations; * achieve the knowledge and understanding needed to work across disciplinary boundaries in order to actively create cross-curriculum links; * appreciate the need for continuing professional development in their fields of expertise; * clearly recognise local and international issues associated with context and disability that influence special education practices; * understand and effectively engage with research to apply theories of learning, approaches to assessment and curriculum design that best support students with special learning needs; * value and engage in effective partnerships with colleagues, professionals from a range of disciplines and students and their families to support the best possible educational and emotional outcomes for their students; and * display a range of effective teaching strategies in supporting the learning outcomes for students with special needs. * have the capacity to undertake ongoing professional further study through a variety of pathways.Learning outcomesThe expected student outcomes are the knowledge, understandings, skills and attributes that graduates are expected to possess. They are reported below under professional knowledge, professional practice and professional relationships.Professional KnowledgeGraduates of the course are expected to be able to: * demonstrate understanding of the content, processes and skills for learning in the area of specialisation; * display knowledge of current curriculum statements, conceptual frameworks and programs relevant to the teaching areas; * show familiarity with a range of methodologies, resources and assessment techniques that support student learning; * design programs, use resources and structure teaching and assessment to create a positive learning environment; * demonstrate personal skills related to literacy, numeracy and Information and Communication Technologies ( ICTs); * develop knowledge of, and skills in, curriculum development specifically pertaining to areas of disability and students with special needs; * develop individualised programming for students with diverse educational needs including cultural and linguistic diversity; * achieve the knowledge and understanding that different disciplines provide and work across disciplinary boundaries to actively create cross-curriculum links; * appreciate the need for continuing professional development in the area of disability and special needs; * understand the process of differentiated instruction and universally designed curriculum, accessible to all students; and * reflect critically on different teaching theories and practices, on their own teaching, and on their lives, in order to strive for excellence and creativity in their teaching roles.Professional PracticeGraduates of the course are expected to be able to: * use a range of teaching and learning strategies and resources to provide a positive, challenging and inclusive learning environment; * know how to monitor student learning, maintain records of progress and report on these to learners and parents/caregivers; * show ability to establish a classroom environment with fair and consistent expectations and interactions within broader policies relating to student behaviour; * interact ethically and responsibly with learners and their caregivers, and with colleagues and the wider community; * communicate knowledge and views clearly and respectfully; * apply educational theory, knowledge and understanding to make informed professional judgements in diverse educational situations; and * reflect on professional practice as the basis for improving knowledge and practice.Professional RelationshipsGraduates of the course are expected to be able to: * show capacity to fulfil administrative, professional and industrial expectations within legal and other relevant frameworks; * understand how to manage confidential information and conflict in a sensitive manner; * work collaboratively with colleagues, school students, their families and the wider community towards achieving high quality learning outcomes; and * apply skills required for building positive, respectful relationships with learners, their caregivers, colleagues, and the wider community.
  • Entry requirements Applicants must have completed an appropriate undergraduate degree or approved equivalent.
  • Academic title Master of Teaching (Special Education)
  • Course description The Master of Teaching (Special Education) is a pre-service teacher education course which requires two years of study (or the equivalent part-time). The course is offered by the Faculty of Education, Humanities, Law and Theology.

    Student may elect to undertake the Junior Primary/Primary stream or the Secondary stream. Additional entry requirements apply for the secondary stream.

    PROGRAM OF STUDY [January, 2009]

    To qualify for the Master of Teaching (Special Education) a student must complete 72 units of Education Studies as set out below, with a grade of P or NGP or better in each topic.

    Except with the permission of the Board:

        * no compulsory topic may be taken more than twice;
        * teaching practice topics may not be attempted more than once.

    Students should note that teaching practice topics require full-time commitment for their duration.

    The following 72 units comprise the degree program for Master of Teaching students.

    Not all topics are necessarily available in any given year.


    First Year

    Semester 1


    Contemporary Issues in Special Education



    Literacy and Numeracy in Inclusive Primary School Classrooms



    The Expressive Arts: English, Visual Art, Design Technology, Drama, Media and Music



    Lecture for Professional Teaching Practice 3A (R-7)


    Semester 2


    Theories of Behaviour Management



    Curriculum Studies Junior Primary/Primary 3 (Science and PE Focus)



    Professional Teaching Practice 3A (R-7)


    Second Year

    Semester 1


    Curriculum Studies Junior Primary/Primary Mathematics, Society and the Environment and Health



    Programming Students with Special Needs



    Professional Teaching Practice 4A (R-7)


    Semester 2


    Interventions for Problems in Literacy



    The Professional Special Educator: Research and Practice



    Critical Indigenous Pedagogies



    First Year

    Semester 1


    Contemporary Issues in Special Education



    Teaching Literacy and Numeracy in Middle School: Policy Documents to Practice



    Curriculum Studies Specialisation 1: Middle School/Secondary



    Lecture for Professional Teaching Practice 3C (8-12)


    Semester 2


    Theories of Behaviour Management



    Integrated Curriculum Studies



    Professional Teaching Practice 3C (8-12)


    Second Year

    Semester 1


    Curriculum Studies Specialisations 2


    Programming for Students with Special Needs



    Professional Teaching Practice 4C (8-12)


    Semester 2

    Interventions for Problems in Literacy



    The Professional Special Educator: Research and Practice



    Critical Indigenous Pedagogies

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