Master of Tourism (Festival and Event Design and Management)

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Master of Tourism (Festival and Event Design and Management)

  • Objectives The Master of Tourism aims to meet the research needs of graduates with an interest in tourism, enabling them to undertake an in depth research-focused study. It aims to increase the theoretical and research skills required to develop appropriate depth of understanding of issues in tourism. It draws on both theoretical and practical material and provides the opportunity for students to apply both the principles and the practical aspects of the course to a festival or event of their own choice.It aims to: * provide students with a broad understanding of the role of festivals and events in tourism, both in Australia and worldwide; * introduce the concepts behind festival and event planning to reflect the arts, culture and/or heritage of a place; * develop a framework for festival and event development with the opportunity to apply this framework to specific case studies both on and off shore; * produce people who will act ethically as professionals within the festival and event industry; * instil festival and event design, management and marketing skills necessary for professional endorsement within the industry.Learning outcomesThe course is professionally orientated and is intended for people currently employed in tourism, hospitality or festival or event management, those who would like to be so employed, and those who have a basic interest in developing their knowledge and skills in the festival and event management area. It provides students with an introduction to the basic concepts in festival and event management and the skills to apply this knowledge to a diverse range of festivals and/or events.Upon graduating, students will: * be equipped with the appropriate knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes for successful careers in the design, management and marketing of festivals and events, from the smallest to the largest scales; * have developed effective oral, written and interpersonal communicators, working in a variety of disciplines in a collaborative team situation; * be able to implement research concepts in their specialised tourism field and examine how they reflect the arts, culture and/or heritage of a place; * have developed effective independent research and analysis skills in a variety of disciplines.
  • Entry requirements Applicants must normally hold a Graduate Diploma in Tourism or equivalent qualification from an approved tertiary institution.However, the Faculty Board may, under certain circumstances, and subject to specific conditions, admit others who can show evidence of fitness for candidature.CREDITStudents who have successfully completed the Graduate Diploma in Tourism may be eligible to receive 36 units of credit towards the Master of Tourism. No more than 12 units of unspecified credit at masters level may be granted towards the Master of Tourism.
  • Academic title Master of Tourism (Festival and Event Design and Management)
  • Course description The Master of Tourism is a 72-unit coursework degree which is part of the Graduate Program in Tourism offered by the Faculty of Education, Humanities, Law and Theology.

    The degree is offered on a fee-paying basis and may be taken over four semesters full-time, or the equivalent part-time.

    The Master of Tourism articulates with the 18-unit Graduate Certificate in Tourism and the 36-unit Graduate Diploma in Tourism.

    PROGRAM OF STUDY  [November, 2008]

    To meet the requirements of the Festival and Event Design and Management stream, students must complete the following topics:

    (a) 24 units from the following topics:


    Essentials of Festival and Event Design and Management



    Festival and Event Design and Management Practice



    Applied Festival and Event Design and Management



    Festival and Event Design


    and (b) 12 units from the following elective topics:


    Working and Managing in Cross-Cultural Environments



    Research Methods



    Tourism Placement



    Tourism Project



    Essentials of Interpretation



    Service Excellence in Business



    (c) 36 units selected from the following topics:


    Tourism Project, Dissertation or Thesis


    Where the Project, Dissertation or Thesis has a unit value of 24 or 30 units, the additional units needed to complete the required 36 units may be selected from topics in (a) and/or (b).

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