Master of Youth Health and Education Management

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Master of Youth Health and Education Management

  • Objectives * to prepare graduates for leadership roles in cross-sectoral practice in the youth, health, education and welfare sectors; * to promote positive youth development in research, policy and sector development; * to promote learning in cross-sectoral teams in the context of their workplaces and more broadly their community; * to develop, implement and evaluate community initiatives and extend the evidence of cross-sectoral community based initiatives; * to develop the ability of graduates to critically analyse policy and issues in relation to young people; * to develop the ability of graduates to influence the development, implementation and evaluation of policy in relation to young people; * to develop a high standard of written and oral communication skills in graduates; * to develop the ability of graduates to analyse and undertake research; * to improve the knowledge of graduates in youth related issues and interventions; * to develop the skills of graduates in program and service development in relation to young people.
  • Academic title Master of Youth Health and Education Management
  • Course description Part-time Students will complete four, 12.5 subjects (or equivalent in 25 point subjects) in each of the two years. There are four core subjects (totalling 50 points) and the remaining 50 points are taken in elective subjects. Core subjects are offered in a block mode.

    Full time students complete the four core subjects (totalling 50 points) and electives totalling 50 points in the one year.

    These are suggested elective subjects only. Students are encouraged to explore their options widely, and to take subjects of interest from a range of faculties. In most cases this will require approval from the course co-ordinator of MYHEM Johanna Wyn so please keep her informed of your thinking and your choices.

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    472-649  Counselling in Educational Settings 1
    A study of the educator's role in the promotion of student wellbeing and student support issues, controversies and role boundaries; research on effective helping; a psycho-educational model of helping; interpersonal communication and counselling...     Semester 1     12.50

    472-648  Student Wellbeing Context and Frameworks
    A study of the place of student wellbeing and social emotional learning in education definitions, contemporary frameworks, research and debates; the political context of student wellbeing values, ideology, inequalities in education and social policy;...     Semester 1     12.50

    476-644  Managing Conflict / Educational Settings
    Definitions of conflict, conflict theories and research on conflict are used to analyse the types of conflicts that occur in schools at administration, staff and student levels. The subject draws on theory research and from a range of disciplines. Ap...     Semester 1     25

    505-901  International Adolescent Health     
    This subject will not be available in 2009     12.50

    571-668  Adolescent Mental Health
    This subject introduces conceptual frameworks for understanding mental health in young people and the importance of social contexts for mental health. The subject analyses the emotional dimensions of mental health and assists professionals to recogni...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    571-669  Young People at Risk
    This subject begins with an exploration of the concept of 'at risk' as it applies to young people, and the use and purpose of such a categorisation by relevant services and through policy. A life-course approach is used to examine the impac...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    571-673  Youth Sexual Health
    This subject explores two main themes: The social construction of sexuality - how our understandings of sexuality are developed in socio-cultural contexts; and Sexual health - how it is defined and measured, what factors contribute to it, and practic...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    161-507  Ethical Theory and Practice
    This subject involves the philosophical study of issues in professional and applied ethics. It introduces students to a range of concepts and theories relevant to that study, including the nature of moral reasoning and philosophical argumentation. Dr...     Semester 1     12.50

    505-504  Directed Study in Social Health
    The content of this subject is individually negotiated between the student and a supervisor appointed by the subject co-ordinator, on the basis of the academic areas of expertise of the available supervisors, and the interests of the student. A list ...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    166-527  Advanced Public Management
    This subject explores the strategies and instruments that public managers use to implement public policy. We will review several key aspects of the management role including: how public managers support the development and implantation of good public...     Semester 1     25

    Core subjects

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    571-666  Youth Health Intervention
    The aim of this subject is to enable students to develop a strategic, innovative proposal in response to a youth health issue. This proposal may address organisational change, program development, youth participation, practice change and/or policy fo...     Semester 2     12.50

    460-732  Youth Policy and Theory in Practice
    This subject involves the analysis of theories and models of youth and youth development, including historical and cultural perspectives. The analysis will include the impact of social, economic and political changes on young people's lives in d...     Semester 1     12.50

    460-733  Cross Sectoral Practice
    This subject will explore the processes of designing and managing consultation, collaboration and partnerships for the purpose of enhancing the wellbeing of young people. Best cross-sectoral practices in areas such as health promotion, prevention and...     Semester 1     12.50

    460-734  Leadership in Youth Health and Education
    The aim of this subject is to develop an understanding of management, leadership and change in youth health, education or welfare organisations. This subject will include a critical analysis of organisational structures and decision making processes ...     Semester 2     12.50
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