Postgraduate Certificate in Information Systems

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Postgraduate Certificate in Information Systems

  • Objectives The Postgraduate Certificate in Information Systems is designed to:

    * provide a focused course of study in information systems;
    * enable the acquisition of knowledge about contemporary issues in information systems; and
    * encourage the development of the abilities to think critically and independently.
  • Academic title Postgraduate Certificate in Information Systems
  • Course description Students complete any four of the following core subjects;

        * 615-680 Information Technology Infrastructure
        * 615-681 Business Analysis Modelling and Design
        * 615-671 Business Applications and Architectures
        * 615-652 Emerging Technologies and Issues
        * 615-682 IS Project and Change Management
        * 615-683 Impact of Digitisation
        * 615-695 Professional IS Consulting
        * 615-660 IS Strategy and Governance     

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    615-680  Information Technology Infrastructure
    This subject provides participants with an understanding of the current issues in the design and management of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure and service provision. The current impacts of the convergence, commoditisatio...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    615-681  Business Analysis Modeling and Design
    This subject introduces the fundamental processes for identifying information systems requirements, leading to the specification and design of information systems or the selection of commercial off-the-shelf packages to support business processes. St...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    615-671  Business Applications & Architectures
    Integrating business applications across business functions and companies provides large benefits to organizations. The first phase of this subject concentrates on business processes and enterprise applications including ERP systems. The relationship...     Semester 1     12.50

    615-652  Emerging Technologies and Issues
    As with many other forms of technology, information technologies have lifecycles ranging from initial conception, possible adoption and widespread use in industry, to eventual obsolescence. This subject will address emerging information technologies,...     Semester 2     12.50

    615-682  IS Project and Change Management
    This subject covers management of projects and leading project teams and associated change management roles, tasks and processes. Topics include the project life cycle, project tasks and deliverables, defining a project charter from a business case, ...     Semester 2     12.50

    615-683  Impact of Digitisation
    In this subject students examine the implications of the digitization of data, information, and communications on organizations and society. Students will investigate how digitization affects individuals, organizations, and society with associated se...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    615-695  Professional IS Consulting
    This subject allows students, working individually and in syndicates, to gain experience in commercial and professional aspects of information systems practice. Students will develop business communication skills, including commercial report writing,...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    615-660  IS Strategy and Governance
    Strategic IS management is an increasingly important management activity as organizations realize that appropriate use (or misuse) of information and information technology can have significant effects on their competitive position. Using case studi...     Semester 1     12.50

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