Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Criminology)

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Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Criminology)

  • Objectives Students who complete the postgraduate diploma should: * have a rounded knowledge of criminological theory regarding the nature of crime and its control; * acquire skills in research procedures for the analysis of criminological issues, including the ability to plan and organise research; * gain an understanding of major elements of public policy debates relating to crime and its control, especially as these impact upon various parts of the criminal justice system; * develop an overview of the emerging alternatives posed for organising various aspects of the criminal justice system; * receive instruction and advice, and have experience, in writing a preparatory research thesis on a criminological topic.
  • Course description     * Thesis 12,000 words (37.5 points)
        * one compulsory subjects (12.5 points)
        * One core methods subject (12.5 points)
        * Three elective subjects (37.5points)

    Total 100 points - subjects are 12.5 points each, unless indicated otherwise.

    Thesis subject

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    191-519  Criminology Thesis
    Students undertaking the criminology honours thesis should demonstrate a clear understanding of a specific field of study at an advanced level. They should demonstrate clear thinking and an ability to integrate theory and method in a logical manner. ...     Semester 1, Semester 2     37.50

    Compulsory subject

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    166-558  Social Science Research Seminar
    This subject is designed to develop research skills for students planning and writing research theses in the School of Political Science, Criminology and Sociology. The subject explores contemporary research strategies, differing methodological appro...     Semester 1     12.50

    Core methods subjects
    Choose one of the following subjects

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    191-420  Qualitative Research Methods
    This subject forms an advanced overview of theories, methods and ethical issues in qualitative research. The subject will focus on the techniques of field studies, intensive interviewing, and case studies. Students will carry out small scale qualitat...     Semester 1     12.50

    166-554  Social Research Design and Evaluation
    This subject provides a critical and practical engagement with social research design and evaluation, in a range of societal contexts including, but not limited to, social policy. As such, it provides theoretical frameworks and research skills for an...     Semester 1     12.50

    Elective subjects

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    191-435  Drugs and Justice
    This subject introduces students to a range of historical and contemporary issues surrounding the measurement of drug use and the popular and scientific construction of the health, crime and social consequences of drug use. The subject is concerned w...     Semester 2     12.50

    191-438  Texts and Violence
    Violence is an issue of great social, individual and cultural concern. This subject investigates some of the ways in which violence is represented, talked about, and interpreted. The subject focuses on two issues: how to interpret textual representat...     Semester 2     12.50

    191-536  Criminology and Sociology Internship
    This subject is designed to provide students with hand-on research experience in the context of the everyday operations of a social or criminal justice or community-based agency. The internship takes place over two semesters and constitutes a structu...     Semester 1, Semester 2     25

    191-520  Compliance, Regulation & Crime
    There is increasing public and political demand that harms and risks to people, the environment, financial systems, and the like, be reduced, if not eliminated altogether. Tighter regulation, including in some cases use of the criminal law, is often ...     Semester 2     12.50

    191-543  Research and Criminal Justice Governance
    How effective are criminal justice interventions in changing individual behaviour, reducing opportunities for crime, and increasing public safety? Why is there so much emphasis by government on the impact of criminal justice programs, and how does th...     Semester 1     12.50

    191-537  Genocide, State Crime and the Law     
    This subject will not be available in 2009     12.50

    191-542  Crime Prevention: Critical Approaches
    Crime prevention is a growth area in applied criminology, and many graduates find themselves working in this field. This subject provides a basic understanding of relevant theory and practice. Current national and international developments are summa...     Semester 1     12.50

    191-538  Law, Race and Indigenous Peoples
    This subject examines the historical underpinnings of the contemporary over-representation of Indigenous peoples in the criminal justice systems of settler states (including Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United States of America, and South Africa)....     Semester 2     12.50

    191-440  The New Punitiveness?
    This subject focuses on the idea that since the 1970s there has been a rise in punitiveness right across the developed nations of the west. The subject asks students to identify and understand the different domains in which punitiveness might reside ...     Semester 2     12.50

    166-411  Australian Politics:Democracy & Justice
    This subject will investigate how Australian constitutional democracy has been structured and how it has defined and developed citizenship and protected human rights. To address these issues students will investigate questions such as, How was Austra...     Semester 2     12.50

    166-416  Justice, Democracy and Difference
    This subject provides a critical examination of contemporary debates about ideas of justice, democracy and the politics of difference. The subject critically explores both the major liberal approaches to justice alongside critiques of liberal approac...     Semester 1     12.50

    166-418  Corruption in Today's World
    This subject focuses on definitions, types and theories of corruption, and on its political, social and economic effects in various parts of the world, particularly since the 1980s. The subject asks students to problematise the concept of corruption ...     Semester 1     12.50

    166-423  Organisations and Management
    This subject examines the modern public sector management function through a range of practical and theoretical perspectives. Focusing on placing public sector management into surrounding historical and quasi-ideological debates, the subject explores...     Semester 2     12.50

    166-442  Rights and Public Policy
    This subject aims to assist students with the development of skills relevant in the policy-making process. This is carried out by familiarising students with legal and political developments within a variety of rights fields and by requiring them to ...     Semester 2     12.50

Other programs related to criminology

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  • Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Laws

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  • Bachelor of Criminology (International Students)

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  • Master of Forensic Science

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  • Bachelor of Social Science (Criminology)

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  • Postgraduate Diploma of Criminology

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  • Bachelor of Forensic Biotechnology

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