Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Environmental Studies)

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Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Environmental Studies)

  • Objectives Students who complete the postgraduate diploma should:

    * possess knowledge of environmental systems and processes and what happens to environmental systems under stress;
    * develop skills in using techniques that (a) measure components of environmental systems and (b) assess the environmental impact of different environment users;
    * have a knowledge of environmental valuation and the relationships between development and the environment;
    * understand the broad social, economic and regulatory frameworks in which environmental problems are resolved;
    * possess knowledge of the current processes of economic and social change in the Asia-Pacific region;
    * develop skills in assessing the relation between these processes and environmental capacity.
  • Academic title Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Environmental Studies)
  • Course description     * Thesis 15,000 words (50 points)
        * Honours coursework (50 points)

    Total 100 points - subjects are 12.5 points each, unless indicated otherwise.

    Thesis subject

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    121-520  Environmental Studies Thesis
    An approved topic/research project selected in consultation with the supervisor/s. The student will also write a research proposal and give an oral presentation on the proposed research.     Semester 1, Semester 2     50

    Honours coursework

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    121-431  Environmental Studies Coursework
    This subject comprises three components: a course of lectures and seminars on the principles and practice of environmental or social impact assessment; preparation of an extended review of the literature related to the subject matter of the student&a...     Semester 1, Semester 2     50

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  • + Information by E-mail
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