Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice

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Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice

  • Objectives Students can complete the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (the PLT) program as an alternative to undertaking a traineeship. The program concentrates on the development of ‘lawyering’ skills such as legal research, analysis and problem solving, legal writing and drafting, interviewing and oral communication, advising, advocacy, dispute resolution, professional ethics and conduct, and accounting. These skills are taught in a practical context in a simulated office environment. The Professional Legal Training (PLT) program is a postgraduate qualification that entitles law graduates to be admitted as solicitors in Queensland and NSW. Students who successfully complete the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice may also receive up to35 credit points towards Bond's Master of Laws [Legal Prcatice].
  • Academic title Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice
  • Course description Career Outcomes

    The Professional Legal Training (PLT) program is a postgraduate qualification that entitles law graduates to be admitted as solicitors in Queensland or NSW. Students who successfully complete the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice may also receive up to 35 credit points towards Bond’s Master of Laws (Legal Practice).

    Professional Recognition

    The course is modelled on the New South Wales Law Society’s professional program and has been accredited by the admission authorities in New South Wales and Queensland. Mutual recognition legislation facilitates the process of practitioners admitted in one state seeking admission in other Australian jurisdictions.

    Course Structure

    Students complete a 15-week intensive on-campus skills component, followed by a 15-week placement in a law firm. The Faculty assists students to obtain a placement, which may take place in any part of Australia or even overseas (subject to conditions).

    These 15 weeks of practical experience will be augmented by a further 75 hours of Continuing Practical Training. This is undertaken by distance education mode during the 15-week period.

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