Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Chemistry)

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Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Chemistry)

  • Objectives The Postgraduate Diploma in Chemistry program is designed to;

    * increase the student's knowledge and understanding of chemical science;
    * develop the process and practice of chemical research;
    * encourage the development of individual investigative skills, critical thought and the ability to evaluate information and analyse experimental data;
    * promote the acquisition of experimental or theoretical skills in areas currently relevant to one of the research groups in the School of Chemistry;
    * improve oral and written communication skills; and
    * ensure that students receive essential training skills in laboratory safety procedures.
  • Academic title Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Chemistry)
  • Course description Components of assessment

    The course comprises a research project component and an advanced coursework component. Their relative weightings are as follows:

        * Chemistry Research Project component = 62.5 percent
        * Chemistry Advanced Coursework component = 37.5 percent

    Advanced Coursework

    Student will enrol in the following three subjects (each worth 12.5 points):

        * 610-681 Advanced Spectroscopy
        * 610-682 Chemistry 4A
        * 610-683 Chemistry 4B

    [Each of these subjects will be examined by formal written examination, subjects 610-681 and 610-682 at the end of semester 1 and subject 610-683 during semester 2].

    Research Project

    Students will enrol in the following research subjects:

        * 610-412 Chemistry Research Project 25 points in semester 1
        * 610-413 Chemistry Research Project 37.5 points in semester 2

    The research project involves the completion of:

    * A preliminary literature survey and research plan (1500 words, up to 5 pages), due towards the end of the first semester of study (pass/fail);

    * A major thesis, page limit of 30 pages (10,000 words) due at the end of the second semester of study (90% made up from thesis evaluation (35%), oral examination (viva) on thesis (35%); supervisor’s assessment of research performance (20%) based on attendance, application, initiative, and demonstrated skills);

    * A project-related oral presentation (15 minutes presentation, 5 minutes discussion) to be scheduled during the second semester of enrolment (10%);and

    * Successful completion of a seminar series providing advanced theoretical and/or practical training (pass/fail).

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