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  • Objectives WIST is a home-based, self-paced bridging program in English, science, mathematics and computing especially designed and programmed for WOMEN. WIST is free and is AUSTUDY/ABSTUDY funded and QTAC approved. The WIST Program offers: * Basic knowledge and skills in preparation for award courses at university in science, mathematics, computing, engineering and health science courses as well as humanities, information technology, teaching education and business. * Introductory courses in English, mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology and computing. * The knowledge to understand science and scientific developments in society and to write essays to university standard. * Students can work at their own pace and at a time that suits them.
  • Entry requirements Age is no barrier. All women, from school leavers to mature aged women, are eligible to apply. Many women in the program are mature aged women who are returning to study. WIST assists women who have not completed year 12 and/or have a limited knowledge of academic science, mathematics, computing or reading/writing skills to gain entry to university by an alternative pathway. The program is available only for Australian citizens or women who hold permanent resident visas.
  • Academic title WIST
  • Course description About WIST

    WIST is a unique access program designed to encourage and support more women to study and pursue a career in science or technology. It is a home-based self-paced program that enables women to establish a study schedule that suits them and successfully make the transition into university.

    The program is open to women of all ages and assumes no formal educational requirements.

    Career Opportunities

    For women pursuing careers in science, engineering, health, mathematics and computing. WIST assists those who have not completed year 12 and/or have a limited knowledge of academic science, mathematics, computing or reading/writing skills, to gain entry to university.

    Who can enrol?

    Age is no barrier.  All women, from school leavers to mature aged women, are eligible to apply. Many women in the program are mature aged women who are returning to study. WIST assists women who have not completed year 12 and/or have a limited knowledge of academic science, mathematics and reading/writing skills to gain entry to university by an alternative pathway. The program is available only for Australian citizens or women who hold permanent resident visas.


    Why a Program Especially for Women?

    Traditionally women were not encouraged to pursue careers in science, mathematics, computing and engineering. WIST provides an alternative access for women into non-traditional areas as well as giving women the tools to enable them to undertake courses at university.


    Course Information

    Each course is comprised of a number of units ranging from a basic level to a more advanced level. The combination of the subjects studied will depend on the students' future goals and their educational background. Women who wish to upgrade their skills should contact the WIST Coordinator who will advise them on the bridging subjects required to achieve their specific objectives.


    When can I enrol?

    Due to the flexible nature of the WIST Program, enrolments are accepted all year round.

    To enrol, contact the WIST Coordinator for an application package at wist@cqu.edu.au.
    Program Structure

    This course seeks to provide both an introduction to the major concepts in modern biology as well as providing students with the opportunity to evaluate distance learning (external study or correspondence) as a method of study. By concentrating on examples drawn from human biology, the subject will serve as a preparatory subject for those seeking to enter university in any of the life sciences (including health science and environmental science) as well as providing a subject that is interesting in its own right.


    Introchem is a preparatory course that focuses on the basic concepts of chemistry for students who may be considering gaining knowledge and skills prior to entering a tertiary course. The course is structured around interactive exercises and knowledge about chemistry.

    NB. Some mathematical skills are assumed. Studying Transitional Mathematics may be advisable before commencement of this course.


    This course contains preparatory material for students embarking on a first-year university program such as science or engineering which includes physics. It has been prepared using techniques CQUniversity has developed for distance study and is designed as a bridging course.

    NB. Some mathematical skills are assumed. Studying Transitional Mathematics may be advisable before commencement of Introphysics.


    Transition Mathematics for Tertiary Studies 1 (TM1)
    TM1, a course in elementary mathematics is designed to have the student commence work on the foundation concepts, rules and methods of basic mathematics. The main aim of this course is to provide a refresher course in those fundamentals of basic mathematics which are necessary to develop mathematics as a unified body of knowledge.

    Some knowledge of arithmetic (adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing numbers), is assumed although the rules are revised.


    Transition Mathematics for Tertiary Studies 2 (TM2)
    This course continues on from TMI but is complete in itself as a preparatory course for a study of first year tertiary mathematics, in business, applied science and engineering. The emphasis is on graphical representation and interpretation and application of the content to useful problems.


    Communication Pathways into University
    Communication Pathways into university is a literacy skills course focusing on women, science and education. The course covers study skills, essay writing, sentence structuring and punctuation, paragraph structures, paraphrasing and summarising, note-taking, reading techniques, referencing and bibliographies.


    Computer Skills for Higher Education
    The Computer Skills for Higher Education component of the WIST program develops the basic computer skills necessary for students to prepare and present correctly formatted academic assignments.

    BIOL40103        Introductory Biology
    CHEM40070     Introductory Chemistry
    COIT40226     Computer Skills for Higher Education
    COMM40105     Communication Pathways
    MATH40087     Transition Maths I
    MATH40229     Transition Maths II
    PHYS40110     Introductory Physics
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Other programs related to education (various)

  • Postgraduate Diploma of Education

  • Institution: Bond University
  • + Information by E-mail
  • Associate Degree of Learning Management

  • Institution: Central Queensland University Bundaberg Campus
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  • Diploma of Learning Design

  • Institution: Central Queensland University Bundaberg Campus
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  • Associate Degree of Learning Design

  • Institution: Central Queensland University Bundaberg Campus
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  • Certificate IV in Training and Assessment TAE40110 - Brisbane Courses

  • Institution: Inspire Education
  • + Information by E-mail
  • Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education)

  • Institution: Curtin University
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  • Master of Education

  • Institution: Curtin University
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