Workplace Harassment & Violence

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Workplace Harassment & Violence

  • Objectives This one day course will help you teach participants how to:

    * Understand what workplace violence and harassment is
    * Understand the benefits of harassment training
    * Act if they are harassed or accused of harassment
    * Understand the complaint process, from the complaint to the reply, to mediation or investigation, to a solution
    * Identify situations where mediation is appropriate, and understand how mediation works in those situations
    * Identify appropriate solutions for a harassment incident
    * Act if a complaint is false
    * Help their workplace return to normal after a harassment incident
    * Identify some warning signs of violence
    * Understand the cycle of anger
    * Use a seven-step process for managing their anger and others’ anger
    * Have better communication and problem solving skills, which will reduce frustration and anger
    * Develop some other ways of managing anger, including coping thoughts and relaxation techniques
  • Course description This Workplace Harassment & Violence Course is an easy approach to the requirements of business for harassment issues and violence. Great for those who deal with violence and harassment or have been involved themselves.

    Duration: One Day: 9am - 4:30pm

    Violence of any sort has many roots. 99% of the time, there are warning signs of workplace violence. No wonder companies are working to be more proactive in preventing harassment.

    But how do you prevent harassment from occurring? What sorts of policies should be in place? What should managers do to protect their employees? And if a
    complaint is filed, what will we do? All of these questions (and more!) will be answered in this one-day workshop. We will take a comprehensive look at workplace violence
    and harassment: how to prevent it on an individual and an organizational level, and how to respond to it if it does occur.

    Workplace Harassment Morning Session:

    Defining Harassment
    This session will look at legal, literary, and reasonable man/woman definitions of harassment.

    The Purpose of Training
    We will discuss what kind of harassment training can benefit an organization.

    Sexual Harassment
    This session will discuss sexual harassment in a lecture and small group work. Topics
    covered include the definition of sexual harassment, the components of harassment,
    and common scenarios that could be construed as harassment.

    Creating a Harassment Policy
    The best way to prevent harassment from occurring is by setting a clear policy,
    educating employees about it, and enforcing it. We will discuss some basics of creating,
    implementing, and monitoring a policy, plus some training points.

    Nipping it in the Bud
    One of the most important prevention strategies is for managers to carefully monitor
    their workplace. During this session we will use a lecture and a role play to talk about
    how managers can do this.

    Protecting Yourself
    There are many things that you can do to minimize your risk of being harassed or of
    being perceived as a harasser. We will discuss six of them.

    What if it Happens to Me?
    During this session we will discuss what you can do if someone is harassing you,
    including techniques for saying no. Participants will then practice these techniques
    during a role play.

    What if it’s Happening to Someone Else?
    There will often be situations where a manager thinks or knows that harassment is
    occurring, but a complaint has not been filed. We will discuss what to do in this

    Someone has Filed a Complaint Against Me!
    If you are in the situation where someone has filed a complaint against you, do not
    panic. There are several steps that you can take to deal with the situation appropriately,
    all of which will be discussed in detail during this session.

    Addressing a Complaint
    No matter how proactive you are, most employers receive a harassment complaint at some point in time. We will discuss the four key components of dealing with a
    complaint fairly and appropriately.

    False Complaints
    If you suspect that a harassment complaint is false, you must be very careful when
    dealing with it. This session will discuss some things that you can do in this situation.

    When the claimant decides to file a complaint, mediation may be offered as an
    alternative. We will discuss what mediation is, when it is and isn’t appropriate, and how
    the process may work. Participants will also have an opportunity to role play mediation.

    Investigating a Complaint
    Investigating harassment complaints often requires special training and skills. During
    this session, we will cover some basics of investigation, including when a complaint
    should and should not be investigated, who should be involved, what the investigation
    process should look like, and how results can be reported.

    Making the Decision
    During this session we will talk about who should make the final decision about the
    complaint. We will also discuss when you should involve legal counsel.

    There are three possible solutions to a harassment complaint: solutions for the
    complainant, solutions for the respondent, and solutions for the organization. We will
    explore possibilities for each case during this session.

    After It’s Over
    Once the harassment complaint has been resolved, everyone should try to get back to
    normal life. This session will discuss how managers and the organization as a whole can
    help employees make this transition.

    Workplace Violence Afternoon Session:

    What is Workplace Violence?
    To start the afternoon, we will examine what workplace violence is, the cycle of violence, and some warning signs.

    The Anger Management Process
    Dr. Lynn McClure, an anger management specialist, has identified a seven-step process
    to manage anger (yours or someone else’s). We will examine this process in detail
    through a lecture and through role play presentations.

    Basic Problem-Solving Tools
    Being an effective problem solver is another way a person can help prevent anger. We
    look at a three-phase problem solving model and a problem solving toolkit. Participants
    will then apply these skills to a case study and to a personal problem.

    Other Ways of Managing Anger
    During this session, participants will discover some ways to manage their own anger,
    including coping thoughts, strategies to unwind, and relaxation techniques.

    Workplace Practices and Procedures
    We will look at how training, Human Resources policies, staff management, and security
    measures can help make your workplace a safer place.

    Developing Emergency Response Plans
    It is crucial that employees know what to do in case of an incident. We will discuss some
    incidents to be prepared for and we will discuss what an ERP should cover.

    The Immediate Response
    We will look at what to do when you are part of a violent incident.

    Consulting with the Experts
    Depending on the situation, you may find that you need outside help. This session will
    discuss who should be brought in, when they should be contacted, and how they should
    be contacted.

    The next step in the threat response process is to establish a communication plan. We
    will give participants a template and some tips on communicating effectively.

    About the courses

    The workshops are a fun & entertaining learning experience. We highlight skills throughout the course and provide practical information on solving current issues and situations. By applying the information personally to each of the participants we help provide real solutions for each individual.
    The way we deliver

    We discuss with participants what they would like to obtain from each course. This way the facilitator knows exactly what information will be useful to each individual. It also means each course is custom made to suit the individuals at the course and our participants can learn more at a quicker pace without covering material that may not be required. By learning from each other within the course the participants can take real skills back to the workplace.

    This helps everyone make the most of the training. Here are some additional details on why many people choose a Paramount course.

    Why Paramount courses are better courses
         -Motivational and professional trainers
         -Lunch and refreshments provided
         -We combine entertainment with training
         -Every course is custom designed to suit the participants
         -We provide professional and useful manuals to keep as a reference

    What can you expect?
         -A fun and entertaining session
        -Useful skills you can use straight away
        -A friendly trainer with personal attention
        -A certificate for each participant that attends
        -Experienced help and assistance in the specialised training areas
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