Associate Degree of Building Design - Distance

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Comments about Associate Degree of Building Design - Online

  • Objectives
    This program produces graduates capable of designing and documenting residential and commercial buildings up to three storeys above a lower level set aside for car parking. Students should note prerequisite requirements and term availability (in this handbook) when planning their study load for the year. Courses are offered annually. It is suggested that courses be studied in the sequence shown in the recommended study schedule. The individual's workload may be varied to balance work and family commitments. If assistance is required contact the Program Coordinator. Students should actively seek employment in the building industry. Prospective students should note that exemptions from courses within the program may be given where their previous study at AQF certificate 4 level or higher fully meets the learning outcomes of a course. Students should not enrol into a course where they are seeking an exemption. The Faculty has established sets of exemptions for holders of selected TAFE qualifications.
  • Entry requirements
    Domestic students - Prerequisites: nil; Recommended study - English, science subjects and Maths B
  • Academic title
    Associate Degree of Building Design
  • Course description

    About Building Design

    Building designers (medium rise) are able to plan and document buildings ranging from family homes to medium-rise commercial buildings.

    Studies develop skills in design and documentation, understanding of construction, structures, building materials and services, professional practice and communication. Principles of sustainability are integrated throughout the program.

    CQUniversity's built environment fields of study are designed with students' needs in mind. Offered exclusively by distance education mode, the program is completed part-time while you are working or seeking employment in the industry.

    Career Opportunities

    Building designers provide design solutions for residential and commercial buildings and work for design, architectural, planning, building or engineering firms, government departments and corporations with a large building portfolio.

    Successful completion of this award satisfies the educational requirements for the Building Design - Medium Rise licence, issued by the Building Services Authority, Queensland.

    Program Structure

    To satisfy the requirements of the award, students must complete 16 courses/96 units of credit as outlined below:

        * 8 compulsory courses (Level 1); and
        * 8 compulsory courses (Level 2).

    Course Code      Course Name
    Level 1 - 8 compulsory courses
    BLAR11032     Structural Forms & Analysis
    BLAR11033     Building Materials 1
    BLAR11039     Building Law & Regulations
    BLAR11043     Building Systems and Services 1
    BLAR11045     Built Environment 1
    BLAR11048     Construction 2
    BLCN11033     Construction 1
    COMM11003    Professional and Technical Communication

    Level 2 - 8 compulsory courses
    BLAR12034     Building Legislation 1
    BLAR12036     Building Design 1
    BLAR12038     Building Industry Contracts
    BLAR12041     Building Materials 2
    BLAR12050     Contract Documentation
    BLAR12052     Geotechnical Studies
    BLAR12053     Professional Practice
    BLAR12054     Structural Design Processes

    Recommended study schedule
    By following the recommended study schedule, students will address required course prerequisite units. Minor variations may occur due to credit transfers granted and work and family commitments.
    Course Code     Course Name

    Year 1 - T1
    BLAR11033     Building Materials 1
    BLCN11033    Construction 1

    Year 1 - T2
    COMM11003   Professional and Technical Communication
    BLAR11045     Built Environment 1

    Year 1 - T3
    BLAR11039     Building Law & Regulations

    Year 2 - T 1
    BLAR12034     Building Legislation 1
    BLAR11032     Structural Forms & Analysis

    Year 2 - T2
    BLAR11043     Building Systems and Services 1
    BLAR11048     Construction 2

    Year 2 - T3
    BLAR12036     Building Design 1

    Year 3 - T1
    BLAR12052     Geotechnical Studies
    BLAR12053     Professional Practice

    Year 3 - T2
    BLAR12050     Contract Documentation
    BLAR12054     Structural Design Processes

    Year 3 - T3
    BLAR12041     Building Materials 2

    Year 4 - T1
    BLAR12038     Building Industry Contracts

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