Bachelor of Animal Science

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Comments about Bachelor of Animal Science - On Campus - Perth - WESTERN AUSTRALIA - Western Australia

  • Entry requirements
    Chemistry Background

    Students may need to complete one prerequisite unit depending on their background in chemistry and their final scaled score in TEE Chemistry within the past three years.TEE Chemistry with a final scaled score of 60 percent or more OR PEC140 - Introduction to ChemistryStudents who have completed previous chemistry not stated above should consult the Academic Chair for clarification of their enrolment requirements.
  • Course description
    Part I - 24 points

    Foundation Unit - 3 points
    Select one Foundation Unit from the Foundation Units section in this Handbook.

    Core Units - 15 points
    ANS101 - Animal Production Systems I

    BMS107 - Principles of Vertebrate Physiology

    BIO152 - Cell Biology

    MAS183 - Statistical Data Analysis and Databases

    ANS106 - Animal and Human Bioethics

    General Electives - 6 points
    Select from any 100-level units offered by the University, subject to individual unit prerequisites. Any Murdoch unit taken as a course prerequisite will be considered as a Part I General Elective. Students are advised to consider using these points to meet the requirements of a minor.

    Recommended: ANS102 - Introduction to the Animal Body

    Part II - 72 points

    Core Units - 56 points
    ANS253 - Physiology and Anatomy of Farm Animals

    ANS251 - Agricultural Biochemistry

    ANS252 - Animal Molecular Biology

    BIO252 - Immunology, Vaccines and Cell Culture

    ANS350 - Pathology and Disease of Production Animals

    ANS351 - Animal Microbiology

    ANS354 - Animal Nutrition and Toxicology

    ANS356 - Animal Parasitology

    ANS450 - Animal Science Research Project

    ANS250 - Animal Production Systems II

    ANS353 - Animal Production Systems III

    ANS357 - Animal Industry Experience

    ANS458 - Animal Production Systems IV

    General Electives - 16 points
    Select from any 200- to 400-level units offered by the University, subject to individual unit prerequisites.Students are advised to consider using these points to meet the requirements of a minor.

    Recommended, subject to permission of the Academic Chair:
    ANS459 - Special Topics in Animal Science 1: Applied Animal Agriculture

    ANS4591 - Special Topics in Animal Science 2: Applied Animal Breeding

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